His possession 1


Grandma, good morning "Qinyang entered the dinner room smiling from ears to ears and the old woman smiled at her as she sat down and glanced at Rouchen who is eating his food peacefully and calmly which made her smile while eating"

Ah yuan ,when are you two getting married "she said and qinyang almost choke on her food but Li Rouchen was still sitting calmly as if nothing happened "

I want qinyang to continue her career after next month ,so we aren't rushing our marriage "he said and stood up"

But how about engagement, I must inform the Lu family that you like another person not their olderest daughter and....

I never told the Lu family that I want to marry their daughter ,so it's up to you "he said coldly and left "

Did I just hear Lu family, Ming zhu is supposed to get engaged to Li Rouchen but ....

...Yang , are you ok, are you listening to me "she ask qinyang who is lost in thought "

I'm sorry I wasn't listening "she smiled nervously "

Don't worry I will never let you and Li Rouchen part ways "she chuckled "

Ahhh I am not worried about your grandson right now I am worried about my Ming zhu "she thought in her mind" grandma I will be on my way now

Ok let's me drop you ,I am also leaving, I will visit often "she said and the duo left the house after sometime qinyang arrived at her apartment "

Thank you grandma see you soon "she waved at her as the car zoom off " ahh "she sighed and quickly went into her apartment ,Minutes later , she came out of her room dressed in the big bunny vast and big long trousers and her hair is tied in a bun, she sat on the sofa with her laptop and started drawing ,minutes passed then her phone started ringing"

 hello , wanwan "she answered in a sad tone"


 Qinyang ,are you ok "she frowned after hearing her sad voice"

 I am fine, I'm just thinking of what I will do after college 'she lied , she doesn't want to tell her Ming zhu was suppose to married Li Rouchen " 

 Stop lying to me, you sound worried, is it about Rouchen.

 No ,it's nothing like that ,I am alright "she lied and decided to change the topic" wanwan how is the project you are preparing for your new company.

 Ah yes I already got the job I will start working tomorrow as a manager "she said excited about her position forgetting about what she was asking qinyang" I am so happy and I won't be able to see that Ma chengjun and his stupid wife again, i also have an higher position now so my salary is high so we will be able to buy anything we want "she started rolling on the bed giggling like a child while qinyang listen to everything she was saying without Shen wanwan in her life then she will be dead ,she remembered that day Ai almost died in her hands


 " In a cold and icy winter a ten years old girl was holding her little sister cold body while crying bitterly for help but people were walking away as if they were invincible kids but Shen wanwan appeared she smiled sweetly at them and held out her hand for her " 

 Are you ok "she ask with a worried expression"

 she was just like an angel ,she called her grandma for help and we were taken to the hospital , she and her grandmother took care of us and after some days her grandmother passed away after that we did see each other but the day i saw her ,her stepmother was torturing her i went to help her but we were sent out of the house then i took Ai to our abandon house that's were our grandparents saw us and took us to their house but after three months i came back for studies when i meet her with Ma chengjun , i was so happy ,we did everything together for years when i wasn't with her she would call me and sometimes after her college classes were over she would visited us and she got married to Ma chengjun but after three years we find out he was having an affair with her stepsister and since then Shen Wanwan has been trying her best to stay away from him and her sister but the place she was working was where her sister was the director but now she is a manager in that company


"Qinyang was lost in thought that she didn't hear what Wanwan was saying "

And he said I should because his girlfriend and I said ...…..

WHAT !!!! "Qinyang shouted at the top of her voice" Sister Wanwan I hope you refuse him "she snapped"

No I didn't reject him,he was proposing in public and I didn't give him false hope either I only told him I will go on a date with him once ,he told me he will try his best to win my heart and then ….."Shen started rambling but qinyang cut her off"

I want you to be in a relationship that your opinion matter the most not the one when you submit yourself to the man "she said in a motherly tone making Wanwan chuckle"

Ok little mummy "Wanwan teased" ok I will call you later bye bye "she hanged up before Qinyang could say anything "

Ahh, "she sigh in frustration,she wasn't prepared to see Wanwan in a bad condition like that year, sighing again and put her head on the table and close her eyes hoping she end up with the right man this time"



Qinyang was typing on her laptop in an urgently when her phone rang making her sigh in frustration,who could be bothering her now ? Without checking the caller ID she shouted .

What !!! Say what you have to say I am busy !!!"She snapped but when she heard the cold voice from the other said she quickly check her phone"

I…. I… I m sorry…I didn't know...

Come out now "he commanded her and qinyang quickly drag her lazily body up and went out in an hurry"

Zhou qinyang,you have been ignoring all my calls since the last two days "Rouchen glared at her but she rolled her eyes"

I have been preparing for my college final exam,I just finished my last paper today and I also have to update on my comic lines so I haven't been available to talk for the past two weeks ....and you said I am only your girlfriend if you need me you didn't mean..... everytime "she yawned again and again then Rouchen noticed she has dark circles,his eyes stared at her from head to toe and notice she was wearing a chick pajamas that is bigger than her body,her black silky hair are messy and her small pink lips was dry,he frown slightly and folded his arms together"

You sigh a contract of three months not one day on and many weeks off "he said sternly " our contract will expire in five days so after your graduation come to my office so will discuss what to do next "he said coldly but qinyang looked at him confused" What do we need to discuss was written all over her face when she wanted to ask he narrowed his eyes then she pouted angrily"

Ok,ok I will come don't look at me like that "she snapped and turn around to leave when Rouchen called her "

Zhou qinyang,if you don't answer my phone call next time then you are aware of what I can do "he threatened but qinyang only rolled her eyes at him and walked away dragging her legs on the floor while holding her head"

Rouchen stare at qinyang as she went into her apartment,he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists and run his hands into his hair in frustration

"Why am I seeking out for her when she doesn't mean anything to me" he question himself .

When he first meet qinyang,he thought she was one of does girl who are after his looks and wealth at first he scared her by looking at her coldly but she didn't get scared and he has never said a long sentences before in his life but when she confronted him he said what he feel usually Wang Hao would be the one to talk while he will get be him instruction but that days he felt anger that all he wanted to do was to burst it out that's why he looked into Zhou qinyang background,he has never been comfortable in holding woman but after she fell on him ,it felt as if he has been waiting to touch her for so long and her lingering scent that kills all his tension disappear when he sees or feel her then he had a cruel idea when he carried her trembling body in his arm that night while she keep asking for help then he smirked evilly and then told her to be his girlfriend,he thought she would be happy as any other girl,Some girls will be head over hills to be with him if not him but his wealth his enough for that girl but when he saw her anger look and arrogant behavior it pissed him off all he wanted to do at that moment is to chain her down but his interest in her grow more and at that moment he threatened her by using her little sister and that was his only chance to have her to himself and if she behave stubborn then he would threaten her and to make it more interesting she is the first person to ignore him.

He knew she was busy for the past few weeks but he still wanted to see her after the time she spent in his Villa he just wanted to keep her near to himself then he find out she is good at design and her Literature and art work are also good he also went to her twitter page and saw all her work which impressed him and for the fist time since he started business he has jugde someone wrong without seeing her work then he decided to put her in his office at his secretary and not a girlfriend this time"

"Li Rouchen look at himself in the mirror and smirked handsomely"

Now I will be in possession of everything you do Zhou qinyang "he grinned and didn't know that his possession over her will make him fall in love with her in the future"