'The rankings battle?'
With a subtle flicker in his eyes, he glanced at Sophie, a subtle thought forming in his head.
"Yeah, but like I said, there were a lot of people that day. I'm surprised we could tell her apart even"
"Well, she does seem…special in a way" Brett's suspicious gaze remained fixated on Sophie until he turned towards Raph. "She's in your class, right?"
"Yes, she is. A skilful warrior apparently. But we haven't gotten to the point where I needed to test her".
He replied. 'Heck, I had not even paid her any attention until now…'
He did have a suspicion of her identity now, but he couldn't exactly point it out.
'Rhett assumed she was part of the Spectators since it would be difficult to tell their smells apart but Brett thinks otherwise'.
He shook his head, pushing his thoughts out. 'I'll have to find out more in my free time'.