The atmosphere warped as four figures appeared in a white room. A figure of pristine beauty floated in the middle with a piercing white gaze that glanced at the four figures that stood before her.
With a giant smile, she signalled for them to come forward with her fingers as a table and four chairs appeared below her.
She descended and sat on one of the chairs while Merthy, Raph and Elsie walked up to the table. Cartwyn was immediately teleported out of the room, leaving the four people gathered for their conversation.
"Was that planned?" Raph asked with a raised tone as he sat down on the chair next to Ziza. He was now putting on a different set of clothes in place of the torn one.
Ziza giggled lightly. "Not at all. Why would we cohort with our enemies?" She asked with a playful tone in her voice.
Raph scoffed. "I would like to know as well".
Merthy and Elsie sighed before Merthy stepped in.