An endless pain 2

Ming zhu looked up in the sky and smirked her small pale face was heavy,she squirted and put her head on her legs ,she feel like crying hard but she can't,her life has always been like a game ,no body can ever love her ,the only person that love her was her mother nobody else cares for her

Where will I go,I will stay in a hotel for tonight then I will look for an apartment tomorrow "she thought to herself "


Meanwhile Qinyang and Jaiyi went to a comic store to read some comics story then jiayi received a call and left"

But I thought you will sleep at my place tonight "qinyang pouted"

Sorry I really have to go bye "she left"

It's 6:45 pm ,I think I should also go home ,hey sir I will leave see you next week "she said and ran out and the old man wonder why she left earlier than before "


Qinyang was walking by her street when she saw a lady who is unconscious near her neighbor's apartment,she quickly went near her and help her up but when she saw Ming zhu ,she was shocked and scared to see her in this condition,she quickly picked her up and took her into her apartment and took her language in ,she putting her on the bed and firstly bandage her wounds and took her bunny pajama and change her clothes for her,then she sat beside her and observe her carefully

Ming'er what has happened to you ?are you alright ?,why are you like this?,how is auntie doing ?I….I have a lot to tell you I have a lot to ask you,I…want to cry in your arms like I always do when we were kids but you keep pushing me away ,you didn't even ask of Ai ,you have become so heartless,why did things turn out like this ,why ? "Qinyang put her head on the bed said and slept off "

The next day Ming zhu open her eyes and look around the room she's in then she quickly sat up and rub her forehead "I was going to ask about location from someone then I fainted and what happened after that…." she looked at her clothes and screamed" who changed my clothes

I am the one who changed it "Qinyang entered the room with a plate of egg noodles ,I saw you at the front of my neighbors apartment so seen she wasn't at home so I brought you here,you are still weak eat up so you can regain your strength "Qinyang said and gave her the food,I will take my bath now "she said as fast as she can talk and ran out of the room while Ming zhu could only blink her eyes many times "

What just happened,wait I…I…I am in qinyang house,it's over,for goodness sake I was trying my best to avoid her then why did I have to come to her neighbors apartment,I mean I just wanted to ask if the bill of the hotel near these buildings is not expensive,now I am here"

After bathing,qinyang took some of her clothes to Ming zhu" I want you to take something to wear here,you clothes are dirty so ….but it's okay if you don't want…..

Don't want what ?do you want me to leave your house in this bunny pajamas, "she collected it and quickly went to take her bath,After sometime she also came out and wore her clothes then she came out and started looking around the small but beautiful apartment and smile "as expected of qinyang whatever she does is unique "she sat on the sofa"

"Qinyang came out of the kitchen and gave her cup of juice and sat beside her "

So you love creating comics right ? "Ming zhu asked"

Yes it has always been my dream to create comics "she said happily "

But if I could remember you can also design jewelry,you can become a designer like you aunt Nuannuan ,why don't you become a designer instead of a comic designer "she asked curiously because seen their childhood,qinyang as been good in designing then why isn't she going for it"

Can I also ask you why you are in the acting industries instead of becoming a business woman?

"The room was silent for a long time then Ming zhu talked "

If one day you have the money to be like aunt in designing jewelry will you do it "she asked"

Yes absolutely,it's not only my dream but mom and dad dream too"she smiled warmly at Ming zhu "what about you .

Yes me too,I will surely become a business tycoon ,one day "she smiled and Qinyang held Ming zhu's hands and her tears fell on Ming zhu hands "

Sister Ming'er can we become friends again,I don't know why uncle blame dad or for what he blame him for but all I know is that what happened between them wasn't our fault and it might have been a misunderstanding between them and the only one who can tell us about it is aunt but I don't what to know about their matter all I want is to stay will you "qinyang was looking into her eyes to see every emotion in her but Ming zhu was looking at her blankly as if it was no use talking about it

Qinyang, I don't believe in destiny ,what I know is that I can change it with my hand and my reason for staying away from you was because your father was the reason my father died,that night dad told uncle not to act in an haste,if only uncle listen will those people kill my father I…..I... "Ming zhu couldn't hold her tears anymore as she burst into tears "I witness how my father was killed,mom was unconscious after dad died but your parents fled without saving me and my mother,how is it fair ?,stay away from me ,qinyang "she stood up and took her purse to leave but qinyang hugged her"

No,it's impossible,I can't stay away from you,I beg you,sister,I...I…..I beg you don't leave me alone,I don't want to be alone again ,I will spend the rest of my life paying for what dad did to uncle,but please don't leave "First her parents left without saying goodbye ,her dear uncle left,Ai didn't even call her sister once before she slip into coma and her elder cousin left along with her mother and now that she has the chance to make things better Ming zhu saying she should stay away " I am sorry,for causing trouble,i promise I will not be mischievous like when we are kids I wil listen to you ,I will never argue again please just stay with me sister,I ...I…

I will send your clothes to you tomorrow "Ming zhu pull her away from her embrace and walked to the door and looked at qinyang who is standing like statue " and I am not your cousin ,I am just a child that was born before my parents get married and their couldn't get married because of uncle that night ,so legally I am not part of the Zhou family "and with that she left and qinyang was speechless,the word kept ringing in her ears" she isn't my cousin legally,so she is still part of the Lu family, "qinyang started laughing and the pain in her heart is heavy,she started holding her head in pain and quickly used her tablet and she fall unconscious "