Chapter 2

By the time I had arrived at our usual meeting spot, Bobby and Fairy were already waiting for me. I happily waved at the two of them. My only friend but the best friends in history of friends. I was dang lucky to have these two.

" Hey guys," I cheerfully said. Fairy pulled me into a big, warm hug whilst Bobby laughed at the shameless display of affection.

"You two are going to make us late," he complained

"You're just jealous," Fairy said, sticking her tongue at him. Which was replied by laughter from Bobby. I chuckled at their petty and cute fight. They fight a lot but never actually hurt each other, and its their fight are super entertaining to watch.

"Ok, let's go," Fairy said, and we took off running. Not that we were late, but we just enjoyed it. After a few minutes later I could see the outline of the school and soon we arrived with a whole 10 minutes to spare. Unfortunately, Bobby , Fairy, and I learned in different classes, so we had to separate in the hallway.

"See ya at the cafeteria," Bobby said, and we went our separate ways

"Bye guys," I said and turned to my class. I sighed as I thought about the people I wasn't ready to entertain, but I had no choice. I pushed the door open and headed straight to my seat at the back of the class. Everything seemed to be going fine, and I was surprised that no one had come to bully me. My surprise was short-lived as I felt a cold substance slide down my neck. I gasped loudly as the sticky substance stained my shirt.

"hahaha you were peaceful for too long," a frmine voice greeted my ears. I didn't reply at all. I learned retaliating would make it worse. I turned to look at Britney but didn't hold eye contact for long.

"It's good that you know your place," one of Brit's minios Ammy said smugly, and no matter how much I wanted to punch their make-up filled faces, I couldn't. Britney has a powerful background, and I can't risk poking her. The last thing I wanted was for powerful people to want to make my lif3 a living nightmare. Britney laughed smugly, and I just wanted to snap. The teacher's entrance saved me . My hair and shirt were spoiled but I couldn't do anything about it at the moment and had to wait till break time.


Finally, the bell rang, indicating break time, but I was soon to be dissapionted.

"Rose!" The English teacher called me. I turned around to look at him.

"Yes, Mr Samuels," I answered politely, but I kinda knew what he wanted, and I didn't want to hear it.

"Mrs Walker, I don't want to sound harsh and unfair, but you are failing miserably," Mr Samuels said, and I wanted to roll my eyes. "And it's not just ,y subject but everything," he added, sounding very disappointed.

'Tell me something I don't already know', I said to myself, and I wasn't proud. I try so hard to learn, but I'm just not good at school, and my friends try, but it's futile. I'm more interested in solving cases and interesting things. School just doesn't seem important or easy to me at all.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm just not good at school," I said sadly

"I think you should take extra classes and get a tutor for yourself because you're sure hopeless at school," he said, and it didn't make me feel any better.

"Ahaa," I rolled my eyes. Just a few minutes ago, he was super disappointed.

"I'm not trying to be mean, but there is no such thing as unnice," he said, and I swear there was a hint of amusement in his voice. The way he said it was kinda funny even though it was insulting a little. Mr Samuels got me thinking about a lot of things. My mom, my future, and my career. I didn't even have the appetite to go to the cafeteria anymore, so I just headed to the school gym. Yes, I loved solving cases and detecting, but it wasn't serious, but I just use my imagination, and no one believes me anyway.

"Mr Samuels is right. There is no such thing as detectiving", I cried, pulling my hair. I sighed and wiped tears that had found their way to my face. The bell rang, and I rushed back to class, pretending to be OK. At least the day went fast and not so bad. Full of lessons and lectures from teachers telling me how miserable I am with school work except science. I loved science, and it's the only subject I sat in front of and actually passed. I was also good at sports, but this semester, there was no sports activity since an accidental fire burned the equipment during summer.

The one thing I enjoyed that day was my presentation. I rocked, and my science teacher praised me even though I forgot about it until Bobby reminded me. My bad.


"Good to be going home," Fairy said, stretching her arms

"Rose, you don't look happy," Bobby said, tapping on my shoulder

"Oh, it's OK, just looking forward to work," I said, and it was true. Every day after school I work at the hotel. It pays well and I'm saving money for a whole lot of things. My shift was gonna start soon, and I had to get home then change.

"Oh, then you better rush before you are late," Fairy said, and we said our goodbyes. I was glad that they didn't mention my absence from the cafeteria during break time. I ran all the way home and changed into more comfortable clothes consisting of a simple black tank top, simple blue jeans, and blue sneakers. I fixed myself a small meal before hoping on my bike and driving off. I had to stop by Lee's café for some good coffee.

"The usual," Lee said, smiling warmly

"Ya, thanks. I'll need it," I replied tiredly. It was going to be a long day going back and forth between the clients.

Scrrreeech!!! Bang!!!

"Oh shit what was that?" one of the customers yelled in panic. I looked at Lee, and she came out from the workers' counter. Murmurs sounded inside the café and it started to sound like a beehive had been placed inside the café. When we got outside, my mouth dropped.

"Noo no, no, no," I cried, running over to my bike or what was left of it. No, someone had run over my bike and pancaked it. 'pancaked is not a word. You really should consider the extra lessons,' a voice sounded in my head. it was true but not the time to think about it. My bike was the only vehicle I had ever had. i worked so hard to buy it, and some maniac just comes and squashes it, and that too didn't apologise.

"It's OK Rose", Lee tried to comfort me, but it wasn't OK. I looked up and saw a car parked a little distance away from my bike. Anger and sorrow clouded my reasoning and judgement, making me conclude that the car was responsible. I marched over to the car and finally noticed that it was a freaking limousine. I looked at the black window, which reflected my sad and tear stained face. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and when I turned around, Lee pulled me into a hug and comforted me.

"Don't do anything stupid, please. For your mom, "she said, and I nodded. It was wrong to blackmail me using my mom, but she was right. I couldn't afford to get in trouble or offend rich people, and I wasn't stupid enough to commit a crime in broad daylight. I pulled from the hug and nodded at Lee with a smile. I looked at my bike and felt rage, but I contained it. 'One of these days I'll take revenge', I told myself mentally. Without saying anything, I turned around and headed for the hotel on foot. I took another glance at the limo and smiled.

Once at the hotel, I faced a great challenge, trying to hide my pain from mom. I headed for the receptionist's desk, but there was someone else, not mom. It got me worried, so I went to find Stern. Luckily, he wasn't hard to find for me.

"Afternoon Stern," I yelled, waving at him.

"Hey, little flower," he waved back, smiling widely. I hate that name but according to all the staff at the hotel it's cute. I might be able to stop Stern from calling me that, but trying to stop the whole staff, now that's the definition of impossible. "How was school?" he asked.

"It was great, but have you seen mom?" I asked, worried about her.

"Oh, she has gone home already. She works half time on Mondays remembered remember", he said.

"Oh, I had forgotten," I sighed. At least I know she is safe. "I'll be off to work," I added and left without giving him a chance to talk. It's a habit I have to quit because it cuts me on information, but old habits die hard.


"Bye Lisa," I said to one of the hotel staff members

"Bye, lil flower," she said, blowing me a kiss.

"You really should stop calling me that," I muttered to myself. I didn't have my bike anymore thanks to that jerk wherever they were, so I had to walk. I looked at my watch and it read 9:10pm. The streets were a little quiet, but at least I could see people heading home from work like me. I did increase my steps as fear settled in the pits of my stomach. I began imagining the worst and started scaring myself. Moments later, all that fear turned into anger as I set my eyes upon the same limo. I memorised its features and registration plate number out of habit, and it was the best thing ever. I walked towards the limo quietly and only after making super sure that there was no one. I took my portable knife and did my best work ever.


"What should we do about them?" A masculine voice sounded inside the enclosed space. Four men could be seen cladded in black suits and dark shades inside a dark car.

"Nothing. Let them play a little, "another voice answered but was laced with a korean accent unlike the previous.

"Zach's right," another Korean accented voice joined the conversation. The man named Zach looked at the guy who just spoke and nodded.

"But what about the shipment that's coming this week?" A new American voice entered the conversation. There was a moment of silence before Zach spoke up again.

"Leo, Kevin, I'm sure I can trust you to receive the shipment without any problems," Zach said, leaning closer to Leo and Kevin.

"You can trust us, boss. The order will be in your hands safely, "Kevin said, and Jack relaxed back into his seat.

"I expect you to do a clean job," a Korean accented voice said, and both Kevin and Leo nodded.

"You know Carl, you need to trust your men a little," Zach said jokingly and lifted the mood and made it look like nothing had happened.

"I ...."," Carl's sentence was cut short as a screeching sound was heard. it was as if someone was moving a stone over glass or metal.

"What is that sound?" Zach asked, but no one knew. It was evident that the sound was coming from outside. Carl lowered down his window, and that's where it all went so terribly wrong. Nothing that was expected at all. The car went deadly silent, dark, and very creepy.