An endless pain 1

"Qinyang told the driver to stop the car at a nearby store and she came out of the car without saying a word which pissed Rouchen off ,he rolled down the window and look at her coldly but she just glare at him and walked away "

She left without saying goodbye or thank you ,what a fool "he thought and rolled the window up " let's go "he said and the car zoom off"


Qinyang entered her apartment and sat on her bed ,she looked around and saw her sketching board and quickly took it to the living room, she arranged different colors on the table and started drawing different comics then she smiled brightly "

Ai, will never face any problems now ,my sister will be fine soon and it's all thanks to that nutjob …..Ah qinyang what are you saying,he helped your sister ,whatever he is still a nutjob ,I feel like doing many bad things to him,Even if his handsome I will still not stop call a nutjob "she took her phone and was about to call Jaiyi but the door bell ring and she went near the door and open it and the angry Jaiyi entered scaring qinyang ,she sat on the sofa and glare at qinyang while qinyang smiled at her "

Why are you smiling,I called you many times but you didn't answer ,I was so worried about you "she.pouted and qinyang sat beside her "

I went to see my grandparents ,I am sorry I didn't inform you about it

It's okay,I am not angry I am just worried about you

I want to see Xiang Ai tomorrow,let's go to the hospital tomorrow.

No no we can't go "she shouted which shocked Jaiyi "

Why ? Why can't we go

Well ,grandma said there is a miracle doctor at own town so I took Ai with me ,she will be staying their for sometime "she lied"

Ok that's great then ,I wanted to ask you something "her face turned serious "

Ok tell me "she quickly looked at her friend"

I don't know what relationship you have with Ming zhu and Wei yi but today while father was explaining something to her our class ,Wei yi came all the way from her class to ask of you ,she said it was urgent and she wanted to see you about Ming zhu .

Qinyang fake a smile and quickly composed herself,she stood up and change the topic"

Aren't you hungry,let me cook noodles for you

No I won't eat noodles,you only know how to cook noodles at least learn how to cook other food ,but don't worry I am here I will cook for you "Jaiyi knew something must have happened between them but she didn't want qinyang to get hurt so she also pretend to not care about her relationship with Ming zhu "

Jaiyi,I ...

Qinyang I know you don't want to tell me but if you feel like you can't keep it to yourself then tell me anytime,I am always here for you "she embrace her and qinyang smiled "

I am grateful to have you by my side

So you must promise not to have another close friend except for me,

You are joking right ?"she quickly pull away from her embrace "

I am not joking,I must always be your close friend and no one must take my place in your heart and don't you ever hid anything from me

I….. " qinyang was about to talk when her stomach groan then her face turn red " I guess my stomach need attention first

I will cook for you,don't you dare order any food "she quickly went into the kitchen and after some minutes Jaiyi prepared hotpot and rice ,she served the food and the both of them started eating

If I didn't come to your place today you would have order food right "Jaiyi glared at her and qinyang could only smile cutely and her" qinyang ,you are the only friend I have in this life,you are the one that listen to my nagging and stubborness,All the friends I have before are only with me because I am a famous actress in line but you don't care about my background,you just took me as your friend and will always be your best friend and I hope no one come between us "Jaiyi said inwardly and chuckled "


Lu mansion

A middle age woman sat beside her husband and gave him a glass of wine and he collected it an peck her hand

Shu 'er ,our daughter is going to be engaged to Li Rouchen but why are you tell that good for nothing Ming zhu that you will get her engaged to Li Rouchen and why are you so nice to her "he asked curiously"

Ahh honey ,firstly I don't like your elder sister's daughter and secondly our shihan will marry Li Rouchen not Ming zhu and if we get our daughter married to the Li family then our life will be set forever "the couple started laughing and Shihan entered and hugged her parents,she is wearing a gown that covers up to her thigh,her heavy makeup made her face disgusting "

Mom ,how do I look "she asked happily "

You are looking great my angel "Yin Tao said and smiled" go and see Li Rouchen's grandma and make sure she is impressed with you and your beauty,I want you to become the Li family's daughter in law

Don't worry dad I won't disappoint you "she said and Ming zhu entered "

Uncle ,aunt good evening,I ... " before she could say anything,Shu'er slapped her"

You good for nothing,bastard you don't have any shame ,I heard you are roaming around the college with men just to sell your body for money "Shu'er lied "

Yes father it is true,I saw her going around the college today with guys "Shihan said and smirked "

No no aunt ,Shihan is lying ,I was only with weiyi today and I only went to the stage to perform a show for my acting and today I was selected as an actress that will join the industry after my graduation from college in three months and... " Shu'er slapped her again and this time her finger left scars on her pretty pale face ,her lips was bleeding then laughing at her stupid naive nature ,how can this woman who isn't related to her mother even look love her ,even her uncle who is related to her mother don't like her then what was she expecting from them ,Ming zhu has been living with these people for thirteen years after her father death ,her mother has been I'll seen her father's death,she has been gathering money from place to pay for treatment and with Wei yi help her mother is receiving a proper treatment but her uncle would torment and torture her life and make her kneel down in the rain for many hours ,she want to get out of the Lu family after her graduation in three months but she can't bear this torture anymore ,enough of all these endless pain

So your love and affection for me was only fake ,you just want to use me for your benefit, "she said coldly and Shu'er smirked "

What do you thinking my dear cousin ?" Shihan said" oh mom what did you do ,Li Rouchen would never get engaged to someone as ugly as she is

Don't worry then you will marry Li Rouchen "Shu'er said and the trio started laughing evilly "

But dad I don't want this bitch anywhere near our family as it is she is not part of the Lu family,her father is just a gabbage who came from poor family "she said and rolled her eyes "

I am not using the Lu family name but you all said I should use it because you want the whole rich to think you are accepted your elder sister daughter who doesn't even know her father but let me tell even if I use my father name or my mother name,it's not your business "

You stupid brat "Shu'er started beating her and Shihan went to pack all her belongings and she was thrown out of the mansion "