
She was different to me and my pokemon who for lack of a better description were vicious and savage in how we battled. Cynthia on the other hand was controlled and calculating. Add on the sheer dominance her pokemon were trained for and she was an extremely difficult foe to face as she'd pick you apart piece by piece. Anyways we parted ways after that as Roark was headed back to the gym and I was going to check out the museum. As I walked the cobbled stone streets I couldn't help but wonder if anything would happen if I actually somehow collected the full set of plates.-

These were fragments of Arceus's power after all so it wasn't much of a stretch to think that gathering all of them might trigger some sort of event. While I doubt it would be like when I got Giratinas personal invitation to the distortion world after finding the griseous orb something similar wouldn't surprise me at all. I shook my head to rid myself of these thoughts as it was far too soon to be having them since I only had two plates at the moment.-

I walked past many stores and houses as I headed to the museum that were an odd mix of old metal and brick and modern high tech. It made sense though since this was the "city of energy" in Sinnoh where a lot of the energy from the region was produced. The progressiveness of the city had as a result been quite high even if it happened around the traditions of the place. Soon I reached the steps leading up to the museum itself that was quite the sight. It was a large modern building with tapestries hanging over it's outside and wide automatic sliding doors.-

The ground had also been paved so there was a set of concrete stairs and pathway leading to the door. The transition from cobbled stone to concrete was slightly disorienting but I got over it easily. When I walked in the green haired woman manning the desk smiled and told me of the fifty poke fee and after paying it i walked in properly. Unlike in the game there wasn't a mere handful of pieces on display but hundreds of them of various kinds including a thumb sized piece of life iron that pained me to see wasted like this.-

It was easily enough for a ring, necklace or earing conduit weapon yet was being used as a mere display piece. I sighed at the waste but moved on to the other things being displayed. There were rare pieces of pottery, fabric and tools from ancient times that was preserved on display. The most interesting though had to be the smallest fragment of one of Groudons scales being displayed. It was nearly inert as it held very little energy from the pokemon it came from and was a small chip barely as big as a quarter.-

It wasn't like the full scale I had found that had given Gaia the smallest spark of divinity that Groudon herself had later transformed into a full divinity. Still it was bold of them to display even a fragment of Groudons scales like this here. I wandered about the museum for a good couple of hours but saw no plates which was a little disappointing but not terribly unexpected. I also used my x-ray vision to check the things not being displayed but stored below ground in secure vaults and still failed to locate a plate.-

Slightly disappointed I left the museum and headed for that master blacksmith shop I saw previously. It was a small brick building positively radiating an intense heat even from outside of it. Opening the thick wooden door a wave of heat washed over me making me blink a bit as it dried out my eye a little. Inside the shop there were racks of weapons, tools and armors on display. At the back there was a toned dark skinned woman in a pair of pants and a sports bra with thick leather gloves and a visor on beating a piece of metal on an anvil.-

I didn't speak or make any attempt to interrupt her as it may ruin whatever she was doing and that wasn't exactly a great thing when you want someone's help. It didn't matter though as she apparently finished up whatever she was doing as she dropped the piece of metal in a bucket of oil nearby to quench. She stood up from her seat and took of the visor as she walked up to me. She was quite tall and was likely well over six and a half feet tall with a narrow but not unattractive face. Her eyes though were a deep ruby red along with her hair which told me she was an ability user, specifically something to do with fire.-

"Oh now this is a surprise. Usually i'm the one having to look down at folks, not often I meet someone taller than me. Can say the same about muscles too, quite the set you've got there." she said with an intrigued look. Her eyes eventually came to a screeching halt though when they crossed my spear. "Let me see that spear!" she demanded seriously. I was a little curious what she'd say about it and unhooked it from my back and presented it to her casually.-

She snatched it from my hand and began to eye the entire thing from the base to the head seriously. The head in particular was something she focused on with a frown. "You killed a Heatran with this, a powerful one." she stated not asked. "I did, lost an eye for it and got these scars." I said seeing no point in lying. "I can tell because I myself was blessed by a Heatran when I was but a girl and my blessing resonated with this spear, like it was kin to it. Never felt anything like it." she said handing the spear back to me reluctantly.-

"I'm not surprised then, the spear absorbed some of the Heatrans aura when the thing died and after that it's been steadily strengthened along with my own aura turning it into what you see now." I said honestly. Still you could consider me quite surprised to discover someone with a blessing from a minor legendary like Heatran. It should be remembered that the minor legendary pokemon only gained that ability after a certain age or level of power after all.