Chapter Twenty

Kendra's Point of View

When I awoke it was to the semi-familiar feel of the silky sheets of a four-poster bed. I was once again back in Amerest's kingdom. I have to say it's almost comforting to be back.

It's a bit like escaping the reality of everything. However, there's this feeling of loss, like I'm missing something, a part of me.

"Good morning, love. I was almost afraid you'd never awake. Now, before you panic, yes you're back in Raeth and yes you may be feeling like you're missing something. Now, forgive me, love, but your friend, the fairy, she put your wolf to sleep. It's only temporary, but it should allow you some quiet while you make peace with yourself. After all, the situation with Ashton must be hard on you. I shall leave you now. A young woman should be here soon with your breakfast."

With that, he left and I was alone. The thought of being without my wolf was strange, but also came with a sense of freedom. I no longer had that pull to Ashton, but I still had one to Amerest. Of course, I should probably mention that the pull from my elfin side isn't as strong as the one from my wolf has always been. It's more of a whisper at the back of my mind than anything else.

In truth it was almost exciting and I felt more freedom than ever. I could now logically think things through or let my heart choose what to think without all of this soulmate nonsense getting in the way.

All of that and I'm still not powerless or human. I still have my elfin abilities that allow me to move things with my mind and I still feel a strong connection to nature.

Have I even mentioned that before? That my kind has a strong connection to nature? It doesn't give us any sort of special abilities, but it's there. It allows us to better know nature in ways where we always know which way is North or which plants are okay to eat versus which ones are poisonous. It was a helpful trait if we were to get stranded in the middle of a forest a long way from home. Although, some of our kind just live in the forest by choice.

I've always wondered what it would be like to be just elfin. If I'd feel any different or act any different. So, I guess, this will be a new experience for me. Too bad I'm also going to have the side effect of being attracted to Amerest and nothing to contradict the feeling. Yep, this is going to be so much fun.


Rain's Point of View

Today was my first day at the castle. I was actually pretty nervous considering how big of a deal my new job is. Being the prince's mate's personal lady in waiting is a huge deal!

The prince himself decided on who would get the job and women from all over had applied. I don't just mean people from our kingdom either, there were also some from other kingdoms. It's just that there are only a select few people who get to be that close to the royals without being born into the role.

The fact that it was a crown prince's mate made it even more exciting! She wasn't from this realm, which means that she had a whole different perspective from us. As her lady in waiting I had the chance to be her best friend and hear all of the drama and exciting stories she had to tell as a princess from a foreign realm.

Since I'd been chosen as her lady in waiting, I moved up the social ladder a lot. I went from peasant to the highest on the social ladder I could be without being born into nobility. All of the other servants in the castle would even have to show me respect.

Of course, if I didn't do my job well, I could get fired or worse, beheaded, if I'm seen as a threat to the prince's mate. Still, it's a huge opportunity and I'm super excited!

While it might sound like I care about all the power I could obtain, I actually wanted the job so I could pay for my younger brother's hospital bills. He has a heart defect and without surgery we could lose him. As a farmer's daughter I knew there was no way we'd be able to afford the operation on our own. Still, I'm his older sister and I had to do something to help.

Thus, I am now here hurrying to the new princess's chambers with her breakfast. I knock on the door and, when I'm allowed entrance, I enter. I carry the tray over to the bed and sit it down. Then I politely ask

"Will that be all, miss?"

I keep my head low and try to be as respectful as I can. I want to make a good impression after all.

"No, I hate to ask this, but I need you to stay and help me eat, there's no way I can eat all of this by myself. You're not busy are you? I'd really appreciate the company."

Her voice sounds really kind and, when I look up, I'm taken back by how beautiful she is. I mean, I expected the princess to be pretty, but this woman is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

"No, I'm not busy. I'm your lady in waiting, I'm just supposed to tend to your needs. So whatever you want, just ask."

She smiled up at me and patted the bed beside her.

"Okay then, sit and eat with me. Let's talk and get to know each other better. First, what's your name?"

I smile back at her, but make no move to sit.

"My name is Rain Evergreen. I don't think it would be very proper for me to join you, miss."

She frowns a bit, then smiles again.

"You said whatever I want and I want you to join me. Besides, I'm a princess and my mate's your prince, so if anyone has a problem with it, they can come to me. Also, call me Kendra, we're going to be best friends, so no more of this 'miss'."

I decided right there and then that I liked Kendra. With her charming, easy going personality and beauty, she's bound to have the whole kingdom in love with her. I'm sure she'll make an amazing queen! Even better is the fact that now I know I have the best job and new friend ever.