Chapter 15: Sweet Sweet Revenge

A lady is seen locking up a shop. It seems like she is retiring home for today. She kept the key in her bag.

"They aren't back since all this time. I am definitely going to teach them a lesson when they return." the girl spoke to herself seemingly angry.


A baseball flew right past her face nearly hitting her. 

"Hey!! What are you doing?" she said annoyed and a little scared.

"Sorry about that, I was just practicing my shot." a man with a familiar voice said.

"Jerry? Where is Andrew? Where are my goods? Oh, I forgot that you aren't the bright one." she said remembering how stupid he is.

Jerry had a surprised look on his face but it seems like he was expecting it. "Big Boss appeared at the scene for some reason." he said fearful, sweat dripped from his forehead.

"The Big Boss?! What did he say?" she said also getting fearful.

"He said that… he said that you should a-abandon t-he s-hop." Jerry said with a shaky voice.

"What do you mean?" she almost had a heart attack. Even if she disliked the video gamers she still wanted money. 

"He said that he was posting you to the shop in Tokyo and you should take the nearest train there immediately, he has already book you a ticket, here it is." Jerry handed her a ticket to Tokyo.

"W-what will happen to this shop then?" she said in disbelief. She had never been to Tokyo before and all of a sudden she is being transferred there. 

"He said you should forget about it and leave it with someone you trust , take this shirt. He said that you should wear it on your way there and always wear it when you're working. He said you should go ASAP, but, I don't want you to go." Jerry said with tears threatening to fall out.

"Don't cry. You know what, here is the key, I will leave it in your care. I am sorry for always bossing you around. I guess this is good bye." she sniffled. She took the shirt and handed him the key. She walked off.


"I know you don't want me to go but this is good…"

"The Boss also said you should leave $20 behind."


"The Boss's orders not mine."



In a random park a guy is seen tied to a tree.

"That mad douchebag. I told him everything he needed to know and he still didn't let me down. What did I do to deserve this. Now I am going to miss my chance to work in Tokyo because of him. Ooh, my stomach still hurts."


"Aichoo!" Jerry sneezes. 

"Mwhahaha, my BSC in psychology isn't a joke." Jerry laughed.

'I can't believe she fell for it!' Jerry who was Vorden thought remembering his discussion.

He found out that there was a mastermind behind everything who was calling the Big Boss. He made video games store all over Asia and America. His secondary business is looting the stuffs of people who died around his shop to get extra bucks for is employees.

Andrew, the guy tied to a tree, was being transferred from a janitor to a shopkeeper in Tokyo, so Vorden used that information to trick Layla into going there. He then practically gain control to the video game shop. 

He also gave her a parting gift: The Lazy Shirt that he bought, which makes the wearer drowsy .

"That's what you get from messing with me. I even got my money back. I did it again, Vorden one Layla zero..."

Before Vorden could rejoice over his victory, his vision began to blur until he blacked out.