Chapter 3

I was having so much fun drawing on the car with my portable pocket knife and taking revenge. I was absorbed into it, but my fun started turning into a nightmare as I saw the window being lowered down. My heart sank. When the window was completely lowered, I felt as if I had walked into a graveyard. I felt shivers down my spine as I stared into dark shades. Maybe I might have missed the presence of someone inside the limo. I gulped down a lump of fear. Whoever I was looking at was intimidating.

"Remember they ruined your bike, so be brave," I muttered nervously to myself. The man kept staring at me, and it wasn't doing good to my newfound courage.

"What are you doing?" he said, and the first thing I noticed was that he was Korean. His accent was Korean, and his voice was pleasing to the ears but made me want to shit my pants out of fear. Knowing he was a foreigner, I felt braver since well, this was my country, not his, and I knew that question didn't need an answer since he must have figured out I was assaulting his car. I put on my best brave face even if I was scared. I squinted my eyes threateningly and said.

"I know everything," I said confidently. The guy didn't even react, and it made me doubt myself. God, only if I knew the conversation that had happened inside before they discovered me, I wouldn't have said that.

"I see," he said, removing his shades, and I found myself staring into the most beautiful blue grey eyes ever. The blue was a shade of midnight blue actually and his eyes sparkled under the moonlight. He was beautiful. Every feature and part of his face complimented each other, and his jaw was sharp and perfect for his face. His beauty was the kind that that could make a woman swoon uncontrollably and give aGreek god a run for his ,oney. My mouth watered, and I felt my knees get weak.

"What's your name?" he asked, snapping me out of my daze

"Why should I tell you?" I snapped back

"Hmmmm, you're right. I don't need to know your name, but you should be going home. The streets aren't safe for young, defenceless girls like you," he said, and I wanted to nod like an idiot but I controlled myself.

"I don't take orders from a jerk like you," I growled at him, but the look he gave me had me heading home against my will. I was being controlled just like that. Arrg so infuriating. I wasn't going home against my will entirely, but it felt frustrating to watch my body listen to the enemy's command and follow.

"I'll have my revenge jerk," I yelled, then broke into a run towards home

After I left, the man put on his shades, closed the window, and leaned back into his sear

"Why did you let her go?" she said he knows everything," an inquisitive voice asked

"Because she was lying. This car is soundproof. No one can hear what's going on inside, and also, she is the owner of the bike we ran over this afternoon, "he replied

"Driver take us to the hotel," he added, and they were off.


By the time u arrived home, it was already past 10 p.m., and mom was already asleep. I didn't want to wake her because I knew she was super tired from work. Blue Lagoon Grand Hotel was a big and famous hotel, and anyone would be super exhausted if they worked there, even if it was just half the day. I tip toed to the kitchen, grabbed my dinner, and tip toed to my room. After bathing and eating, I went straight to bed . I was too tired to think of anything. Well, except my revenge.

"No matter how cute you're, I'll have my revenge the next chance I get," I promised myself and dozed off, planning the perfect revenge plan. Which by the next day I had forgotten. The alarm rang, and I groaned. I certainly didn't feel like going to school today, especially when I knew I had no future there. Even though my body ached from running, I dragged it to the bathroom to relieve myself. When I was all set to go to school, I then realised something.

"Hang on. Today is an off day at school. I don't have to go to school!" I yelled and immediately hoped out of my school uniform.No one knew why such a rule was placed but I guessed it had something to do with the school closing day drawing near and there was really not much students aould do at school. Whatever the reason, i was happy.I dashed to the kitchen expecting to find mom, but all I found was a note that read.

Dear Rose

I know it's an off day at school, but we need you at the hotel. Today a very important person is going to arrive and I would be great if we could have some extra have.

PS Didn't prepare breakfast today. Sorry

Mommy loves you

'An important figure, I wonder who that could be'. For the extra hands, I called Bobby and Fairy, and they were happy to help. We arranged to meet directly at the hotel. Without my bike, it took me longer than usual, and I was pretty tired when I got there. My friends were already at the hotel by the time I arrived.

"Hey, I see you're already here," I said as I walked up to them.

"Hey girl," Fairy said, and I noticed she was wearing roller skates

"What's with the roller skates?" I asked

"Easy transport, and I got you a pair," she replied as he tossed a pair of roller skates to me. I caught them just before they slammed into my face and put them on. At the moment, mom and Stern walked over to us.

"I don't think roller skates are, ummm.."Stern left his sentence incomplete as he couldn't find the word to tell us they were inappropriate without hurting our feelings.

"Stern, be glad they're roller skates, not skateboards," mom came to our defence. "I'm glad the three of you could come and help us," she added.

"No problem mom", Fairy said. Bobby nodded, agreeing with Fairy.

"In that case, girl, follow me, Bobby, go with Stern," mom commanded, and we agreed. Mom took Fairy and me up to the VIP suites of the hotel.

"Wow, I have never been up here before," Fairy whispered to me as we skated behind mom

"Me either," I whispered back, and Fairy gave me a questioning look. "Just because I work here doesn't mean I have been to every part of the hotel," I added, rolling my eyes.

"Fair point," she whispered.

"Ok, girls, this is where you'll be working," mom cut our conversation. "You need to make sure everything is working and it is clean. Understood, "she added in a serious voice. I had never heard mom use that voice before, so it must be a very serious situation.

"Don't worry, mom, you can trust us," I said, and she smiled. She showed us around and gave us instructions. I was amazed at the decor of the suite. Absolutely high class. It made me wonder why I had never been up here before. After clarifying everything, mom headed for the elevator, leaving Fairy and me alone in the beautiful giant suite. By the sound of it, it would seem like we were going to ruin something, but we didn't.

After two hours of hard work, everything in the suite was spotless.

"We did it," Fairy said, obviously tired.

"Yah, we did," I agreed equally tired. Fairy took out her phone and started taking selfies.

"It's not every day you enter a VIP suite without being VIP," she said, and I totally agreed. I joined her and took several selfies before leaving the suite.


"They are here," mom said to Stern, who was super nervous. "Don't be nervous. it's going to be just fine, "mom assured him.

"Thanks," Stern said softly whilst fixing the tie of his suit. The doors of the hotel open and silence engulfed the hotel. Mom and Stern walked over to the door and bowed respectfully to the people standing at the door.

"Please come in," she said politely. Eight people walked in majestically. The group consisted of two old people, 2 middle-aged and 3 youths.

"This way to your suite," Stern nervously said, still bowed and led the group to the elevator. He pressed the open button with his shaky hand, but nothing happened.

'No, not now', he cried in his mind. It showed that someone was coming from the top floor on the elevator. Stern became even more nervous. He didn't want his important guests. A ding sound sounded from the elevator, and the doors opened. Stern finally relaxed, and it was my turn to freak out.

Fairy exited the elevator and bowed respectfully when she noticed mom signal her to. I saw it too and exited behind her and stood next to mom, but when it was time to bow respectfully, I noticed something that made my mouth drop. It stared back at me with a smirk on its face, and I felt my blood boil.

'The universe has brought my prey right to my domain', I thought to myself. I didn't want to bring any trouble, so I forced my body to bow. That also had to be revenged no matter what. My face turned pale as I realised that I was really terrible at school. Revenged isn't even a word. I heard the click of the elevator and realised I had zoned out. When I straightened, I realised that mom and Stern were gone.

"The world is very small, isn't it?" A familiar voice drifted into my ears, and I gritted my teeth. I turned around and noticed the bike murderer standing behind me. I got a clear look at him and my God. He was magnificent. His eyes shone even though they were dull and lifeless. I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from drooling over him. His shoulders were broad and adorned with muscles. They weren't too big or too small but just perfect. His body hugging shirt showed the outline of abs. I clearly see, but his upper body was like that of a Greek god. My eyes started to explore further down. It took a lot to stop myself from proceeding to check him out. I lifted my head to look into his eyes, but it turned out to be a bad idea as I found myself drowning in the colours of his eyes. I shook my head and finally got control of my head.

"No, it's no. You're just where I want you to be, "I said confidently. A hint of amusement flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared as fast as it came.

"I see," he said, folding his hands, causing his muscles to flex. I felt drool escape my mouth, and I quickly wiped it and pretended like I didn't just drool. Shit.

"Look, I bought you a new and better model than your bike, so let's put that incident behind us and stay out of each others way," he said, unfolding his hands. I wasn't really concentrating on what he was saying, but I still heard him. It wasn't a bad idea, and I really wasn't comfortable with this revenge staff since I have always been a peaceful creature.

"That's a great idea because this revenge thing is not my cup of tea," I said, wiping a bead of sweat. I was also afraid that he might cause problems for my mom, so I agreed. Originally, I've only wanted him to apologise but a free and new bike. That too, the latest model. Thank you. With that, he turned toward the stairs.

'Is that guy an idiot. His suite is on the 10th floor, and he is taking stairs. "I questioned myself, but I couldn't care less.