In the City Loist (2)

Gery tries to imagine this way, but it's hard.

"I probably wouldn't commit to such a change in travel either. I'll be glad he doesn't see it in my life.”

A voice all over the station suddenly announced: "Dear passengers, there is a train to Ersenet on the main platform, you can board. The train will pick up passengers within ten minutes. We thank you."

Gery says goodbye to Lora, they wish each other a happy journey and they take a quick step to the train. When he reaches the front door, he is greeted by a young stewardess in a blue uniform.

"Hello, show me your reservation and you can continue on the train."

He checks Gery's ticket and sends him on to the train. The train is full of different looks and languages. When he reached seat number 56, he put his bag up in the compartment and sat down on a light brown leather chair. Esoteric music came from the speakers. The stewardess in each carriage completed the entire procedure of welcoming passengers and demonstrations of safety features. The train moved forward without any noise and accelerated to cruising speed. Gery leaned back in his seat and watched a documentary running on a screen in the middle of the car. After a while, he plunged into the realm of dreams. The train passed silently through cities, forests and over rivers and lakes. When Gery woke up, it was only one hour before the train arrived in Ersenet. He still managed to order mineral water and was mentally preparing for the chaos in the capital. After a short while, the train reached its destination. A voice came from the speakers: “Dear passengers, please perform! We are in Ersenet on the main platform."

People lined up slowly in the middle of the train and slowly got out one by one. Gery picked up his small bag and also got off the train. He crossed the terminal at the station and headed for the main exit. When he came out, he stood still and preferred to sit on the first bench. He had to clarify how and how he would get to the target point, which is government for documents. Ersenet, the capital, has more than 6 million inhabitants. The surroundings of the city are known for their high crime rate. The city center with its megastructures, where the tallest building has 298 floors. Among the many skyscrapers, the airline of disk vessels operates on magnetic propulsion. They ensure the rapid transport of people from one building to another and also transport food and necessary materials. Discos do not destroy the environment and are quiet, so sometimes you do not notice them when flying over the city. After a while, Gery decided to order a disco plane. He placed his hand on the glass panel that was right next to the bench and chose the flight selection item. Then he chose order D 56. This was the currently available discoplane. After two minutes, a discoplane appeared above him number 56, and a metal staircase extended to Gery. He went upstairs to the disco plane and sat down on one of the two chairs there. The big screen lit up and a nice flight attendant appeared on it.

"Please, what is your destination address in Ersenet?"

Gery replied: "I want to get to the government for documents on Learston Street 24."

The flight attendant kindly replied, over the city. Gery fastened his seat belt and watched the city below him on the screen. Minutes were counting down at the bottom of the screen. During the flight, he considered arranging everything the next day. Probably the city center will be within walking distance. Discos are generally an expensive affair. An ordinary citizen can afford them about once a month. Suddenly the screen lit up again and the young flight attendant announced: "You are at your destination. Below us is Learston 24 Street. Please attach your card to the screen and make the payment."

Gery picked up his card and attached it to the screen. The payment process took place. This flight cost him 187 euros. He went downstairs. he disappeared without a sight of noise, Gery stood and stared at the massive complex, the government for the documents, the people entering and leaving, like ants. Head to head. Scene of every capital city. He walked slowly to the door, wondering how much time he would spend here today.

He went downstairs and sat down on a long leather seat opposite the terminal, which was manned by three young officials in yellow costumes. After waiting a moment, it was Gery's turn.

"Stand in front of the board and wait a moment," the clerk in a yellow costume said. Gery followed her instructions, and a small humming device moved across the board, illuminating Gery's back of his eyes.

"Now put both hands on the board and wait."

Various sentences and calculations appeared on the board…

"Okay, now you can sit down and wait for your name to appear on the board." window traffic in Ersenet. After a short while, his name appeared on the board. They gave him all his new documents at the counter. It was a sunny morning and Loist was full of life. Elbria sat at the table, staring blankly out the window. Behind the walls of her apartment was a classic quarrel between the Elziarovs, and it was only in the morning. This house has its own rules. Elbria sat thinking about her senseless life in this house. If only she had the means to the realization of his dream. It would open its own store with its own brand and its own production of models. This empty life in solitude, which has no end, really no longer entertains her. Today will be the same again. Gery's not even here. It was ten o'clock in the morning, and after a long moment, in dark thoughts, she decided to go to the beach. At least he'll see how the preparations for the party go. She dressed slowly and noticed that mail had arrived in her mailbox. But now she didn't pay attention. When he returns from the walk, he reads the mail. She put papers off the table with sketches of her fashion dreams. If she didn't have dreams, maybe she wouldn't even be here anymore. One must have dreams and ideas that drive him forward. Otherwise, it wouldn't really make sense. She left her house and crossed the road. In the distance, she saw a figure running up and down on the beach. It was, as usual, the mayor of Enefali. This is a common sight in this city. It was terribly hot, so Elbria decided to sit down for a drink under the shelter. After a short while, the mayor appeared.

"Hello, Elbria, how are you?" And you?"

"I really have a lot today, but I'll have one drink and then I'll go again."

The mayor sat down and ordered a purple drink.

"I heard Gery went to Ersenet for a while."

"Yes, he went to get new documents and other related things."

The mayor thought.

"Um, there's nothing to wonder about at this time. But the important thing is that he got caught here. We have peace here, and whoever wants to live normally will be.”

Elbria looked sadly at the table.

"You know, I'm afraid he's leaving. And I will stay here at the mercy of fate. I already have my age and I really don't enjoy this life. I would like to live with someone and realize at least part of my dreams. Although only a minimum would be successful, I would immediately see everything differently. And Gery? It'll take him a while to orient himself, I can't stomp on him."

"Yes, that's right. It would disappear on this continent like a spring flower. But I believe that Gery will choose us and you will find the meaning of life.”

Elbria looked sadly into the distance into the sea.

"For me, he is a gift from heaven. He showed up and no one knows where. I am convinced that it was a gift for me. I can't explain it otherwise.”

A man ran to the table, upset. Apparently he was heading for them - straight for the mayor.

"Mayor, I have a message for you, but only for you."

The mayor looked at him in surprise and thanked him for the company. He said goodbye to Elbria and walked with the frightened young man to the building where he had his office. Elbria finished her drink and decided to go to the water. People were already bathing and playing various games on the beach. About three hundred meters from this place, the sea again threw a monster ashore. No one can figure out what it is. It looks like an elephant and a dolphin together. It is not uncommon, such monsters wash water to the shores around the world. There is talk of this on all channels, as well as the fact that they have not yet taken medicine for Orfa. Orpha is a disease that appeared in Europe more than a hundred years ago. It's a misfortune left here in Europe after… All scientists are researching, searching, but so far they haven't moved anywhere. Research funding is also lacking. Orphah has various manifestations. The most fundamental manifestation, however, is that a person begins to have skin as if translucent and visible all the muscles, the circulatory system… It is a horrible look at the victim. These people are immediately isolated and hospitalized in special wards. The worst part is that the man attacked by Orfa has never survived to this day. If it affects him, the end will come within three months. It is a plague that is destroying the whole continent. Even though they tied the victim to special bandages and did what they could, the skin fell apart anyway. She literally disappeared. Orphah is the terror of this world. That is why Europe lives in isolation, the people of Europe cannot leave its shores, because the whole world is afraid that the Orph will spread further. The whole of Europe has stopped shipping since the discovery of this plague. This has been going on for over a hundred years. Schools are missing if current information on life outside Europe. In fact, children do not even know what the world outside Europe looks like after liek When a cure is found and this catastrophe stops, the borders open and trade and the whole world begin to resume. Although no one knows how people live in other countries and what those countries actually look like now. When Elbria returned home, she noticed a post office she hadn't paid any attention to before. She removed the envelope from the mailbox. She sat down on the couch and carefully opened the envelope. The big title was written in euros.

TRANSACTION CONFIRMATION. EUR 2 000 000 was credited and confirmed to the account.

At first, Elbria stared blankly at the paper until she realized what she was looking at. Where could so much money come from ?! That is not possible after all! Now he can turn his dreams into reality. He can open his own shop and design his own models. It's unbelievable, who made love to her ?! In the letter, the sender is marked as secret and as the donor of this amount. When Elbria worked for Tokyo as a designer, it was at a distance, through airmail, photos, documents… For Orfa, Tokyo will never really see it. Such is the world now. But now he can get a license and create his own models and sell them all over Europe. It has always been her dream. She sat down at the table and tried to survive the shock. Her life has changed today. She almost forgot about Gery. He can't wait to show up and be able to tell him the message he received today. Or not?!