Chapter Twenty-One

Kendra's Point of View

The door opens and in walks a mousy brunette girl in a faded rose coloured dress. Her hair is thrown back into a messy bun and her hair is clear of any make up. She smiles slightly at me as she sets a tray full of food down on the bed beside me.

Looking at the tray, I see a huge amount of food. How this small mouse of a girl could carry so much seems incredible to me. There's a huge stack of pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, doughnuts, hashbrowns, a glass of milk, orange juice, apple juice, and tea. That is way too much for just one person to consume.

I hear her voice ring out across the room as she asks

"Will that be all, miss?"

I notice that she has a sort of accent to her voice, different from the kingdom's normal one. Her accent seems like a cross between the kingdom's accent and a southern belle's accent from back in my realm. She sounds sweet and friendly, like she's the perfect new best friend.

"No, I hate to ask this, but I need you to stay and help me eat, there's no way I can eat all of this by myself. You're not busy are you? I'd really appreciate the company."

I try to bait her into staying and hanging out with me, but then back track when I remember she might be busy.

"No, I'm not busy. I'm your lady in waiting, I'm just supposed to tend to your needs. So whatever you want, just ask."

She responds and I'm thinking that this is perfect. Now I can make her my best friend and hang out with her all the time. After all, I need a new best friend to hang out with while I stay here.

"Okay then, sit and eat with me. Let's talk and get to know each other better. First, what's your name?"

I almost forgot that I don't even know her name yet, I have to know my new best friend's name! She smiles at me, but still stands there looking just a bit uncomfortable.

"My name is Rain Evergreen. I don't think it would be very proper for me to join you, miss."

Proper? What kind of reasoning is that? Besides we're supposed to be best friends! Something like that can't come between best friends!

"You said whatever I want and I want you to join me. Besides, I'm a princess and my mate's your prince, so if anyone has a problem with it they can come to me. Also, call me Kendra, we're going to be best friends, so no more of this 'miss'."

Maybe it's a bit much to pull the whole royalty card on her, but there's no way I'm letting her go! She finally nods and sits down and joins me.

"Okay, so I hate to point this out, but I can't eat most of this. I can't eat any of the meat or animal products. It's a bit like being vegan, except I'm an elfin werewolf. My wolf is asleep right now, but I'm still elfin. Elfin people normally only eat berries, nuts, and chocolate. So, I can only eat some of the pancakes, hashbrowns, doughnuts, juice, or tea. I hope you don't take that wrong, but it's not exactly a choice on eating certain things."

I watch as her face falls and I immediately feel bad for her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know. I can go make you something else, if you want."

I shake my head and smile at her.

"No, I was going to share with you anyhow, remember? So it's fine, I just didn't want you to feel insulted or think that I didn't think it was good or somehting."

She smiles, picks up a piece of bacon and takes a bite.

"Okay, sounds good to me. So, if I'm not calling you miss then what am I supposed to call you?"

I laugh a bit at her confused expression.

"My name is Kendra and, as my new best friend, I'd like you to call me that. If anyone questions it, they'll have to deal with me."

She smiles before responding.

"You know, you're actually really kind."

Aww..... she was worried things would be akward just because I'm royalty.

"You know it, so, tell me about yourself."

We spent the next few hours telling each other about everything and, by the end of the day, we were laughing and teasing each other like best friends. When Amerest walked in, he had a smile on his face and, when he saw me with Rain, he smiled even wider.

"Nice to see you're getting along well with your lady in waiting, love."

At the sound of his voice, Rain jumped in surprise and got a bit nervous.

"Hey, Rain, it looks like you're enjoying your new job. I'm glad, I knew you'd be perfect. Do you think you could give me and Kendra some alone time?"

She nods and heads out the door.

"Yes, sir, I'll just go make Kendra her dinner."

Before she gets her last foot out the door Amerest stops her.

"Good. Oh, Rain, one more thing before you go."

She stops and turns back nervously.

"Yes, sir?"

He gives her a friendly smile.

"Call me Amerest, not sir."

She smiles back.

"Yes, Amerest."

Then she leaves and me and Amerest alone.

"So, you do like her?"

I look up a bit surprised.

"Rain? Yes, I do like her. We're going to be best friends now."

He gives a soft laugh and smiles.

"I'm glad to hear it. Her family really needed the money and you really needed someone who could be your bestfriend as much as your lady in waiting. So, how do you feel about meeting my family?"