Demarion sighed. He did not mean to come off so aggressive, he thought for a moment. There were many reasons why he was holding off on bombarding Aakifahlynn with all the information he had about their past lives.
"Because she never believes me at first, always... and always tries to escape me. Which always led to her death before I could." Demarion's voice cracked, and when he regained it, it trembled. He fisted.
He was tough and mighty, powerful and feared by many; however, this one woman could bring him to his knees without even trying.
"Before I could even hold her in my arms and show her how much I loved her before she could ever love me, I simply cannot risk her life like that this time; I won't." He declared.
Danica's heart ached for her brother. " What if you are wrong, and she does believe you this time?"
"Why would she? I haven't been completely honest with her, and it's damned if I do and still damned if I don't."