
She took the paper and looked at the job confused "Are you sure? Not that I'm questioning your judgement but the pay.." she said without finishing but I understood what she was getting at. The pay really was abysmal as the person who posted it was only offering a measly thousand poke. For even a newbie trainer that amount of money was next to nothing as training pokemon was an expensive thing. My own expenses were even more massive as stuff for ace level pokemon started going up in price that jumped the further you went.-

If it weren't for my skills as an alchemist and abilities to manipulate plants and literally see hidden treasures my maintenance costs alone would be almost a million poke a month. For champion level trainers it IS well over a million poke a month. Don't think this is excessive either as the stronger a pokemon gets the less normal resources effect them and you need stronger and stronger stuff just the get the same effect that a cheaper resource would have on them if they were much weaker. Naturally these resources were really fucking rare or hard to obtain and as a result expensive.-

"Yes I'm sure. It's an interesting job so I don't mind the small amount it pays." I said with a smile. She nods in understanding "I'll register you as having taken this job then please give me a moment." she said with a smile of her own and went to work. A few moment later and she gave me the all clear alongside a paper slip with the contact info of the poster. I thanked her and left the pokecenter for good this time before contacting the person with the plate and setting up a meeting place.-

The guy chose a café called "Crawlers coffee" and was apparently a popular place for folks who send there days digging down in the underground below the city. The theme of the place was similar to the environment down there which was relaxing for those people and smaller Rock type pokemon such as Geodude worked as servers there. I had to admit that it was a quaint little place when I walked in as there were no windows and the walls and ceiling were covered in stone like that of a cave with small dim lights to give the perfect amount of light to replicate the conditions in the underground.-

While I waited for the guy to arrive I ordered a house special coffee drink called the "dirty digger" that was a chocolate Frappuccino with cookie crumbles and espresso infused whipped cream. The drink looked like a cup of mud and I thought it was an amusing thing even if slightly too sweet and closer to a desert than I would have liked. Not that it wasn't good but I enjoyed the rich bitterness of coffee and drinks that played well with it and this simply wasn't one such thing.-

"You must be the one who took my job, stick out like a sore thumb you do." a rough but cheerful male voice said and soon after a man sat at my table. He wasn't fat so much as barrel chested if the muscle definition on his arms were anything to go by. He wore dirty plain jeans and a dirt smothered tan t-shirt. "Ah don't mind my state, just got topside from the underground you see. Brent!" He introduced with a grin as he held out his hand. "Alex and I've no place to judge someone's appearance." I said with a smirk shaking the offered hand without hesitation.-

"Good good! I was a bit worried that you might have been one of them pompous museum squatters. Seems I had nothing to worry about though." Brent said with a bit of derision when he mentioned the "museum squatters". "So tell me about this plate you found?" I asked eager to get to the point. "Found it a few days ago in the oddest way. See most historical things you dig up from the underground are caked with dirt and extra stone you've got to get off to see the shine so to speak. But once I cracked the stone around it the plate fell out without a spec of nothin else on it, never seen anythin like it." he said seriously.

He then reached into his bag and produced the object in question and my eyes immediately narrowed as I felt the power it radiated with my aura as clear as day. It was a light green color and I remembered from my days playing platinum that this was either the insect or meadow plate. "Can I see it?" I asked seriously and Brent handed it over.-

The moment it touched my hand I shuddered as I felt the power of it gently interact with my aura. It seemed to almost pause when it touched the mark on my hand that represented Giratina's blessing but that may have been a trick of my mind. The plate was the standard rectangular shape that they had in the game and it's surface was cool and smooth to the touch. I wasted no time at all flipping the plate over and verifying that it was the real deal without a doubt as there on the back was a simple sentence engraved in Unknown runes. -

"Where all creation was born, that is the being's place of origin."

'Insect plate then as if i'm not wrong the meadow plate spoke of the plates themselves.' I thought as I turned the plate over again and handed it back to Brent. "So what do you think?" he asked curiously. "It's an old boosting item for pokemon, bug type specifically in this case. Honestly it's not much more than a curiosity if someone who didn't train pokemon had it. I'd be happy to buy it off of you for my Butterfree for five hundred thousand poke" I said with a smile.-

"That's it? I had hoped this thing was something special." he said looking for some sign of deception. I shook my head "The script on the back has some historical value but that's it, you could have others look at it and test it but they'll all agree with me, it's just a bug type boosting item." I said not actually lying as that was indeed true though it's connection to the creator pokemon was something best kept to myself.