Possible legendary

It shouldn't need to be mentioned but there was a couple hour time difference between here in Sinnoh and back in Hoenn so while it was a pretty normal time for me to be up and about, over there they were still asleep. Once I was done with the computer I shut it off and walked back out to the main lobby. "I hope you found everything to your satisfaction." the Joy said with a friendly smile. "Indeed I did, but I was hoping to see the jobs you had if any as well." I said calmly.-

She seemed surprised at this but complied anyways by handing over the printed list out for me to go over. 'Exterminate a pest, help at the docks, investigate the sightings of a ghost type near a certain area. This last one seems interesting.' I thought as I looked over the available jobs. "I'll take this investigation job." I said pointing out the job on the paper. The Joy looked at the job and frowned "Are you sure? I'm not doubting your skill but even a full investigation by the local chapter of the Jenny clan has turned up little more than fleeting glances and empty shadows." she said seriously.-

"I have a unique advantage in terms of ghost types so I likely have a much better chance of solving this matter than most." I said with a smirk as I patted the pocket Hades was in earning a hiss from the moody spectre. It had been in a poor mood ever since we left Orre or to be more specific the Hub in Orre. I couldn't really blame it either as the place had a calming effect on all of the soul fragments that made it up and with that effect gone the innate rage and grievances that those soul shards held were rearing their ugly heads.-

Ironically it was my own general numbness that was keeping it passive at the moment and not murderously twitchy. Don't get me wrong I wasn't a purely apathetic person anymore but that didn't mean I didn't have a bad habit of sort of zombie walking through my days. I had traded my apathy for a sort of calmness that was hard to really describe. Anyways Hades was sort of leaching off this calmness to keep it's cool at any given moment.-

If I honestly thought that it would help I'd try to get the ghost some therapy but the sad fact of the matter was that no amount of the stuff would help a Spiritomb like it as trauma and mental instability were innate facets of it's species. Spiritomb were born of death and from what I understand not the peaceful sort either and that meant it's default state was madness, so how could you possibly fix it? This mission would be good for Hades as it would let it distract itself from itself for at least a short while.-

The Joy reluctantly registered the mission under my name and after thanking her for her help I left the pokecenter. The details of the mission were simple really and the quest that the system gave me based on it had a few details that weren't included in the paper.

[Quest conditions established!

Description: There have been reports of a pokemon with dark features that floats and is speculated to be a Ghost type stalking a certain area within Canalave city! You have taken the mission of discovering and potentially removing the creature should it prove dangerous!

Objectives: Discover the identity of the mysterious pokemon (0/1), Decide what to do with the mysterious pokemon(optional)(multiple choice), ?????(optional)(based on the choice made in the previous objective.)

Rewards: 4x item tickets, 1x pokemon ticket, ?????(rewards based on choice and outcome)]

'Dark features and floats? Doesn't exactly narrow the list down by much since most ghost types fit the bill. Banette, Dusclops and Sableye are all excluded as they are all ground bound and a Spiritomb would be far more violent and not nearly so elusive. Hold on wasn't there an event in platinum involving a kid with perpetual nightmares that you used to acquire a Darkrai?' i thought turning serious.-

If it was indeed Darkrai then shit was going to get VERY complicated for a few reasons. The first was that as both Hades and Darkrai were legendries they might get into a spat over the territory. Depending on the strength of the Darkrai this might mean I'd need to get my other pokemon involved and cause a big scene. While I wouldn't get in much trouble with the league since a wild legendary causing problems in a city and needing to be stopped wasn't a new concept, it would still be a pain to deal with.-

Yeah wild legendary pokemon do occasionally decide for whatever reason to just show up in a city and more often than not it doesn't end very well at all. See if their peaceful everything is fine up until somebody realizes that said legendary ISN'T someone's pokemon but wild. Wild pokemon in the cities are either heavily monitored or outright removed because unlike trained pokemon there is no one between them and any impulse that says some rude asshole who was otherwise innocent should meet a very unchild friendly end.-

This brought me to the second complication of if this WAS a Darkrai, keeping things calm. Despite being walking nightmares by nature Darkrai are from my understanding fairly solitary and quiet creatures. I am by no means an expert on the topic but all research I've read on the stuff on the net pointed at the species being one of the least aggressive legendary species, friendly even in some cases. For the record the three legendary birds were considered at the top of that list as they caused the most deaths and attacks of any legendary.-

The final complication was of course, the league. To be specific how the fuck I was going to convince it NOT to mess with the thing if it is indeed harmlessly going about it's business. As "the nightmare pokemon" Darkrai as a whole weren't really welcome in any human settlement because of their very presence causing nightmares. It was kinda unfair to judge it harshly because of this but no amount of propaganda was going to solve the fact that the species as a whole were sorta pests to have around, nobody liked having nightmares. In the end I would just offer to take the thing to someone who would treat it well if it needed to be removed.-

Honestly I was pretty sure any of the big professors would be thrilled having it around and might even create a way to keep the nightmares away from others as a result of researching it. 'Hmm, if I recall this regions professor was Rowan right? A bit on the more traditional side of things but should be a good match for a quiet pokemon like Darkrai.' I thought seriously as I walked down the street.