Jerry turned to look at the man on the floor with bloodshed eyes. A creepy smile grew on his face. His eye twitched in annoyance. "You want to steal from me, right? Mwhahahaha!"
"What in the world?" the second robber woke up in shock. He was tied upside down to a tree. It was already the deck of night, and he was stripped of his belongings down to his boxers.
"What the heck is going on? Jerry? Jerry? You there?" the man was about to have a stroke. He just wanted to make a quick cash.
"Do you know I had to waste three and a half hours putting back all my stuffs back in my house. Guess what? It wasn't easy, I had to carry chairs, tables and freaking refrigerator and do want to know the was part: I stubbed my toe on that same refrigerator" a familiar looking man came out from the shadows with eyes that suggest he was about to cry.
"Jerry? What the freak are you talking about? Get me down from here right now?" the man was surprised. Words were not enough to express what he was feeling right now. Wasn't this guy robbing this place with him?
"You know, after everything that I have been through, I decided to take the advice from a friend I made through a course I was taking. He was Nigerian and he gave me four words that will solve my problems, just like Hakuna Matata, he said 'No Gree for Anybody!'" Vorden was at a point of no return. He had been battered and bruised and at this point he didn't give a flip for anyone.
He brought out a baseball bat and a baseball. A notorious smile came on his face.
"Who told you to rob this house? Who in there right senses told you it was ok to walk up to my -sorry- this house and rob it? Please be careful with your answers so I can be careful with my pitch." Vorden said throwing the baseball up and catching it.
"Jerry, very funny, now put me down so we can continue with our biz. She would be angry if we didn't bring results for her soon." the man said with a nervous smile.
"Who is this she you're her talking about?" Vorden was curious about this hidden mastermind.
"Jerry, you of all know who she is best. Stop this joke and put me the heck do…"
The man felt a heavy hit to his stomach. The pain was slow to kick in but when he did he shrieked in pain. A mouthful of saliva sprung out his mouth leaving him coughing in pain.
"I told you to be careful with your answers. Look what you made me though, you all have brought me to this. You are making me act like that witch. Just cooperate with me and I will cooperate with you." Vorden shook is head. He had just hit the baseball straight to his stomach and he wasn't proud of it. Even though he had been through a lot he shouldn't hurt others, but had this moment, the only thing in is mind is simple: No Gree for Anybody.
"Layla, it's Layla that sent me. Our boss, the manager and the owner of the shop. Please Jerry just stop this." the man was already out of his mind, he didn't even care for answers anymore, he just wants to go home. 'Mommyyy…'
"Layla? I have never heard that name before. Which store is that?" Vorden asked trying to remember if he had offended someone with that name so bad that they will want to rob him.
"Beatrice Video Game store. To be honest with you, she asked 'us' to rob here because the owner his dead and his stuff was up for the take and you yourself know this." the man was starting to wonder if Jerry had gone mad.
"Don't tell me, is it that thief's shop. That thief who stole my cash now wants to steal my stuff." Vorden turned red in anger.
"Oh oh! She is in big trouble because I no go gree for anybody. What did he say again… Yes, she go collect!"