On that night that Octavius imprisoned Zagaroth in the dungeon. Noa, and his private guards came to see him, footsteps could be heard echoing in the hall. The doors creaked open and Zagaroth looked up to see his right hand man, Noa standing before him, tears in his eyes. "It should have been me master!" Noa sobbed. "Just tell me what I must do!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Zagaroth replied, "there is only one thing you must do, ensure that the child is taken to the sorcerers. You must promise me that you'll get him there no matter what it takes!" His voice was filled with urgency, and Noa knew he would do anything to fulfill his master's wishes.

"My son is in the mages' care now." Said Zagaroth. "Going anywhere near him would be putting your life in grave danger."

Noa had nothing to lose, after all, it was Zagaroth that gave him the life he had now.