The beach festivities started this morning. The most enticing part of these festivities is probably the construction of sand sculptures. Most people and especially children gathered in this section. A door slammed on Gery's floor. Elbria realized that Gery had returned. She was pleased and gave her some more time to at least unpack and relax. It was already afternoon, the sun was shining and it was really hot again. Elbria knocks on Gery's door. The door opens slowly. Elbria is all excited because she has been waiting impatiently for this moment.
"Hello, Gery, I'm so glad to see you and that you're okay. I've been thinking about you all the time so that something bad doesn't happen to you in Ersenet."
"Hello, Elbria, I'm glad I'm here too. The capital really isn't an attraction for me either. I equipped everything I needed and went back by night train. Come on, let's have a drink.”
"Thanks for the invitation, but we have a party today, and I'd like us to go there together, you know you promised me that.”
Gery smiled and poured some raspberries into two glasses.
"Of course I remember it and I always keep my promises, so let's go. I want to relax too. I'm curious to the sand sculptures and other events that will be there.”
"So I suggest we go, ”Elbria said, walking down her purse and some things to the beach. She turned and asked, "What is your full name now?"
Gery picked up one of the IDs from his ID and showed it to her. The card was named Gerhard Allandry.
"Then you have a very nice name, Gery. I'll wait for you down in front of the entrance. "
Gery kept all the things he had with him all the time in Ersenet and went downstairs. His worshiper had been waiting for him there from the very beginning, since he had even appeared here. As they approached the crowd, which stood one area with sand after another, the mayor ran toward them with a cheerful face.
"Welcome, Gery, you're done and you've been to your store?"
"Yes, I have everything equipped. I haven't been to the store yet, I'm still on holiday today …"
The mayor had to exhale his anger as always, and after a while he began to explain:" I've been to your boss and suggested that he transfer you to me if you should. Interest.”
Gery looked at the mayor blankly.
"To you? And what would I do with you? ”
The mayor further explained: "I will inform you of the situation. The research team to find a cure for Orpha has decided to move the entire station to Loist to us, as they will need the sea. The station would be built on the coast just 20 minutes from Loist. Europe's attention will now be on our city. This research received a grant, or rather a financial donation of 25 million euros.”
“So what would I do with you ?!”
The mayor picked up a small notebook and started a little. After a while, he said: "This research plans to employ a total of 17,000 people. This means that people from all over Europe will come to Loist and many of them may not even be able to control the euro as it should. You could work as an interpreter or rather as a news officer between me and this research. I really don't know where you came from here, but since you understand languages that have not been used here for more than 200 years and the Eureka still has enough opponents, it would be a job for you."
"All right, Mr. Mayor, I'll be here tomorrow. to work, and when this whole thing starts, let me know and I can join you.”
The mayor was obviously pleased, shook Gery's hand, and returned to the beach among the people. Both were walking around sand sculptures that were already receiving their ratings. They were really diverse, no which were imitations of people, some looked like buildings standing in the city of Loist and some looked very strange. They were imitations of beings that sometimes washed out the sea. And they probably attracted the most, as they ran the most people. The frequent questions they asked were of this nature: "What is it?"
"Is it a fish or a crab?" but it's horrible, it looks like a monster from the worst dream.
They found this wonder half a year ago on a beach about 30 kilometers from Loist.
”People's reactions varied. Gery and Elbria stopped at a colorful water booth. They sat under a shelter and ordered green water. It was fresh water, something between kiwi and pineapple. Elbria looked into the distance and after a while began to say, "Imagine, I'm a little lucky now, and I decided to open a license and make and sell my own clothes. I will register my own brand. One of my life dreams is starting to come true. This morning I was wondering what I would call my brand and I came up with this. I will have the "Ely" brand. I could not otherwise connect the connections, as I am alone and it was not in fact, nothing to connect. So I chose it from my own name. I'm sending an application to Ersenet for my own brand and license tomorrow.”
Gery listened to her enthusiastic monologue with a smile and didn't jump into her speech at all.
"Imagine Gery walking around the city center and suddenly you see an Ely store. It has always been my dream and life goal. I'm so close to him now.”
“I'm so glad someone's dreams come true,” Gery said, looking sadly at Elbria.
"What if we fought even though you lived in my house as a subtenant? I like you and I will not bother you in the piece, but I will be happy if we meet. It gives me the strength to keep going."
"We can meet in peace, you're not bothering me, because I'm still alone. I won't mind at all."
"You got married so suddenly. I'm afraid you'll disappear as suddenly as you showed up. But that would break me. I don't want this day to come. The mayor liked you too, and that's a big deal, believe me."
"I really don't know, I don't understand it myself, it's so weird."
Suddenly, their sitting was interrupted by loud music from the beach. Times at that moment, they declared the first place and the sculpture created by students from the Loiste Medical High School won. The statue represented a mermaid. There would be nothing special about her except that she had six hands and two fish bodies. It's a creature they allegedly caught on a fishing boat a year ago, and since it was a shocking discovery, the government included it in research. This announcement was followed by dance performances and various competitions on the beach. It was a very nice day. In the evening, the stalls were already crowded and music of various styles was heard everywhere. Elbria gradually gained courage when it came to Gery. After the party, she invited him over for a drink, and her life began to make more sense and change. For the better, no one in the world can guess at this stage. They began to meet more often. After some time, the brand store "Ely" appeared in the city center. Clothes of different colors shone in the window, and Japanese style prevailed in all models. It was at that time that the entire colony of Orpha's research began to move into Loist. New accommodation and a large research hall with many terminals and a landing area for medical discos have grown up on the coast not far from Loist. Life in Loiste has changed. Many people who lived in the outskirts of Europe and in cities that do not even have a direct land connection to the capital came to work. Time there runs a little differently than in Ersenet. For the most part, these people still do not know the euro level at the required level. There are now many interpreters and translators in Loiste, and Gerhard Allandry himself is at the top of the field. In total, more than 3,000 people work for the research complex. Discos come and go nonstop. It has no end. They carry material and everything they need for research. It is the time when he finally began to look fully for the cure for Orfa. Elbria has a lot of work to do with her business and designs. She herself designs every single model for her business. It employs twelve women who make these models. Loist is now full of people from all over Europe, and Eureka is everywhere. Sometimes you can still hear the national languages of different states, but these are already considered only dialects. The official language of communication throughout Europe is currently the euro. Orfa continues to choose its victims. Tens of millions of sick and dead have been reported in the press. Conspirators are already announcing the depopulation of the whole of Europe. But scientists and all stakeholders do not give up and work beyond human capabilities. But so far without any result. Elbria has built a large sales network. It employs 126 people. The store operates at the full hundred percent. Design, production, sales, logistics… Gerhard still works honestly in his position and takes care of interpreting. Many people who came here to work in Loist have learned the Eureka at least colloquially in half a year. Now the work is easier for everyone and the results are starting to show. The headline appeared in the press: A solution has been found, Orph will be defeated. So far, this plague has claimed up to 187,000,000 victims across Europe. It's time to stop it. They even published in the media a sketch of a system that Orfu would capture, store and then be destroyed. The whole system will look like a power pole. Its height will reach about 1,300 meters. The company on the coast in Loiste began looking for sponsors to manufacture this system. It will be a very expensive affair, but there is nothing left to wait for. The clock has been sounding for a long time. Orpha came from the south of Europe. From there, where the big event took place. No one in Loiste wants to talk about it, and no one wants to mention this event. Everyone would like time to go back in time and people would have to avert this event. But that is impossible yet. Elbria called Gery to her store tonight, as they don't have much time to meet during the week. It was eight o'clock in the evening. Gery arrived on time, exactly as agreed. Elbria was just postponing the plans for the new clothes and writing today's sales.
"I'm glad you came, we see each other so little. I read about your great discovery. Promise me you'll save us."
"Yes, we will. Now we will make it to the end and everything will be as before. We're already looking for sponsors, and when we find them, we'll make this whole system in a month."
"I'm already redesigned. Let's go somewhere in the city today. You must have had enough, too. ”Gery thought, and after a while said, “Okay, there's going to be a big-air broadcast in the center today. They will show footage from all parts of Europe where the Orpha is plundering."
"I'm not going to look at it today. I want to rest and walk somewhere. Let's just go for a walk in the central park. We'll buy something for dinner and walk around."
"Okay, I agree. Today we are throwing the burden behind us and we will really relax."
Elbria quickly completed the deadline, cleaned her desk, and the two set out for the city. She kept talking as they walked through the park.
"I'm so glad you're here, I hope you don't leave me. If you're still in that center, I'm worried about you, so that Orfa won't get you either. It's my nightmare. Then my life would go back to the beginning and it wouldn't make sense as it used to be."
Gery didn't make any of these talks and tried to calm her down.
"I don't have a plan and I don't even have time to plan anything at all. Sometimes my thoughts go back to the store where I used to work. I wasn't as busy as I am now and I had more time. But this is probably my mission here in Loiste. Work on this project and save the world."
They sat down on a bench with an order touch board. Elbria looked for a dinner that looked like a cake. But it was a specialty of vegetable-based sea monsters. She confirmed the order, and in ten minutes a delivery arrived that looked like a small hovercraft. After attaching the card to his terminal, the dinner was printed out on a silver plate. When they finished dinner, they decided to go somewhere for a drink in the center. The city was full of people, it was a problem to find a vacancy somewhere. Eventually, they settled in a smaller bar, where some strange electronic music played without singing. Elbria felt good, but she could see that she was still thinking about something.
"What are you thinking about so much?" Gery asked.
"You really don't remember anything before? When you then they found you on the beach, they thought you were washed away by the sea. But you weren't wet, so it wasn't. You just showed up. But where from ?! You learned the Eureka in three months. Do you remember your language before?”
“No, I don't remember, I don't think about it anymore. Look, life goes on and now we have so much work ahead of us. Let's look forward and not backward."
"That's wise talk, it just occurs to me sometimes and doesn't give it to me. I'd love to know where you're from."
"There are a lot of Orphians in Europe right now, but there's something else about you. You're not acting like us. Sometimes you have notes I don't understand and you describe things I've never seen or heard of. But that doesn't bother me, the main thing is that you're here."
These thoughts were interrupted by a report that spread like a tornado throughout Europe. The chairman of the Loiste research complex has just spoken on large screens.
"Today we have received financial support from all over the world. The financial contribution amounted to EUR 189 million. From tomorrow, the production of the entire complex for the destruction of Orfa will begin. Within two months, special masts will be deployed to attract the Orfa, so we will capture and destroy it.”
Meanwhile, the screens showed drawings of the entire facility. They will be a kind of electromagnetic masts. All of them will be connected by distributions, which will move Orfu gradually among themselves.
"The final destruction of Orfa will be as follows. After pulling the Orpha, the masts will keep it inside. Charges will be attached to these masts. Subsequently, they will be connected together with the space shuttles, which will take them into space and be launched from Earth from the control center. Help with this, and now with the space program, was promised to us by America and, a moment ago, by Russia. We have information that China is already preparing its launch pads. Everything is aimed at destroying this plague. It is dawning on us for better times.”
All the people around him applauded and chanted. There was a cheerful mood everywhere. Only Elbria looked unhappy. She knew that this happiness would not last long for her. She had a feeling that the time was approaching when radical changes would take place in her life again. One success is replaced by failure in another part of life. It's probably such an unwanted system. One person will receive and the other will be taken away from him. It's a principle. Since she has recently succeeded in her business and Gery is part of the culmination of the destruction of Orfa, what will be taken from her this time ?! I wish it was nothing and let everything stay as it is.
"Don't be so distressed today, there's a reason to be happy. Look around you, we haven't seen so much joy here in a long time. Today we will enjoy life and not drown somewhere in fear as before."
The next morning, life in Loiste returned to normal. It was after the celebrations and the beaches cleaned the services appointed by the mayor. Today, Gery is organizing a big event in the complex on Orfa. Today to the sea decided to insert guide cables that will serve as energy stabilizers for all masts. Therefore, this system needed the sea, or salt water. In the morning, word spread in the complex that they had received a financial subsidy to build the entire machinery. No one is waiting for anything and everyone has started work. Elbria returned home after work. As always, there was an infernal quarrel with the Elziarov neighbors. Their spoiled daughter Fanyhana did not come home until this morning. Since she did not consider it necessary to give any explanation at home, hell broke loose and lasted until the afternoon. It's a good thing that Elbria already has her dream shop and doesn't have to endure this all day. Today she decided to cook dinner and invite Gery to her. She went to work. She threw a strange sea creature on the baking tray, which cannot even be defined. All marine animals gradually mutated after the big event. They changed their appearance, some shrank, some a hundred times larger. The sea is full of strange beings in this century. Gradually, she prepared a table, placed plates on it, and prepared colored waters. After about an hour, the meat was baked and she made some vegetable salad for it. At exactly seven o'clock in the evening, the door to Gery's apartment slammed. Elbria no longer waited and went upstairs. She knocked and invited Gery to her. He didn't refuse at all and seemed very tired. He was quite glad you didn't have to prepare dinner yourself at home. They sat down at the table. As they dined, Elbria looked at Gery sadly again.
"What's bothering you again?" Gery asked.
Elbria didn't even look away and replied measuredly: "We have been doing well in our plans for the last year. I started my business and I don't even know who I can thank for that. The man really helped me and changed my life. You got from business to research for a change and you have a significant post. You and I were really rich. We are rich people now. But we see ourselves very little. That is the tax on success. We have been living in one house for a long time, and yet each in his own apartment. I want us to be together. But I can't urge you because I'm afraid you're leaving. This success will take some toll, you see.”
Gery read the headlines carefully. He didn't respond to Elbria's cry, which he'd heard a lot lately.
"Look, I write here that Europe has been reborn and they plan to launch the whole system in a month. Cargo ships were already sailing to Europe to load the masts with Orfa and transport them to the shuttle launch centers. This horrible plague will be a thing of the past."
Elbria looked at him blankly, adding,"You haven't listened to me at all!"
"But I've been hearing from you very often lately. Why are you so afraid I'll leave you? Why would I do that? I live here, I have an important post at work, I got to know almost the whole city. Where would I go now? I really like you and I want to stay here."
Elbria calmed down and looked piously at the clock.
"It's midnight, stay with me and move in with me tomorrow. I want us together, if you want me to.”
Gery nodded.
"All right. Tomorrow afternoon, when I come back from work, I will bring all my things to you and you can rent that room to someone else. I'm staying with you today, I'm really tired."
"Oh, Gery, I'm so glad you're here, you really made me happy today. Tell me, don't you really remember anything from the past? What was your name before? I would love to know at least as little about you as you actually were. And where did you come from. All I know is that you don't come from Loist or Ersenet, and I don't think you even belong to our time. It's exaggerated, but that's how I feel.”
They both watched the clock as one o'clock in the morning approached.
"Just so you know, I gave you the name Gerhard when we found you on the beach. Because when you took over, you mumbled something like gere, gera, gara… And so I gave you the name. We didn't find any of your documents, nothing at all to help us identify. You showed up as if someone had sent you here.”
Gery listened to the influx of her words and fell asleep slowly. Elbria continued to speak.
"You know, maybe someone heard my prayers and sent you to me from another world. Not even Orph touched you, and yet more than half of your employees are no longer alive. It's also weird. As if someone was protecting you from all evil. Maybe you really came from heaven. I just can't believe I could get so much luck in life. It would be very simple and even suspicious. What's behind it. Maybe a system I can't understand at all. Or I'd rather not even understand it. It is better if one does not know and does not see many things. He can never know what will discourage or disgust him by recognizing the other side of beauty. Um, when Europe opens, maybe I'll find out where you came from. I would love to know so much."
It was eleven o'clock in the morning when a research manager appeared in the store. He seemed nervous and headed straight for Elbria.
"Hello, please, don't you know where Gery is? He didn't get to work today. And the whole system is to be launched under power today. The big moment came today, and we haven't seen him since this morning.”
Elbria looked at him in surprise.
"After all, he went to research in the morning as usual, I didn't notice anything special. Maybe something got in his way and he had to arrange something. It's nothing special about him, except that he always got to work on time.”
They both fell silent and thought. They looked at each other. After a while, the manager added, "Okay, I'm going back. If Gery showed up, then send it to research now. Today is his long-awaited day and will he just disappear?”
Meanwhile, on the streets everywhere on large screens, there were reports of the progress of the entire system. All masts are connected by electricity. In addition to all the masts up to a distance of about 200 kilometers, you will hear a hum or rather a buzz. When all the masts reach full power under current, they draw the Orph into each other and store it in large batteries, which then hold it and do not let it out. The big day is here. The whole world is watching and reading news about this project today. Cargo ships of all powers are already moored on the shores of Europe. From north to south. All components in Europe are on standby. Rescue services, law enforcement services, workers who will be involved in the removal of Orfa. Today is the big day. Today, people took to the streets even where Orfa took millions of lives.
Today the year is 2189 n. l.
The horror that has destroyed this country is already in decline. Gery showed up here two years ago, and the way he did, he disappeared. Without a trace. No one has ever seen him again. He never got to work again. He never moved in with Elbria again. He disappeared somewhere in time and space. In space-time. Exactly as Elbria had predicted. After a month, when it was clear to everyone that Gery would never show up again, Elbria decided to have his room at he says for another tenant, and therefore he has to put it in order. It's incomprehensible. Disappear suddenly like this. All of Gery's things were in the room. Documents, personal belongings and also all documents since he ever appeared here. In addition to cleaning, Elbria came across a box containing many papers and bank files. At first, she paid no attention until she noticed her name on one of the envelopes. It was written "Elbria Hollybert". She opened the list and was shocked. The Central Bank of Ersenet transfers EUR 2 000 000 from the "Gerhard Allandry" account to the "Elbria Hollybert" account to the Central Bank branch in Loiste. She opened one folder after another. There she found a transfer to the research account of 20,000,000 euros. Also on the mayor's account and more and more transactions.
"Oh, Gery was the winner of the 50,000,000 euros!"
She sat down on a chair and now everything began to make sense to her. It's exactly as you thought. She will get what she has longed for, but she will be taken from what is most valuable to her. And that's what Gery has become to this day. This is how the universe works. Whether we like it or not. She felt terribly anxious. Material things and success in trading cannot be identified with the most valuable. And that is man. Man for man. If they have each other, then all the material makes sense. Otherwise, everything is worthless. Elbria carried all things out of Gery's room. She kept them as a memory for life. She decided on one more thing. He leaves Gery's room empty. Nobody there will not give as a tenant. In memory of Gery. Because he showed the greatness of the human spirit. He sacrificed himself for everything that was needed at the time. He sacrificed himself and everything that was valuable to him. Nobody knows what world he got here from. In Loiste they named the coast after him. The section where he was found today is named Gerhard Beach. This beach has another peculiarity. It's completely free and everything on it is free. This system was ordered by the mayor of Enefali himself. It is a memorable place to what he helped in research and even gave him millions. The final effect is a full one hundred percent successful.
The year is 2190 n. l.
They are just making a statement on a large screen in the city center. Orfa is destroyed in Europe and today at midnight the shuttles with Orfa will fly into space.
The author: A certain percentage of people know dreams of continuation. More precisely, dreams that come back and have a specific story and sometimes even characters with names. They may return at certain intervals or even unexpectedly, building on previous events. Sometimes it seems to have nothing to do with anything at all. Since I had a tendency to write and write during elementary school, this is how a few of my projects came into being. They have never been published and may never be. Three years ago, in my dreams, perhaps astrally, I got to a city of Loist. It was weird and at first I didn't pay any attention to it. But I wrote it down. I write down everything that seems unusual to me, which is not common. I searched on the map, but such a city in Poland does not exist on the coast today. The people in that city had real names, everything was as it is now in our time. From the very beginning, I was often struck by their unusual and strange names. At that time, a kind of artificially created "eureka" language will be spoken in Europe. They often told me in this dream or on the astral path that they had found me on the beach. I got the name Gerhard - Gery. The unfortunate woman Elbria gave it to me. At first I couldn't connect any connections. It wasn't until some time ago that I started composing these written dreams together. Chronologically. Everything started to fit together like gears and the machine started up. I connected after degrees one section after another and then transcribed into a whole. Already halfway through this project, I was shocked. I was actually looking at the story. Logically a story that has absolutely every aspect of realism.
"It simply came to our notice then. The future!"
After the last part of the book you read, I never got to the city of Loist again. I don't know how everything goes on there. I don't know how the unfortunate Elbria survived and how life in Loiste changed overall. I myself do not know how I would define this whole now. "Orpha," the disease that will be a threat during this period, is nothing more than radioactive radiation. Uncontrolled radiation that appears at intervals and causes complete destruction. Now I understand why monsters lived in the seas that could not even be named. Because they were degenerated by irradiation. The research purposefully created a mechanism that pulled this radiation into itself and stored it in those strange masts. There was no other solution than to take Orfa into space and launch it there with all the load. It was an absolutely rational solution to this difficult situation. I never found out what caused Orfa. What a great event that no one even wanted to talk about. When I asked those people about it, they turned around and were completely silent. It's complicated. If I hadn't written it down for years, I wouldn't have been able to pass it on today. You really can't write to order. Everything takes time and sometimes really very long. After this story, a dream or an astral journey that lasted three years, I think and ask questions. Why did it come about, what is the meaning of this whole story and why did it appear? To this day, I do not know what was the big event that caused the disaster. But I still feel like it was the main indicator of the story. That was the reason for these visits in Loist. It is probably high time to declare peace for the whole world. To stop all wars and conflicts. Because it cannot create a beautiful and secure future for our descendants. Peace is life. War is death. After finishing this work, one more thing occurred to me. I allowed myself to write my own prayer. I give a sample of it, because it is quite long and I can no longer present it in its entirety.
Don't fight!
There is plenty of space in the world, there is space for everyone. The world is not overpopulated. People are born and die. It will never be overcrowded. It's half empty. People are grouped in large numbers only in big cities and cities. This is followed by villages and meadows and forests. The world will never be overcrowded and everyone has a place here. But those who have no place in the hearts of others make it overpopulated. Once our children and their children want to drink clean water and there will be no water anywhere, they will be left with only abominable oil, which has no value for man. You can't drink. It is not for nothing that they say - living water. Clean water is life-giving. If our children are hungry, I will break my teeth on the golden bricks or on the bricks from the rubble that will remain here. Gold and brick cannot be eaten. They have no value for man. These are worthless things. When they want some sweets, they will suffocate with coins or banknotes that will no longer have any value. Money cannot be eaten. These are worthless things to man. Nature gives us everything we need. If we destroy and poison it for our children, they will have nothing left. They will not survive.
Don't fight!
We can all live here on our Earth in spite of everything. And if we want, we will find a common path. No weapon on this planet brings life. But death. So why do nations get used to bragging about their weapons ?! It's incomprehensible. Put down your weapons, put them all down and our and your children will love and celebrate you for it. If you don't, they will hate you and curse you. Because you destroyed this beautiful planet for their blind inability to communicate and seek out the most valuable. Still, no one has learned from the horrors brought by all the wars of this world. If that day comes and you can bring peace and a safe life to all nations, you will be heroes who get into the school textbooks of history. You will be celebrated as heroes. If you lay down your arms and bring joy and laughter to your surroundings, it will be the happiest day of our lives and yours. Because being in a war is probably hardly a happiness and a joy for you too. The prayer for peace is written from a global perspective. It does not concern a specific part of the world or a specific situation. It contains ideas for saving our world. Personally, I only want one. So that there will never be any war or military conflict in this world again. When we all find common ground, it will happen. The main mistake is only in communication. How many nations were wasted in wars. Innocent.
There is no excuse. No one will ever bring them back.
Let's find common ground and way!