Monstsr High??!

Suddenly, it starts raining and the two of us who just wanted to fully dry off from the grey waters start to quicken our pace on the now ashy dirt the deeper into the park we get into.

The sky scrapers begin to fade away like a mirage the closer we get to the concrete of the city, revealing a hunted forest with a blood red moon.

At least there's more colour in the sky, but it's really dark, and still everything in front of us is somehow lit up pretty well as if the black sky has no affect on the lighting whatsoever.

We make our way down the footpath, and the more we tread the track, the more of a hunted mansion we see.

"That must be the monster school.", I say to the girl.

"Yeah, we're so close."

Close to what? Is this our aim? For some reason the both of us feel like this is where we are supposed to be.

"Hey, can you please keep the fact that I'm a human a secret? I don't know what to expect yet, so since the school has 'monster' in the title, I don't want any sort of trouble that could happen."

"Are you afraid of me?"

"No, you're a good person."

"Ahaha, I see, that's good."

We run in a bit of silence, before I hear her whisper, "You're a good person too.".

This makes me more happy than I expected to hear, so… I think I might like her.

*PANT*, "We FINALLY made it. I didn't think the building was so far away but so big. The parallax is rediculious!", I say exhausted, after having jogged for 40 minutes straight.

*COLLAPSE*, the girl is face first on the floor as stiff as a log.

"WOW! Hey, you ok?!"

She must have a weak constitution after doing nothing in her life for what feels to her to be a lifetime.

I brush the dirt off her face and nose as I help her up. She can't stand, so I piggy back her into the school campus with the insanely massive building enough to be considered a man-made mountain…? (For a place to rest.)

Wait a minute, it looks like it's reasonable sized now the hunted mansion. I see that the fence of the school is right next to us, so at least the fear that there's still more to walk is gone, but there must be something strange going on for the parallax to last as long as it did, even though the building didn't get any bigger from our POV despite being actually close to it now.

Maybe there's a mechanism that's making the image of it remain the same size as what it would be if 'around the corner', but I don't know what kind of asshole would do such a thing.

Anyways, we make our way to the closest bench on campus at the front of the school, and after having stepped past the campus' gates, I hear teachers giving lectures in nearby classes leaking from the nearby brick walls.

I put the girl down and lie her down on her back, as I also catch my breath for a bit.

I should really ask for her name, but I wonder if she remembers that or not too?

Wait… too? Oh god, I don't know my name either…

Why am I so slow? TF?!

I look at her sleeping, and I wonder how she was able to make it all the way here on foot with her brown, Rapunzel-esque long hair. I see that at the bottom of her hair has become really dirty, damaged, and filled with whole sticks wrapped up in her knots.

I get up and try to do my best to groom what I can out of it, but I'll suggest her to get a hair cut once she wakes up, unless if there's a rule for her monster species that goes against it.

"Huh?", she wakes up as I finish off with most of the clean-up.

"Welcome back."

"What are you doing?"

"You had whole branches in your hair. We really need to clean up, you're probably freezing."

"I feel… a bit cold?"

"Then yeah, we should."

*Step step step*, we hear footsteps coming from the inside coming towards the large front entrance door.

Out walks a lady who gives off 'front desk' vibes, and sternly looks at the two of us as if we have done something unforgivable.

"What are the two of you doing out of class on the first day of school?!", she yells at us and her hair turns into snakes.

I looks away, worried I'd be turned into literal stone, and signal to the girl to take it from here.

"We aren't students ma'am. We both woke up lost in a lake and followed a path in a forest that led us here."

Her eyes stare at us with utter disgust, not falling for an 'obvious lie' in her eyes.

"Oh REALLY? Then explain to me why you're both- AND LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU!"

I quickly turn to face her.

"Why are you BOTH in uniform?"


Sure enough, we are both suddenly in school uniforms, and both completely clean too.

Is this what they call plot armour, or is there an actual plot to this as well?

"Get to your god damn classes."

"Y-yes ma'am.", we both say.