Hyaa! Hyaa!! Hyaa!!!

The team could hear the sound of men and horses galloping from the distance. Men gathered outside their camp rooms looking for answers.

Heaven knows days off didn't have guards barging into it. The confused contestants lined up like prisoners waiting for daily bread.

"SHOR...R...RUN!!!" Parele kicked the door open and hunched back holding his knees for support.

"What's wrong." Nyeren inquired with raised eyebrows.

Parele managed to catch his breath after awhile. "Shorty! The authorities are here for her."

Parele's legs felt like jelly when thoughts of mohieazttha struck him. His heart teased him every second.

This was truly a contest with a twist!

What led her to such? Was she forced? Could she have been a weapon of treason sent from another kingdom to rob them of their secrets and destroy the king? Thoughts like this played in the group's minds.

However, they all couldn't accept that mohieazttha had evil intentions. Not only is she a good heart but a product of clippers pond.

Dwellers of clippers pond were naturally known as celestials. Never would they have planned such treachery against YHÀKADÉI for it would be disastrous on their path.

"Make way! Make way!! The great Zagaroth is approaching the camp." In less than a second the atmosphere changed. Commotion broke out.

"Come out of your rooms and kneel before him! Show your respects!"

Joz let out a sigh combing his fingers through his hair. "How did the nobles know about her?" He asked not directing his question to anyone in particular. His gaze fixed on Parele's face.

" what are you trying to make out of this?" Parele paused for a while then continued. "It's not the right time for word play."

Joz smirked fully aware of what was happening. "You know I can see the truth in your eyes don't you? I'm losing my patience!"

"Pfttt..." Parele stopped after realizing Joz heading towards him with a hideous look on his face.

Joz pinned him to the wall, his right forearm and elbow crushing Parele's collar bone underneath. For some reason Nyeren and Leomere refused to intervene.

Joz had returned to his original stone cold self or worse. The look on his face told Parele that something was off. Joz didn't move a muscle despite the gibber's struggles and pleas.

"Ahh! Get off me it's hurting!"

"Leo, we have to stop him. I can't stand all this." Nyeren said occasionally grinding his teeth.

Leomere was clearly not bothered -one minute he's nice, and he's a fang the next.

Before Nyeren could do anything, Joz looked back and yelled. "Anyone move...and I swear the guards will pick up dead bodies today! And you!!" He turned to Parele with red eyes.

Parele didn't know much about red hairs, but he had a little basic knowledge or like his mom always said.

"Fang knowledge for survival."

She would always emphasize on it when telling her son, about her encounter with fangs back in the days.

"Never mess with a fang my love. They are the worst set of people to exist!"

"Why ma?"

"No one knows. I guess it's just natural. They had always been like that, all of them! Just the same lonely terrible freaks of nature. So when you get into a fang's hair, know when to take to your heels."

"Because there are levels to a fang's anger." They both enunciated in chorus.

First rule - never lie to a red hair. Some of them can actually sense it.

Levels of a red hairs rage or stages before blood shed as others might say. Once reached, there's no going back. They didn't have the ability to control how and when it happens. However Every red hair has individual differences in these cases. The main stages they mostly shared are:

- increased breathing/respiration.

- facial twitches

- voice tremors

- shaky hands

- fast uncoordinated motor reflexes

- muscle spasms

And the last irreversible stage. 'THE EYES TURN RED'

"I WILL ASK YOU ONE MORE TIME!! BEFORE I PUMMEL YOU TO DEATH. So help me." Joz roared over Parele's head. Raising his voice louder and louder after every word.


"Come out of your rooms!"

The men paid no attention to the noise outside. They had bigger issues to deal with.

After long hard exhales, Parele finally managed to allow words out of the hole.

"Okay...okay let me breath. Ahh!"

Joz backed off a little bit. Literally just giving Parele breathing space.

"M...maybe." Parele coughed out in a shaky voice. "Maybe I told a few friends in room 7... only them. No one else I promise..."

"You pig! Bloody hell."

Joz pinned him to the wall yet again, this time strangling Parele and bashing his head against the wall. Nyeren shut his eyes in disgust, he rushed to Parele's aid along with Leomere - who was actually not feeling it.

They tried to hold Joz down or do anything possible to just save Parele's life. They were literally snapping his fingers off Parele's neck, but he wasn't budging.

Their efforts proved futile.

Parele knew this was his end. "Let go of me..." He mouthed breathless, feeling hurt all over he looked at Joz with teary eyes. Just hoping that the red hair would actually feel sorry for him. Joz looked back with murderous intent.

Parele felt warm blood dripping down his bare neck, at this point he realized his skull was broken. He shut his eyes and occasionally opened them. There was no going back at this point. He felt his life draining out of him bit by bit.

His legs got weak, his body got numb as Joz strangled him even tighter and tighter with no sense of remorse or mercy. His ears felt heavy, he couldn't hear anything but ringing sounds. Parele opened his eyes one last time and flicked a look at the room and his group members - lustros yanking a devilish grin, the little hummingbird he forgot to feed that morning chirping at the window, he turned to his yuéngs. The flies were definitely having a feast.

The bracelet, once vibrant and full of life, began to wither and fade as its owner lay dying. The flowers, once a symbol of hope and beauty, now reflected the inevitable cycle of life and death. The petals, once bright and vibrant, now fell like snowflakes, drifting to the ground like ashes. The bracelet, once a thing of joy and celebration, now a memento of what was lost.

Finally he smiled at Leomere and Nyeren who were screaming and trying their best to get Joz off him.

At last he mouthed. "Thank you..."