Chapter 95- Welp, Let's run

Rachael landed on falling debris, while Derick landed a few feet away, their eyes searching through the…descending mass of rubble? 

"Gloria, What's going on?" Her mother asked, her tone even and her gaze fixed on Gloria. 

"....I'll have to explain later, Mother". She replied, turning towards the Devils that had gone wary and cautious. 

"I see, Gusion Apes.." Derick said as he jumped over to the standing platform where Rachael was, Aria catching up soon enough. 

"How do we go about handling things ? From my inspection, we should be plummeting at least 70 meters below the dungeons". 

Gloria's eyes lit up, her gaze snapping towards Derick, and her eyes widened in shock. 

"Wa…That deep ?" She asked, her voice a rushed hush. It seemed she had not expected that sort of damage from her attack, and yet reality proved quite differently.