Chapter 260- Timon of a 100 men

Back in the day, Timon was known for many things. A tyrant, a thief, a fake knight, but all of those came to nothing to his Nickname once he got his Transcendent Skill. 

Timon of a hundred men. A man said to possess the strength of a hundred men. Of course, this was boosted at least thrice by his strongest Master Skill, Gladiator Aura. 

A boost skill that increases his overall physical abilities by at least three of its original. 

He was a powerful man, a strong-willed individual with a goal, though….he stumbled upon ice. Not just any ice, the Sword Ice King. 

Neuj suddenly sprung up, his neck still clasped in Raph's grasp with his hands stretched forward. 

"Transcendent Skill! GRAVITY TRIUMPH!" 

An unparalleled force of gravity descended upon Raph like a mountain as a sudden yelp escaped his lips. 

The ground shook and trembled, sand digging a sinkhole in itself as Raph was pulled to his knees with a magnetic thud. 

"Timon! Now!"