School holiday has ended, a new year just has started. Just started highschool ,a fresh new start for me this year.My effort got me to the science stream.During that one year I've been talking about how I wanted to learn pure science now its a dream come true.
This year finally I got to be in the same class as my others friends. Those two years before this I would only see my friends during break and after school.
On the first day of school somehow I always feel so nervous to come to school but then I arrived at the same time as my best friend which made my first day healed from the nervous.
My best friend is named Aliyah. We somehow became close during our school days last year.
We decided to sat together. In front of us ,was the new students which was from the school behind us.
Everyone got into the class. As usual we got the names of the new students. In front of us, was a girl named Amelia and a boy named Liam, they're both Chinese.
Teacher asked us to try to talk to them and try to help them if they needed something since they're still new here. My best friend then introduced herself to them and I also introduced myself. Aliyah she's the type of person to talk to everyone . So in short, she's a friendly person.
The first thing Aliyah said was "I'm bi" and Amelia replied " me too" said in an exciting way.
I was just smiling.I thought the first day of school would be awkward who would have knew people be talking as if they never had the school holiday.The first day of school ended I never knew that the first day would be fine.
As day went by .Aliyah , Amelia and I grew closer that we became best friend.Amelia and I would sometimes called each other after school.
During break time usually I would see Amelia would talk to this one tall guy who I always seen with a mask on his face. That's all I could describe him from seeing him afar. I thought to myself is it her brother or boyfriend? I wondered to myself.
One break I was with Amelia and Aliyah was with our others friends. I asked her "where we're going? "
She replied to me "my cousin"
We were near the class 8. " I never knew she had a cousin in year lower secondary" I said in my thoughts.
I thought her cousin was a girl but unknowingly it was a boy. He was tall with black hair, his bangs almost cover his eyes, his eyes was this dark color that was in between dark brown and black. He wore a mask. So I couldn't really know what he looked like under that mask.
So he is her cousin not brother nor her boyfriend.
They were talking and I just stand beside Amelia . Well, I wasn't feeling left out or something it's just that I just met him and I don't know what to say.
Their conversation wasn't long since the break time was almost over and moreover we need to line up in front of our classes. That day it just went normal as a normal school day would be like.
Usually whenever I would walk with my friends and I would sometimes passed by him with his friends, I could tell he would always be smiling under the mask he's wearing in a good way.
While I was texting Amelia I remember I need to help my brother with his printing but then I couldn't print since my printer already finished the ink. So I asked Amelia whether she could print it for me.
She told me she couldn't but she could ask her cousin . "I'll wait" I replied to her.
She then told me the guy she always talk to the tall guy. Amelia even mentioned that he looked like a year 9 student than a year 8 moreover he look like a tree. That text made me laughed .
I texted back by saying " I know".
She then again added that though he seem quiet but he's nice.
She asked me just talk to him a bit and she told me I can call him Wren.
So that is his name " Wren" . Well I ended up solving the printer problem so I didn't need his help.
One day I asked Amelia whether she play mobile legends or not. She told me she doesn't play but her cousin do play the game.
She gave me his username. I went online, searched up his username and followed him.
He invited me to play a 1 vs 1 match. The match took a while to end. In the end i won against him. We then agreed to play another round. Unfortunately ,the second match he won against me.
I wasn't upset that he won against me but I was amaze how he play so good in the match. I checked his profile and I was kind of jealous a little bit when I saw his rank was higher than mine.
After the match ended, I texted him using in the game. I asked him whether I could have his number ,so next time I could just ask him instead of asking Amelia.
He asked me to ask Amelia for his number so I texted Amelia about it. Wren in the end, gave his number by himself.
I saved his number and afterwards I didn't knew why the first thing I asked him was " Is this Wren? ".
Of course ,Wren answered " Yea? Who is this? " After seeing the text I didn't knew how to a reply for a while.
I got creative with my reply by replying " The one that played with you in ml"
What he replied afterwards made me speechless for a good short while. He literally asked "Isn't this Afirah? "
Of course that's my name. I guess he thought I was an online player that played with him before.
I answered "yes" then again he told me isn't this Humaira. Yet, he again he mentioned my name well it's my other name. I didn't tell him that I have a long full name.
I replied with "Nur Afirah Humaira". Actually that was like a two quarter of my name. He then told me now it made sense.
I just stared at my phone and wondered how he knew those 2 names of mine.