Aakifahlynn was sorry she missed the opening but was too busy recovering from draining her strength after healing folks at a hospital and then having to recuperate.
Nevertheless, she told him not to let her absence keep him from moving forward in their adventures; she would show up when she could to check on things.
Plus, Aakifahlynn preferred the surprised visits; keeping him on his toes is always better. However, she must admit he still had that eagerness to help in any way she wanted after their encounter that faithful day she visited the Stygian.
Nevertheless, Aakifahlynn learned that Taisiya does not exist, literally. She was found washed ashore at the age of sixteen with no family.
And this Jarrod had confirmed as he lived it. He was there when Jairus brought her home.
Taisiya had woven a web of lies throughout her life, leaving a lingering mystery about her true identity. Even Spencer, who had his men gather all the intel, was unsure.