First kiss

Qinyang wide eyes was shining,her mouth were opened,she looked at the expensive necklace,bracelets,rings and clothes,she glanced at Rouchen and Wang Hao who was holding his laughter the maids in the room her trembling in fear,Qinyang noticed them and sighed, "they are scared of Rouchen but why ?

Li Rouchen,I think all these clothes are too expensive especially the necklaces….. what I mean is I .....

You wouldn't wear it "he asked coldly and qinyang jump in fear "

Ahahaha ,I will wear it,can you move out now I…I need to change. "Li Rouchen stared at her as she approached the two maids and smiled friendly at them holding her dress up for them look at it and thought how carefree she is ,he sighed and left the room with wang Hao and qinyang quickly sat on the bed breathing heavily holding her chest"

Why was he staring at me ? I couldn't breathe for sometime "she looked at the two maid who are staring at her intensely"

Will you both help me get dressed ? " she asked curiously "

Yes miss,that's why Boss hired us ,I am yan and she is zhu? "Yan smiled warmly at her "

Yan,why are you scared of Li Rouchen ?

No we are really scared,he just hired us today and we heard that he had never hired female servants so we are scared that he will fire us "Zhu said and drop her head" and we need the money for our father's treatment "Yan said and qinyang smiled at them"

Don't worry I am here,so I will take care of you two .

I think Master hired us to take care of your needs so we will do our best to serve you well "Zhu said and the maids helped qinyang get ready".

**** Outside the Villa ****

An elegant woman came outside of her car,her skin was glowing under the sun,she remove her sunglasses and smiled brightly "After a long time she was standing at her grandson's Villa " she looked around and gave her purse and sunglasses to an old man who is smiling at her.

Welcome Madam Ling,it's been awhile "the bulter said and Ling smiled and quickly moved closer to him and they went inside "

Tell me how does my granddaughter look like ? Is she prettier than the Lu's Daughter ,she is very nice right "she asked impatiently and the poor bulter was crying inside " if he tells his master's grandma that he hasn't even met any girlfriend and the one inside was forcefully brought here then his head will be rolling on the floor and madam Ling consider him to be her friend that's why he was in charge of reporting his condition to her put these pass few days he could only lie that he was in good health to her,he sighed and smiled "

We haven't talked seen she came here last night "he lied" Why ? "The old woman tilted her head " that's because she just started staying here yesterday night and she didn't even come out of master's room and master also was with her until this morning and when I saw her she was holding her waist….i think their relationship is okay madam "Forgive me for lying to you madam but master will definitely chop off my head if I tell you anything so please believe my little lie "he thought and smiled at the dumbfounded woman "

I thought my grandson wasn't interested in women but it seems that girl is his fated life partner,hah finally I can rest "she said in relieve then Rouchen came downstairs with qinyang ,they hands was locked together as if they were lovers,qinyang smiled and looked at the woman sitting on the chair and thought "wow she is so elegant and her skin look so .....huh …hot ,I think hot is what I can use for her ,wait is she real his grandma,are everyone in the Li family like this wait what will he parents look like I can't imagine it ,I think I am the most luckiest person here" .

How have you been doing?Rouchen asked nonchalantly and qinyang glared at him "

Stupid grandson,how can you talk to me like that,it's as if you don't care about me "she fake sniffed knowing how he grandson personality is she knew he cared but wouldn't show how much he cares ,she looked qinyang who is glaring at Rouchen which made her smile in comfort and thought "she is indeed cute especially with her bunny blouse and short pants "

Grandma,how have you been? I hope you take care of yourself from now because I will be the one to take care of your dear grandson so will you be willing to leave him to me "she beam but inside her mind she is screaming at herself for been straightforward ,Rouchen told her to do anything in her power to make his grandma believe their fake relationship but she just didn't want to help him for using her sister to threatening her that's why she didn't wear the clothes he bought for her because she knows Rouchen's grandma will want a granddaughter from a rich family and she even lie that the dresses are big for her small body and ...."

I like how bold you are ,so take care of him he is quiet stubborn "she said and glanced at her grandson who's looking at his hand that his locked with qinyang's hand and cleared her throat " what is your name and what's your family background?

Qinyang swallow hard and thought here comes the bitter truth " I am Zhou qinyang ...I am not from a rich f..f…f amity but .....

It doesn't matter to me if she isn't from a rich family,all that matter is that I like her and very soon we are getting married "Rouchen said without any emotion and qinyang's face went pale but she composed herself when Rouchen clutch her hand and smiled faintly then Ling frown "

Qinyang is he making you happy or he is threatening you? "she asked and qinyang lied but the old woman was still smiling and Rouchen grip on her hand imply that he will lose is cool if she doesn't believe her lie then there is only one option and a peck on the cheek is ok right she thought and lean closer to Rouchen while Rouchen sensed that she was leaning closer to him he turned his head and her lips touched his and their face widened in shock but qinyang quickly moved away and smile at the old woman who is grinning ear to ear " Do you believe me "she said nervously and the old woman smiled after seeing Rouchen reaction then Rouchen stood up"

Grandma,I will be in the study room ,excuse me "he left in an hurry while qinyang was in a panic state then Ling smiled at the pale girl " come sit beside me my girl "she said and qinyang sat beside her ,the old lady knew her grandson well,she knows he can't become that cheerful young boy again because of his past but she is sure that there's hope for him and that hope is qinyang so she will do everything in her power to bring them closer and this fake relationship of theirs will become real "she thought and started chitchatting with her granddaughter in law .

Soon it was time to eat dinner but Rouchen didn't come down which made the old lady sad then qinyang told her to eat her food that she will make Rouchen eat and the old woman smiled in relief and went to her room then qinyang went to Rouchen's room with his food she inhale and exhale sharply and thought about the kiss then she smiled to herself". What can a kiss do to him ,he is cold heartened he will only find it disgusting maybe that's why he left but that doesn't mean he should hurt his grandma's feelings by not eating "she muttered then she knock on the door but no respond then she open the door slightly and peek but the room was dark,candles were around the room and the dim light was the only thing that made her enter his room she careful place his food beside the candle on the table and was about to leave when she inhale his scent she knew he was beside her and she was looked at him in eyes ,even if the light in the room was dim,she knew he just came out of the bathroom,she looked at him and swallow hard screaming in her head how handsome this man is".

Where are you going "he said but his voice wasn't cold but it's surprisingly calm but qinyang quickly snap out of it and take three steps back away from him because of his neck chest which she doesn't want to look at" I came to give you your food so I will leave you alone now .

Who said you could leave this room,don't forget we are acting and my grandma is still here "he said and walk towards the table and carried the food " you can sleep comfortably "he said and left but qinyang felt a little sad,she sat on the bed " he didn't even say anything about our kiss,I am sure he felt unhappy and .... Zhou qinyang you would fall for him,?but it was my first kiss "she screamed inwardly and lay down on the bed looking at the ceiling then she rolled over the bed and eventually fell asleep".