That night, Nancy bought some food for Adrian and watched him eat. The next day, she drove him to her place but took a detour at the superstore to get him some clothes, shoes and other wears.
The drive to Nancy's residence was a normal one where they would chat while driving but it was the best moment for Nancy. She always drives home alone and she doesn't even have friends around and not even a gateman because the gates to her house are automatic.
Adrian on the other hand was wowed with what he saw. It was by far the biggest duplex structure he has seen in his lifetime. "You live here?" Adrian asked in disbelief. Nancy blushed. "Yes. I told you it was a big house." Adrian smiled, taking in every corner of the house. From the small open hut at one side of the wide frontage to the green grass to the Olympic size swimming pool. Everything was perfect.
Nancy parked in her garage and came out. She went to the boot and brought out all the wears and shoes and other things she bought for him. Adrian saw them and was shocked. "Are you travelling, Miss Nancy?" He asked Nancy. Nancy gave a hearty laugh and replied, "I got these things for you, Adrian. I want you to feel at home. Don't worry. It's just clothes, shoes, toys and everything you'll need as a child. Oh I almost forgot." Nancy went into her driver's seat and handed a package to Adrian. Adrian looked at this package. It was an iPad. A brand new iPad which was still in the packaging carton.
"This is too much. Miss Nancy it's good that you got me clothes and shoes, but the iPad? It's just too much. " Adrian retorted.
Nancy just smiled. "It's okay, Adrian. I lost my parents too so I know how you feel. I'm just trying my best to comfort you. And I feel I may not be trying much enough..." Adrian didn't let her finish and hugged her.
"You've done more than enough... Mom." Adrian said with tears in his eyes. Nancy looked back at him and hugged him too.
Nancy showed Adrian to his room and helped get the place set up. Then they had dinner of fried rice and chicken laps. A delicacy which Adrian enjoyed to the fullest.
When they were watching TV, Nancy asked Adrian a question. "Adrian, why'd you call me Mom earlier?" Adrian became slightly scared and began playing with his fingers. "Well... you said you lost family too. I wanted to comfort you also but I couldn't think of any other way to so I just said that. Are you angry I did that?" Adrian asked, his bright blue eyes staring remorsefully at Nancy.
Nancy just moved closer to Adrian on the couch and held his head on her chest. "I'm not angry. I was just curious. And I'm happy to be your mom, anytime. Let's make a deal." Nancy said.
" What deal?"
"You call me Mom whenever we go out, okay?" Nancy asked.
Adrian gave a heartwarming childish laughter. "You don't need me to make a deal to do that, mom. I already decided on that from downstairs."
Nancy gave a satisfying smile and put Adrian's head back on her chest. Then she began stroking his hair. "Baby? Do you mind if I braid your hair?" Nancy asked.
Adrian yawned. "Not at all, mom. But it has to be tomorrow." He said through drowsy eyes. Shortly after, he was sound asleep.
Nancy smiled and took him to her room. After she took her night shower, she put on a translucent nightie and slept while holding Adrian in her arms.
Meanwhile in another part of the state, Cedric, who was unconscious, was tied to a chair in a dark room with a dimly lit bulb in an abandoned factory. The door to that room opened and a heavily built man came inside the room. He was holding a bucket of water. He looked at Cedric with disgust for a while then proceeded to splash the entire bucket of water on him. Cedric awoke with a start and attempted to break free of the ropes that held him, but he was unsuccessful.
Another man of a slimmer build walked into the room while the big man gave way for him. Cedric looked up at him, then frowned.
"You bast*rd."
"Yeah. Me bast*rd. Let's cut to the chase, Cedric. Where is it? Where is the serum that's supposed to be rightfully mine?" The man said in a Russian accent, while sitting opposite Cedric.
Cedric didn't answer him. Instead, he spat in his face. The man cleansed the phlegm with his handkerchief, tossed the table aside angrily and began punching Cedric in the face without hesitation. Apparently, he doesn't like being spit on.
"Victor, I really hope you're safe wherever you are." Cedric secretly prayed in his mind while his face was being pummelled
Ten years later: 2022.
Adrian, sixteen years old now, was in his final year in the secondary level of his education. Even though he's sixteen, he has the body of an athletic eighteen year old teen. Also, he was a handsome boy with his shoulder-length hair braided every week by Nancy — who for some reason, enjoys braiding his hair. And coupled with high IQ, he had several admirers, even in social media, and mostly from the female folk.
"Mom! I'm headed to school!!" Adrian announced from the loving room while he headed towards the door.
"Okay, baby. Should I come pick you up? I've got the night shift today."
"Don't bother, mom. I'll just take the early closure time as a chance to jog past the bridge."
Nancy came out from the kitchen at that moment with a tray containing food which is meant to be Adrian's breakfast.
"You almost forgot breakfast, baby. And why would you be jogging past the bridge?"
" Thanks, mom. And today's Friday. I might just take the chance to stretch my legs a little."
" Okay baby. Just be safe. And don't forget your breakfast, okay?"
" Okay, mom." Adrian replied and settled to eat his breakfast.
That afternoon, while strolling across the bridge, he started hearing a car horn honking madly and the sound was getting louder by the second. Before he could even turn around and see what was happening, a Lexus RX350 vehicle zoomed past him, nearly hitting him, even when he was using the sidewalk.
"Daddy slow down! You're going too fast!!" A little boy's voice said.
"I can't, Felix. I'm sorry but the brakes have failed!" An older man's voice replied.
The voices obviously came from the vehicle that almost hit him. Even though the vehicle kept going forward and bashing into other cars, he could hear the voices like they were being said right in front of him.
While he kept observing the vehicle from where he was jogging, the vehicle swerved to the right, broke the bridge's railings and was headed into the ocean below.
As if on instinct, Adrian ran and jumped after the vehicle while people observed, thinking he was crazy. While on the air, he felt a searing pain at his back that disappeared after about a few seconds.
Felix and his dad, Philip, held hands in their falling car, awaiting their deaths when the car stopped in midair, making them hit their heads on the car's airbags. Then slowly, like an illusion, the car began flying back up, till it landed on the bridge.
Felix and his dad came out and saw everyone's focus on the air. He looked up and his jaw dropped. Suspended in the air was a boy of about sixteen years old. The main attraction were the two big white wings protruding from his back and flapping occasionally. His hair covered almost all parts of his face but his eyes now held a golden hue .
"Thank you, Angel." Felix said. Adrian heard him and landed in front of him, folded his wings and went down on one knee. "I'm not an angel, Felix. I'm human. Like you."