There were two oddly standing figures amongst the Visitors who had their eyes glued to the scene. From the beginning up till the end, they had followed his movements like a hulk.
One of them was a man with black slick hair and black eyes. He stood next to a female with blonde hair and blue eyes, and their attire was mostly between outdoorsy and corporate.
They both stood behind the group of visitors, though they had a clear view of the Display.
Just then, the girl looked up towards the man.
"Son of the Jun household….he's more talented than our sources make him to be".
"Yes….in fact, he seems like an obstacle…if he had knowledge of us that is…"
The man replied, adjusting his shades as a round of applause echoed in the air.
Raph had just completed his display, with the stage left for the next Student. Jane Lucia.
"Though, we did get a report from Gonzalo Jean on his hindrance at his Bastion".