Missing Data

The code was invalid. There must be a possible order error that he didn't check. Maybe an accidental click of a button happened when he saved the code. It could be anything. Thank God, he had a special app that could identify the root of the problem. The app is called Identifier and could scan the whole code and bring the error into the spotlight for the user to see.

Yanagi minimized his coding program and he was now on the home screen of his computer. Although, he couldn't find the app on his screen. He double-checked because we all had this moment that we wanted to find an app on the home screen and even if it is in front of our eyes we take a minute to see it. However, this time he really couldn't.

Yanagi could swear it was on his home screen, he downloaded it pretty recently as well because it was a new release from a colleague of his. He then proceeded to search his files but he was still not able to do that.

He was curious about that. It seemed that someone entered his computer. However, he didn't want to believe, he must accidentally delete it when he wanted to free some space for his future project, right?  Maybe, it happened the time he uninstalled all the unnecessary apps and files.

He was really making a serious consideration about the issue. He was confused about how the app would disappear from he computer. So, Yanagi thought about conduct a deep search into his files. That would be a convenient act, since he needed to sort his files. He is always unorganized even for scientist. However, the things got very blurry after finding out something really odd. That moved his interest.

Yanagi, while searching to his computer found something that will make him more suspicious. The reason appears to be that his files now appeared to be fewer than before. Yanagi was still unsure about it, but then he noticed that even though the total files were the same he can find the ones he searched for. Then he noticed something that will change the route of his plans from bad to worse. He started typing to search his files but he always got the same thing.


!File not found!


Always has the same message, every time. So, Yanagi now had to do a deep investigation of his hard drive. The more he was on his screen the more suspicious he was gotten. There is no way that his files disappear out of nowhere. There is someone behind this for sure. An observation he did on his file will confirm his thoughts about the sabotage thought he had in his mind.


Name | Date modified

Consciousness drive 6/27/2054 1:44 AM


That's it that's the proof he needed. The file's updated date had changed. It is pretty recent, 8 hours ago. How is this possible, he only uses specific files when he needs help with the orders, but he was sure that the last time he updated them was a month or two ago. Yanagi's face turned straight, his eyebrows were raised and he had a murderous aura around him. Someone was trying to sabotage his work. That means that Yanagi now has enemies that want to burden his work. It was the first time that he felt like this, that he wanted to explode from his anger.

The most important issue was not the fact that someone wanted to sabotage him but the chance that could copy his work. It is a violation of the lab code and most importantly a copyright issue. His first thought was to run immediately to his boss's office, but then he realized that he could find the person that did it and make a fair exchange.

It was the first time he had such a demonic thinking. Usually, he would go to the office and report it without a second thought. In addition, Yanagi also thought that since is only the drive it wouldn't be a problem because his code is written to his private USB that is kept at his home for stealing or losing situations. In other words, the driver's job was to insert the code information inside the robot's brain. So, it's not something that could destroy his project but surely violated his mentality.

Yanagi was really upset with this action of his colleagues. He didn't know that he has to keep all his work to a safe place to protect them from unwanted people. If the wanted they could have just asked him for help not act like this. That's why they call each other colleagues. Likewise, they are all scientists so they kind of having a basic knowledge to every field of technology, based in their years of experience. Stealing is really unnecessary when you can just ask.

Yanagi took a minute to think about the situation and asked himself, how can someone steal the work of another scientist? But the real question who was possibly could do that?. Also, who could actually envy his work that much that ended stealing it from him?

Now Yanagi is having a new chapter to his life. A new profession is lighting slowly to find the light at the end of the tunnel. He need to put all his knowledge on a test to find out the possible thief. And that new profession was not anything else than the detective profession.