Don't really know how to talk to him.

I guessed Amelia told him those two name of mine. He then asked me whether I'm Imran sister or not. I answered yes.

The way he spelled Imran wrong and he asked me one of the question that I didn't even expected from him. His questions "Why is Emran so gay? "

I knew he said it in a joking way but he left me speechless once again.

"You asked me this because I'm his sister right? " I asked him.

He sent me a sticker as his replied to me. We started to text each other a lot and I didn't knew he was older than me even though he's in year 8. He was sixteen years old.

He schooled late because he came into this country when it was 2017. Usually the foreigners who wanted to school always repeated a year well, I guessed he didn't repeated a year.

Amelia told me that Wren was her step cousin since his mother married Amelia's uncle. As for Liam I thought they were just friends I never knew they were cousins also.

There's this one time I came out of The Great Hall and I literally waved at him and his other classmates saw me waving but then he didn't noticed there's why I realized I couldn't go back in time just so I would not waved at him. I felt embarrassed.

I just walked away wishing that I shouldn't have done that. My school is sort of an international school since there's other nationality in my school.

I guessed me and Wren became friends. The fact that I had to asked him whether he thinks me as Amelia's best friend or also his friend.

Since I usually walk with Amelia during break often she would go to Wren and talk to him. Even though we texted a lot , I just don't know why I couldn't bring myself to talk to him in reality.

Everytime we talked , the conversation would not last long , the conversation would be like a three sentence or less than five sentences and therewas this atmosphere feeling so awkward.

The year 8 this year was chosen to be the one who would perform for this year national day. During the almost end of February. The year 8 would be practice outside while the other students study in their classes

They would also practice while the other students having their break. They would be practicing under the hot weather. Amelia would see them practice and would waved at Wren.

They were already arranged a specific place . I just knew Wren was placed next to the girl who had been crushing on him when Amelia told me.

Before they were about to practice again Wren was standing and his face looked like he didn't wanted to be there that made me and Amelia laughed.

They stopped the practice after break.

Finally the last period english. Reading the story made me for real sleepy. In 3 2 1 the bells rings. At last,school finishes.

The sad thing when school already ended for the day Aliyah would immediately go home early. So it was just me, Amelia and Jones.

Jones is my guy best friend. We were walking around the schools while we talked along the way. As we we're walking,Amelia saw Wren so she went there also me and Jones.

Wren suddenly asked Jones to arm wrestle him. Jones hesitate for a moment but agreed to match in the end. They both played two times those two time Wren won. Amelia then challenge Wren to a arm wrestling match which Wren also won the match.

Since he challenged Jones and Amelia he asked me also to challenged him . I agreed to do if there's something to cover my hand. Amelia and Jones suddenly and repeatedly said " HARAM HARAM can't touch. "

They way they said was funny that it made me and Wren laughed so hard. Well of course in the end I did not have a match with him.

What I noticed was that the year 8 boys would challenged themselves or other students to an arm wrestling challenged , they even done it during break.

The year 8 was like starting to make the arm wrestling challenged a trend in school. At around usually 12 40 pm. Amelia would always asked me if I want to followed her to the bus stop. Just that day I realized Wren was also there waiting at the bus stop.

Wren was sitting down. Amelia had to go home already that time since her parents already arrived. I said goodbye to her. I decided to stay and accompanied Wren. I tired to talk to him but I feel it was so awkward at some point.

The conversation somehow ended and I just keep looking at the road to know if my mom arrived already. He went home already so I decided to go back to school running afraid that my mom could already arrived to pick me up.

I felt like I had ran a marathon just to get to the school. The bus stop wasn't far from school it was just near a few step you'd arrived already there.

At home,I was just laying down on the couch , busy watching a drama. When suddenly I received a message from him . He sent me a screen shot of the girl who has a crush on him.

In the screen shot, the girl was trying to talk to him but then also calling him mask fishing. Well, that screen shot felt like mixed feelings.

Wren was asking me how do he reject the girl. I gave him lots of solution one of the solution was tell the girl that he's not interested in a relationship.

Unfortunately he couldn't tell that since he said he has a girlfriend. So I suggested him that to tell her he would rejected her since he wouldn't upset his girlfriend.

I gave him a lot of suggestions but he didn't follow any of it. The fact that he said he has a girlfriend so people won't try to get with him.

Well it backfired him instead.