Inside Jaime's room.

The man is laying on the bed, totally naked. His head is aching and his nape is burning. The pheromones gland is burning like it's on fire. He maybe a dominant alpha but this is the first time that he feels it.

The image of Daveryl crying in disappointment and in pain keeps showing in his mind. He doesn't know why but, his nape is slowly killing him during that time. He saw the pain in Daveryl's eyes, he saw his anger towards him, and his uncontrollable discomfort towards his Omega.

He saw all of it. But he can't do anything about it because, when he woke up yesterday inside that hotel room. Ziana is already sitting on the vacant chair looking at him anxious. Her hands is trembling and she keeps touching her nape. When he look at the bed, he gulps when he saw blood.

"Mr. Razon, actually..." Ziana speaks.

But he interrupted her. He motion his hands to tell her to stop and he touches his head.

As a dominant alpha, everytime he is in rut, he'll lost himself. And after the rut, he will not remember anything that happened. Like today, he groans as he once again glance to the woman who is still restless.

"Don't worry, I'll take responsibility." He said.

He has no choice.

Although it'll cause a misunderstanding between him and Daveryl. The boy hates Lopez Family. And this woman is actually a daughter of Cedric Lopez. He'll maybe try to explain to him once he comes back home.

"I'm sorry? What did you just say?" Ziana asked in disbelief.

Jaime covered himself with blanket and raised up. He smells pheromones but it's faint. But when he suddenly feels something on his nape, he stopped and violently look at Ziana. He frown and tilted his head as he touches his nape.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed.

The woman flinches and turned pale. She looks so scared and obviously afraid of him. But Jaime don't care about that, he's more concerned about what he is feeling at this moment.

"Mr. Razon, I actually want to tell you that.."

"I know! Damn it! I'm sorry if I marked you, I'll take responsibility. Don't worry." He said.

He turned and walked inside the bathroom. He left the woman with wide eyes and surprised.

What will he do next? He is now imagining, if what will be Daveryl's reaction if he finds out that he marked the person who actually one of his enemy. He gritted his teeth as he punch the wall out of anger.

Will he leave? He sure won't right?

Jaime wanted to punish himself for being so reckless. This is the problem of being a dominant Alpha, if an ordinary Alpha feels his rut, he can still remember anything after that. Unlike him, a dominant, all he can remember is when he saw Daveryl dancing with Ivan Prowells.

His Alpha's instinct rose up when he saw Ivan wrapped his arms around Daveryl's body. Someone dared to touched what he owns.

"Damn it! Damn it!" He keeps cursing until he finished showering.

When he went out the bathroom, Ziana is still waiting outside and she looks fine now. There's no trembling and her eyes is brightly shining. Well, the woman is beautiful, he can admit that.

He's already 30 years old, maybe it is also the time for him to settle down and focus to his personal life. He also needs to get married and have family with his own. And Ziana is a best choice if ever. But... Why does he feels restless? He feels like something is missing, and he also feels empty.

"Please wait me outside, I'll bring you to my house to introduce you to someone." He said.

Yeah, he needs to introduce her to Daveryl. Hoping that everything will be fine. He hopes that he can understand him.

After a few minutes of traveling, they reached his own residence. He gulps several times out of nervousness. He honestly trembling in secret. His heart is beating too fast as if he is going to war.

"Fuck! Damn it!" He mumbled.

This is the first time that he feels seriously nervous just because he is going to introduce someone. Daveryl is not his family but just his subject and under his guidance. But this tension inside his chest is killing him. He needs to act normal, he needs to be calm. He needs his natural cold looking face.

"Let's go." He said.

He walks inside followed by his Omega. But his body trembles when he saw someone sitting on the sofa drinking wine with coldness in his eyes. He secretly gulped and walk towards him.

"Why are you drinking when the sun is still high?" He asked.

No, actually, that is not what he wanted to say. He wants to ask if he's okay, did he eat?

He gulps when he heard him asking about his Omega. His nape is aching, he feels like dying, honestly. And he doesn't know why.

"I feel betrayed for the second time."

There, Jaime feels his heart being squeeze after hearing that. He couldn't take it anymore. He needs to shout if he wants to release his frustration.

"You're going to protect her, even from me?" Daveryl asked with pain in his eyes.

He can see it. And he hates it. He wants to see only brightness in those eyes. But, what can he do? He has responsibility.

"Yes, even from you Daveryl."

He clenched his fists when he saw those tears. His throat hurts, he gritted his teeth. He touches his nape after he saw him turned away. His nape is burning hot! It's painful.

When he feels Ziana hold his arm, he tried to be calm.

"I'm sorry, please take a seat, will be having dinner tonight. I'll talk to him again once he calms down." He said to her.

He slowly removed her hands and he walks upstairs. He look at the door opposite to his. He wants to enter and hug him. He wants to hold him. But.. He has no right to do so. And he doesn't know why he wants it.

At night, he knocked on his door. And he even flinches when Daveryl opened the door. But when he saw his coldness, he feels chills. Once again, his nape feels burning. He wants to ask why he feels it but he knows that the boy also don't know.

"Don't choose between me and her, I already know the answer anyway. Just, allow me to leave this place." Daveryl said.

Jaime's feels like his world has been crushed. He couldn't take it anymore, especially when the memories of the same words came to his mind. Daveryl wants to leave. He wants to leave him. He honestly don't want him to go. If possible, he wants him to stay, by his side.

He needs to stop him, yes. He needs to tell him "don't go" but when he raised his head again. The door is already closed. And his all emotions burst out in an instant.

"You want to leave? Fine! Then leave!" He shouted.

No! That is not what he wanted to say. He wanted to say, please don't go, don't leave me.

Out of anger, he kicks the door, and he cursed. "Damn it!"

He then leave, and didn't go back downstairs. He locked himself on his room. And now, he is laying on his bed with a headache.

He heard a knock, so he raised up and open it. He saw his assistant, Elli.

"What is it?" He asked.

He turned back to get his clothes.

"Master, I have something to report about Young Master Daveryl." Elli said.

Jaime pause and touched his nape. He then turn around and look at his assistant. "What is it?"

"That, I saw his assistant George leave the house with Daveryl's luggage. When I asked him, he said, young master ordered him to move his things back to his parents house."

Jaime's feels cold water poured into him. His fingers flinches several times as his heart skipped a beat.

"He.. Seriously left?" He stammered.

"Yes, Master. And I also heard that, George will continue working with him."

Jaime blinked. He gripped the clothes tightly in his hands. So he really left? He left him because he choose to be with his Omega. He left because he disappointed him. And he left because, he hurt him. He made him cry. He...

"Get out." He said coldly and deeply.

Cold as an Antarctic, deep, deep as an ocean.

"Yes." Elli bow his head and went out. He closed the door and left the man who is still standing inside his room.

Now.. What will he gonna do?

Mindlessly, he walks inside his bathroom.

And mindlessly, he takes shower.

And mostly, he punch the wall and shouted loudly.

He has no choice, he's an idiot, he's stupid. He marked someone. And lastly, he pushed him away.