Class Introductions

"What's going on? Where is she taking us?", the girl asks me as the person who gives 'front desk vibes' takes us to our classroom.

"I dont know either, but I guess we should play along."

"You're both lucky that I'm not reporting you two to the principal.", she says sturnly, "If there was any more persistence to skip class on the first day, I would have done just that."

Neither of us feel guilty, because we both don't even know what's going on, but we do feel like whatever is going to happen next, we should do our best to continue to blend in.

*Slide*, the classroom door opens.

"Go sit down.", she says.

A female teacher is surprised by the sudden intrusion, but is quickly caught up on the alleged situation, and chooses to not call us out on it in front of the class.

The students around us all look mature, some enough to be considered as 30-40 year olds, and yet they are all acting in a manner that is fit for teenagers, snickering and gossiping over the fact that a guy and a girl came into class alone together.

We make our way to the back row of seats and sit next to each other in the middle-left facing the front.

We both sit down shyly from all the attention we are receiving.

"Greetings. We have two more new students, and even though we already did our introductions earlier today, let's give them the same chance to do so too."

I get a cold chill, realising that we both probably don't remember our own names, and that might look suspicious for something.

"Could the girl over there please stand up first and tell us your name?", she asks pleasantly.

I turn to see her shaking from stage fright, and I pray her to do well.

"M-m-m-m-mmm-mm-m-m-m-mmmmmmmmmmmmm", she's stuttering way too much.

"My-m-ma-ma-my-my nay-my nam-name.", the blue iris of her eyes begin to glow brighter.


Lasers shoot out of her eyes, and burn through the middle of a Polnareff-cut of a rocky-looking monster jock that could easily win a Mr. Olympia on size alone, just as would be the case for any JoJo parts 1-3 character to be fair.

She's squealing to herself in fear now.



Everyone stares in silence.

Me and her anticipate some of them to get angry.

"WHOOOO!! YEAH!! HOOOOWEEE!!!! *Whistle* *clap*", the whole class is in celebration.

The teacher especially is shocked with happiness, "I did NOT expect to have an S-class Ancient in my class.".

Ancient? Just how long was she in those waters?! Or maybe that's just what her species is referred to and aren't really something truly extinct?

"Wow, ok. Now I'm looking forward to see what her acquaintance is made out of."

Everyone goes quiet immediately.

All pressure is on me.

She said her name was Eve, so that gives me an idea for an alias to have.

"My name is Adam.", I push through the embarrassment, obviously easier than 'Eve' did.

"Oh, Adam and Eve. What type of monster are you Adam?"

My eyes widen, and I side eye Eve.

Suddenly, she closes her eyes, and part of her hair begins to move towards my leg.

Once it wraps around my ankle, she telepathically says to me through it.

"Adam, listen to me, this is Eve. Say the word 'Zeshbakhet'. Trust me."

"Okay.", I nod slightly as I think in response.


Hm? Everyone turned their heads back to the front, and are looking at their desks.

The teacher is also looking out the window while grabbing onto her chair tightly.

I see fear in their eyes.

"What happened?", I turn to Eve confused and shocked as I think with her telepathically.

Her eyes are starry, in admiration for some reason, "Wow, I don't understand why, but I loved it when you said that.".

"What did I say?"

"I don't know, it was just intuition that it would have been a good idea to do so."

"Um, I think your intuition is off the mark. Everyone isn't reacting the same way they did for you."

Eve rests her head on her desk and smiles up at me, "No, I was right. It really is the best thing you could say.".

I sit down, and turn to my right. The person staring down at his desk jolted.

"Surely there's something else I can say to make them at ease again, is there?", I ask her telepathically again while her hair remains around my ankle.

"Just say 'Ameno', and they should feel better."

"Hmmm, okay, I'll try that."


Suddenly, everyone's shoulders are no longer stiff, and they become extremely relieved as if they get to live another day.

Everyone then begins to turn to face me with caution.

Slowly, more and more people begin to clap.

The teacher says, "I am witnessing history. The grand scheme is happening, right in this classroom.".

"WTF EVE?!", I stare at her.

"Ahaha.", she giggles out loud.