He looked out the window at the night sky. It was raining for the third day. There was silence in the room, the only sound being the outer windowledge, which was raining. The roar of the rain on the windows was the only sound for the third night. Gerhard, a worker from a shopping center in the small town of Loist on the Baltic coast, is currently unable to work for the flu. It was another night of solitude in this attic apartment on the coast. The bell rings. Gery reluctantly walks to the door and looks through the digital peephole. He opens the door.
"I'm worried about you," Elbria says, looking regretfully into Gery's room. "How awful must it be to be alone like this and have no one to help him?"
Elbria Hollybert, the owner of a three-story house on the coast, lives by renting her rooms in the house. Still a single woman in her thirties, but a very pretty woman with a slender figure and blond hair, combed up, you could rather say that she was partly with the Japanese style. It is often seen in Japanese kimono. She probably appropriated Japanese fashion, as she worked as a fashion designer for a prestigious Japanese company from Tokyo for more than ten years.
"Somehow I can handle it, I'm going to work tomorrow," Gery replied, looking at Elbria and her new Japanese appearance.
"If you need anything, call me, the pharmacy is right next door, I can run there at any time."
"Thank you, you're very willing, I appreciate it, but I'm really much better now."
"I have to go shopping tomorrow, I'll see you in Greece.”
“Okay, I'll help you with the purchase.”
Gery closed the door and sat down at the window again. Every weather has something in it. Rain also cleanses this whole world of dirt. After the rain, the world is cleansed and can become polluted again. It's the cycle of the system. It was after midnight and Gery gave up. He has to get up at work by six o'clock in the morning. Electronic time glowed red on the bedside table. He looked asleep at the sight of this red magical time. It was rainy in the morning. Gery arrived at the Gréta shopping center on time, changed his clothes, and went to the box office number five for his opinion. People have already run around with carts full of stock goods, as there are stocks for every good in this shop today. A normal, crazy day begins. Traditionally, cashiers do not avoid quarrels with a dissatisfied customer at least once a day. Probably all employees of shopping centers in Europe know this. Here in Loiste, basically all the people know each other, the city has a population of 30,000 and they are all here as one family. Sometimes it happens that there is a rupture or the boys are killed when they feel strong. Otherwise, the city lives a peaceful life - sometimes social events and performances. It is the tenth of July and sand events are planned on the coast. People will be given the task of building the most beautiful, but also the largest sand sculpture. This competition is held here every year. Some of the sculptures are really gigantic in size and really deserve attention. It stops raining outside and the sun rises. It's about ten o'clock in the morning. A woman in Japanese clothes flickered among the buyers. She was very conspicuous by her Japanese appearance, even though she was Polish. She had a cart loaded with vegetables and was approaching the cash register.
"Hello, Gery, how are you?"
"Hello, Elbria, it will work."
"I've never heard of it, something like this will never happen to me."
"Well, we can never know who the lucky one will smile at."
Elbria picked up her wallet and paid 48 euros to buy. She looked at Gery and said in a low voice, "I'm very glad you're already healthy and looking good. If you need anything today, call me on my home phone.”
Gery reads very well between the lines and understood the hints from Elbria.
"Thank you for being so willing, if I need anything, I'll call you."
Elbria put down her wallet, said goodbye, and left. People have been looking after her, she really attracts attention with her Japanese look and clothes, which probably no one has ever seen in these parts, only if in movies. The day dragged on slowly, people coming and going. It was approaching six o'clock in the evening and many shelves in the store were already empty. The stock day reached its goal and the business fulfilled the sales management plan. The town of Loist lies on the border of Poland and Germany. The inhabitants speak their own dialect. The official language is the euro. They have been learning Polish since birth and over time the Polish language is mixed with the euro. It is a peaceful population, and if something happens here in the first suburb, others will know for a short time in the whole city. In the middle of the city stands an old church, where every Sunday people come to Mass. It is the main meeting place and everyone will learn a lot of news, especially here. Loist is not as financially good as the city, it is a small city that often needs investments from outside or investors themselves. But it is very nice, the streets are clean and there is invaluable peace. An oasis of peace. Saturday's celebration on the coast is coming up this week. There will be live music and all stalls will be open until the morning. It will be a celebration of seafood, which is always held in mid-July each year. Meals prepared from seafood and fish will be sold at every turn. The mayor of Enefali is already nervously running along the beach with his staff and together they are organizing the whole affair. Coast Guard staff also contribute to the celebrations and calculate footsteps every five meters. Then they divide the section with yellow tape. Each of these sections will be used for modeling and construction from sand. That is the whole purpose of the competition. Gery returned to his small apartment after the shift. He wanted to rest, but the plan failed. Neighbors in the apartment below him unleashed a terrible quarrel that the whole house heard. The Elziarovs mostly live a peaceful life, but here and there they get used to a big quarrel. It is a phenomenon that occurs once a month as if on a calendar. Their only daughter, Fanyhas Elziar, was badly backing up somewhere in the city and scraping the rear bumper. But what would a man do he was waiting for a nineteen-year-old driver who has been driving their new car for only a month. After an hour, he was calm and Gery fell asleep. The bell rang. By the time Gery was gathering ... no one was behind the door. He found a white envelope under the door. He took it and laid it on the table. He lay down in the gloom to rest a little. Finally, he sat down and picked up the envelope to read its contents. On the front side was his address and on the other side of the envelope an addendum - Only in his own hands. He slowly opened the envelope and right on the front side, some numbers were written in great style… The bell rings. Gery walks to the door and opens it. There stands Elbria in a stunning new kimono with a touch of yellow.
"Hello, Gery. There was a postman and you probably slept because you didn't open the door. I saw you enter the house, so I took it on and the postman threw a letter under the door."
"It's okay, Elbria, nothing's happening, you have a nice kimono."
"Thank you, Gery, I'd like to have my own one day. fashion and own shop. In fact, I would like to have my own brand and get it all over the world. For now, I'm just a slave to this house.”
“We have to hope and not give up.”
Gery replied, looking wearily into the distance.
"We will meet at the celebrations and have a drink. Definitely i will not miss you."
Elbria smiled and added only, "I'm looking forward to you not turning around anymore. When I see you, I will invite you."
"You can, Elbria, I will be happy and I will not refuse. Tomorrow I have to go to Ersenet for two days and recall my official business. New insurance card and the like. I have already chosen a holiday at work. If anyone is looking for me, tell them I'm in Ersenet."
"Take care of yourself there, you know how dangerous it is in all the capitals of the world."
"Don't worry, I'll just go for official business and then come back"
"Okay, so I'm holding your fingers, make you successful and equip everything to have peace. Goodbye and don't forget the celebrations.”
“Goodbye, Elbria, thank you for your willingness and cooperation, I'll see you at the celebrations.”
Gery slowly packed his things into a small travel bag. It's only been two days and there is no need to take everything with you there. Just the basics are enough.
Ersenet is the capital about eight hours by train from Loist. It is a modern city in which, of course, there is no lack of both street and economic crime. It is part of every capital city in the world. That's why Gery chose Loist, where these factors play no role and there is relative peace and family life. He wrapped things up, sat by the window, and thought. It was the eve of time and it was retracted again. It was already raining in the evening, and Gery sat down at the table, looking at all his papers and papers to see if they were okay. Those old documents with an invalid date will have to be replaced with new ones. It will be a marathon of offices. It was morning, five o'clock, and the alarm sounded electronically. Gery slowly came to life. He realized what day it was and immediately jumped out of bed. Cleansing and dressing followed. He has breakfast on the train, he doesn't have to stay now. He is already dressed and can go to the station. With a small travel bag, he runs down the stairs and heads straight for the station in Loiste, which is about ten minutes from the house where he lives. When he reached the station, there were about twenty people trying to read from the board the departures and arrivals of trains. It is a station where the track from all directions of Europe crosses. You can see a lot of people of different looks and also hear many languages. Some of them are completely unknown. On the board he found a train going to Ersenet in an hour. So he went to the terminal and had a sandwich and herbal tea in the restaurant, which is the heart of the station. Next to him sat an older woman, very expensively dressed, with a big white hat, and asked the waiter for coffee. At first she just sat quietly and finally said to Gery, "Where are you from, young man?"
Gery looked at her, put his tea on a tray, and he replied, "Am I from Loist and you?"
"I am from Gelendre, but I have lived in Fiaston for more than forty years. My name is Lora and you?”
“I'm Gery, I'm glad.”
“I'm happy, too, maybe you're not headed for Ersenet.”
Gery looks at her in surprise and says, “Yes, how did you guess?”
Lora smiles and he looks at his travel bag: “It's simple, after all, according to your small travel bag. As a rule, people who travel to Ersenet have small bags to keep the attention of thieves."
"Ah, you see, I didn't even realize it. Yes, that's where I'm going. I have a lot of official business to do.
”Lora suddenly changed her look and sighed, “I'm going far. Except for the island of Iltrian. I'm already terrified of that underwater travel. I'll never get used to it. It's a quick and oppressive feeling, and the fear of being locked up always catches me. I have a daughter there and I'm going to see her, because my granddaughter is waiting for me there.”