Ergi's story (1)

Seekers of metal objects, hidden underground for ages, often cross forests, meadows, beaches ... Their only mission is to find rare metal objects from the past. It is a hobby, adrenaline and undeclared work, often beneficial for museums and various institutions. These seekers are scattered around the world and yet they have one thing in common. Patience. This hobby or job really requires a lot of patience. Well, there's one catch. The present time does not allow to own the found archaeology - that is, old objects. The legislation is uncompromising. If the searcher finds an old object of historical or other value with its detector, it is obliged to hand it over. There are a number of rare finds in museums, which have been found many times by amateur searchers. The metal detector is available at various stores. It depends on how powerful the searcher wants it to be. Its price also depends on it. Many searchers embark on exploring various inaccessible areas - even deep forests, uninhabited parts of towns and villages, near rivers, etc. However, not everyone is aware of the legal regulation that the found archaeological object must be handed over. And this is where the story of the desperate Ergi, who has been unemployed for over a year, begins. He lost his job at a car factory in Bratislava City last May. After returning home, he could no longer find a job in his own region. One evening in June 2017, a documentary about treasure hunters and the current technical possibilities of searching for metal objects was running on an unnamed cable television program. Ergi got a crazy idea: he would get a metal detector and look for ancient metal valuables hidden underground. He knew the idea would cost him a few hundred to use on a powerful detector. He decided to invest the last money he still had as an iron reserve for worse times in that hope. After a long time of browsing online stores, he came across a detector that should meet his requirements with the parameters. It was waterproof and had various accessories for more powerful detection. Ergi's days dragged on slowly, as he no longer had a work schedule. The day the courier brought him the detector, Ergi was helpless. He had a new hope for success and a decent income. He didn't have a well-thought-out plan of what to do if he found a valuable item. He did not deal with issues of legislation and similar matters. The only thing that fascinated him that day was the unpacked metal detector and the idea of wandering through the woods looking for various artifacts of high value. So far, he didn't even know where he was going, which way, which way. Throughout the evening, he studied the manual for the new device, constantly considering where to choose. He took a map and blank paper to write down search options. After a full-fledged solution and hard thinking, he stopped at the nearest point. He thought he might not have to go that far. Just look at the nearest forests in your area. He decided on Pirnagov vrch. It was once fought on Pirnag Hill during World War II. Various partisan groups operated in its forests, and many times they managed to attack and stop the enemy from this position. Thus, there is a presumption that there may be a number of objects and possibly weapons of historical value under the layer of land on Pirnag Hill. Ergi began to unleash a plan to stay in place for as long as possible to increase his chances of getting rich relatively quickly. So he booked a small cottage on Vinian Lake one week in advance. From the lake, the journey to Pirnagov vrch takes only a short time. The day of the plan has come. In his one-room apartment in Humenné City, Ergi turned everything off and loaded a bag and other things needed to survive during such an adventurous event into his old used Seat. The adventure travel began on a hot summer day on August 2, 2018. Ergi bought a whole package of mineral water in the nearest shop and headed towards Vinianske Lake. The journey did not last long. Ergi, a 31-year-old unemployed citizen, poor and tall, smoked 3 cigarettes in a row in a car. His cut short hair shone with the gel that Ergi rubbed daily for a 100 percent haircut. As he approached Lake Viniansky on both sides of the road, cars were parked on both sides of the road, which meant that the lake was overcrowded again. It was a terrible hell, and Ergi had just paid the entrance fee and drove to the lake. He had to go very slowly, as people were constantly moving from one side to the other and crazy children were running all around. He parked the car in the parking lot under the trees and picked up his things. He headed for the forest, as it was there that his cottage was rented for four days. The cottage was relatively small, but quite cozy. Ergi put his things on the table and sat on the bed. He looked out the window at the lake, where many people were bathing, and pondered his plan. He decided to bake sausage and bacon on the grill first and then drive to Pirnagov vrch in the afternoon. He will not postpone anything and will immediately begin his adventure. Suddenly, a young, slender woman in her thirties appeared at the door, knocking on the open door.

"Hello, I noticed that you are from Humenné and you are probably alone. I'm also from Humenné and I came here with my cousin for a few days. We could grill lunch together, we would be happier. My name is Eva, and my cousin Andrea is down there."

"I'm glad, Eva, I'm Ergi. Lunch? Why not, we can put it together and bake everything together. I'm going to prepare the necessary things and light the coals."

Eva looked at the table, and curiosity kept her from asking, "What is this thing on the table, what is it for?"

Ergi reluctantly replied, "It's a metal detector. You can find a metal object underground with it, but also a non-metal object. It depends on how this device is set up. It's my new hobby.”

Eva looked at Ergi in surprise.

"And what are you going to find? Are you going to look for that here on Lake Wine?”

“But where. In the afternoon, when we get hired, I take it with me and go up into the woods. That's my plan for every day. I'll start tonight and come tonight. Then we can all go sit down to the water if you want."

"All right then, let's make the food, don't let us hold you back. We will then go for ice cream, of course, take a bath and sunbathe."

In the afternoon, Ergi's impatience culminated. He quickly packed the detector with drinking water and some cookies. When he started the car, he lit a cigarette and headed up into the woods. The journey to Pirnagov Hill did not take long. He stopped at the side of the road by a large meadow. He turned off the engine and removed his bag from the car. The sun was scorching, so he tried to take a quick step across the small meadow. He entered the woods among the trees and laid the bag on the ground. He picked up the detector and turned it on. He first tried it within a radius of ten meters on the edge of a meadow and forest. The device did not emit any sound signal - there was nothing detectable in the ground. The display was lit with data, various numbers and a flashing light to indicate if there was anything in the country. But the light flashed only yellow. According to the instructions, if the detector detects something in the ground, the light will signal in red. Ergi decided to go deeper into the woods. There must have been a lot of people in the meadow and at the edge of the forest, so it would be unlikely that anything more significant would be there. He didn't want to go too far so as not to get lost. He set all the necessary parameters on the detector. He took the bag on his back and still went straight to get an idea of his position. He held the detector above the ground. After an hour of treading, he stopped and sat down on the ground. Search yet yielded no results. He didn't even have to remove the folding special shovel from the bag. He smoked two cigarettes again and walked on. Already at the tenth step, the device focused on something. For a few seconds, the light turned red and the detector whistled. Ergi began to walk around the site of the find. It didn't look like a big find, because the detector only aimed it for 5 seconds. For the first time, he removed his new folding shovel from the bag. He started digging at the detected spot. The shovel hit a small object, which Ergi then carefully selected. When he removed the clay from it, a charge appeared in his hands. Rusty charge. It was a small find, but somehow the whole search had to start. Disappointed, he folded the shovel into the bag, turned on the detector, and walked on. His intention was to end the search at exactly eight o'clock in the evening and return to the car. And so, after an all-round effort to find something in the woods on Pirnag Hill, Ergi returned to the car and smoked one cigarette from another on the way to the lake. When he got there, there were still a lot of people everywhere. Many also bathed in the evenings, as it was still hot or just walking. Ergi entered his hut and set the bag on the floor. Disappointed, he lay down on the bed and looked empty. The afternoon effort did not bring him any success. Just one round. This is a real failure. Outside, Eve heard a voice, but it didn't come out. He was tired of the futile search. And after lying for a while and aimlessly looking into the pointed roof of the cottage, he fell asleep.

Day two

In the morning, Ergi went to the hotel to buy four packs of cigarettes, as he smoked all his supplies on the first day. Eva and her cousin had been lying nearby on blankets since morning, solving crossword puzzles.

"So what, Mr. Adventurer? Did you find the treasure yesterday?”

Eva asked in a teasing tone.

"Well, let's see. Maybe so, but I believe it will be better today. I'm going to the opposite side of the forest. I don't want to grill here today, I'm going to have something to eat at a stall by the water. If you want, let's go together.”

Eva stood up, but her cousin was lazier and refused to go with them. Ergi and Eva went to the buffet and had sausages with mustard. They had to endure a long line in that terrible heat. When they had eaten, they sat down on raspberries.

"What are you looking for? Or what do you think you will find in these forests?”

“I am convinced that I will find something valuable and it will help me to survive the next year without any problems. I have a long-term financial crisis, and I see a chance in this to secure myself, at least for a while. ”Eva smiled, watching Ergi's nervousness sideways."

When you arrive again today, come to our cabin. We will sit on the terrace, which is nearby.

"All right, Eva, I'll think about it. So I'll go slowly. Don't waste time, because my stay at the cottage is limited.”

He said goodbye to Eva and went to his cottage with a bag of necessary things. When Ergi arrived at the same spot as the day before, he saw a new Ford standing on the road. But he didn't see any people. He parked the car in the same style as the day before. He picked up his bag and headed across the forest. He turned on the detector and kept walking straight. It was hot and there was a rumble of bushes among the trees here and there. It was the small animals inhabiting the forest that were his only companions on the path of search. Ergi paused occasionally, rested, smoked a cigarette, and continued stubbornly searching. Hope drove him forward. The next day did not bring any results. In the evening, sitting on the terrace with Eva and Andrea, he wondered which direction to take the next day to increase his chances.

Day three

It was colder in the morning and Ergi remained lying on the bed in the cottage. He wondered how he would organize the whole day. He made breakfast first and then looked at the detector in detail. He wondered if this device was OK at all and if it worked as it should. But nothing indicated any product error. He was slowly packing his things in a bag and wanted to light a cigarette before leaving. So he sat down on the steps in front of the cottage and smoked. He thought that the third day would be his last as he searched. On the fourth day, he will no longer chase through the woods with a detector, but will spend the whole day swimming and relaxing by the water. Then he will return to his apartment in Humenné. When he finished smoking a cigarette, he put the bag on his shoulder and hurried to the car. He drove slowly to the side of the road and turned off the engine. He looked out the window and thought hard: Which way to go ?! The previous days were without any result. He lost hope, lost faith, and began to doubt this whole action. However, he took comfort in the fact that even if he could not find anything, at least he made a nice trip to Vinianske Lake. But the money will not be returned to him. He decided to go even deeper into the woods and sacrifice the search for the whole afternoon, even if he did not return to the car until late in the evening. He turned on the detector and headed for the path that led next to a large meadow. He figured it would be his last search. He thought about leaving his mobile phone at home in Humenné so that no one would disturb or bother him by any chance and so that he could fully concentrate on the event. After two hours, he stopped, checked his detector, and continued deeper into the woods. In the distance, something flickered among the trees. Ergi stood and sharpened his attention to find out what it was. It was a young roe deer running impartially among the trees. The detector had not whistled once, and the light had not turned red. Ergi thought that perhaps the only catch in those long hours of searching would be the only charge he found on the first day. He continued on, penetrating deeper and deeper into the forest until he had gotten too far and felt a tight feeling. If something happened to him, probably no one would find him so soon. That wasn't good. He looked around and really wide, only a dense forest stretched far away. He got scared. Holding the detector in his hand, he twisted and ran in the direction he had come. He ran, breathing, trying to look under his feet to keep from tripping. Suddenly there was an electronic whistle. He stopped and looked around. What was that?! He didn't even hold the detector on the ground. He quickly placed the detector on the ground and watched the display. He searched within a radius of two meters around his axis. The device started whistling. The indicator light turned red. And it's here! There's something here! The numbers on the display were recalculated. The detector detected that quite a bit deep, more than one meter in the ground, there is a larger object. It's the same thing. Ergi turned off the detector, set the bag on the ground, and took a deep breath. He unfolded the folding shovel and began to dig the ground. Work went hand in hand, his curiosity kept pushing him forward. He was digging the forest ground and gradually a nice pile of clay began to form next to him. After a while, the shovel hit an object. Ergi began to carefully dig around the object, noticing that it would probably be something very large. He worked hard until some part of the strange object began to protrude from the ground. But the most shocking thing was that the exposed part was golden. At that moment, it was not possible to determine whether it was really gold or just a gilded surface. He didn't even try. All he cared about was how to remove the large object from the ground without damage. Ergi had no idea what he was honored with. So in the end, the long, painful search yielded a result, he thought. And this one discovery is likely to replace all previous failures. When the golden miracle had already been dug around its entire perimeter, it was obvious that it was really too large. Finally, he shoveled it and slowly pulled it from one side of the ground. Something stunning arose in front of him. It shone gold in many places. Ergi denied it once more and pulled the heavy miracle out of the pit. He picked out a cigarette and breathed a lot of effort while smoking, looking at a large metal object in front of him on the ground. When he finished smoking, he knelt on the ground and with his hands he began to remove coarse clay from his find. There was more and more golden color. Suddenly the eyes, nose, mouth appeared. Golden face with a golden big collar!

"Damn it!" Ergi shouted. "Is that an Egyptian bust !? Pharaoh !?”

When he recovered a little, he looked around confused to see if anyone was watching. No one was anywhere. Shocked, with shaking hands, he quickly scraped the last layers of pharaoh's clay. He quickly packed the detector and shovel into the bag. His heart almost jumped out of his chest. He lifted the bust of Pharaoh off the ground. She certainly had a good 20 pounds. Holding the bust in his hands, he tried to move toward the meadow as quickly as possible. A car was waiting for him in the driveway behind the meadow. The journey to the meadow, even with breaks, took him about half an hour. His hands and shoulders ached, but he paid no attention to it. He had one goal. Get the bust in the car. He realized that if someone saw him with such a catch, it could be bad for him. When he finally reached the meadow, he noticed that a young family with a child was walking across the meadow. So he laid the bust on the ground and lay on the ground next to her so as not to attract attention. Fortunately, the family had it headed for the car on the side of the road. When the door slammed behind him and the car left, Ergi picked up the bust again and crossed it across the meadow, heading straight for his car. Panting, he opened the back of the trunk and placed a bust into it and crossed the back seats. But he hurriedly looked inside his car, because he had to find something to hide the bust. He finally covered her with rags and a cover he had in the back of his suitcase. He didn't dare come to the lake with such a load. It would be visible from the outside. When the bust was perfectly disguised, he started his Seat and headed straight for the lake. He parked the car in the parking lot under the trees. He couldn't just carry the bust and unload it in the cabin, everyone would notice and it would certainly arouse great interest. So he decided to take a risky step. He leaves the bust in the car and at night, when people are asleep, he discreetly brings the car closer to the cabin and takes it to the cabin. There he will hide the bust until he leaves home. He will rest the next day. It will roll out on the beach and swim all day. Ergi walked towards the cottage and Eva was sitting on the steps.

"So, did you find at least a nail in the ground?" She laughed benevolently.

"Actually, no, I didn't find anything today and I realized that my effort was useless. I have a paid cottage for tomorrow and I plan to rest all day. I'm tired today, we can sit outside for a little more and have a cigarette."