Leomere was the first to leave, "Leo needs some shut eye!" He spoke in third person and yawned. "Good night!"

"Night!" They said in chorus.

Followed by Parele, until Joz and moheazttha remained. As Parele said goodbye, he winked at Joz, as if to say, "you've got this!"

Joz's heart pounded in his chest as the two of them were left alone. The night air had gone cold, and a slight breeze rustled the leaves of the trees. Joz turned to moheazttha, his heart racing.

"There's something I want to tell you."

She nodded in response.

Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight, as if they were made of stars themselves. Her long curly hair cascaded down her back, seeming to shimmer with an inner light. Joz was mesmerized by her beauty and he found himself unable to look away. After a few moments, moheazttha shifted uncomfortably under his gaze and looked away. Joz snapped out of his trance, realizing he'd been staring.