Creating a move through my palms was much easier now as the gloves worked as a focus for my energies. 'This really is a broken type of conduit weapon.' I thought as flames covered my fist harmlessly. Sure it was still quite tricky to pull off but compared to before it was much more reasonable. I couldn't use any of the really big or flashy moves yet but something simple like fire punch was a cinch. Of course I had Vulcan helping me out with training my fire type moves as one it was nearly entirely fireproof and two it insisted.-
Vulcan had noticed that the stronger the rest of my team got the less useful it was unlike when we first started traveling together. I could understand it's frustration but there really was nothing for it as every pokemon I had was a monstrous thing in some regard even if it wasn't front and center. Vulcan was still special when placed next to any normal pokemon but had lost sight of this being surrounded by things just as special or more so than it this entire time.-
Helping me train my use of fire energy satisfied the prideful part of Vulcan that had been more or less suppressed to hell by now. Getting slapped around by someone you once held as an equal tends to accomplish that after all. I hadn't lied to Byron when I said Gaia was my most powerful pokemon by a wide margin. She could very likely go toe to toe with a lower end champion level pokemon that didn't have a type advantage on her. She may even be able to win if the conditions were just right. All of this was thanks to her dual variation and growing divinity.-
That divinity sparked to life by Groudon had been VERY slowly changing her body as her power grew and by now I could point out noticeable differences from a normal Tyranitar on her beyond her variations. For example the crest of her head was more pronounced and sharper while her body was starting to shrink and narrow bit by bit. It was nearly imperceptible but I more than anyone was familiar with what she originally looked like. She had lost maybe two or three inches in total so it was hard to spot given her size but I regularly performed checkups on my pokemon both inside and out and record the details for future reference.-
What exactly the final form she will have is unknown to me as there had never been another like her as far as I was aware. Regardless her power dwarfed every other pokemon I had and with the addition of the plate she now held that was only going to increase further with time. Anyways Vulcan took my fire training seriously as it was the one subject that it excelled at. We of course started small with the most basic ember and once I had that mastered we moved on to flamethrower.-
Contrary to the games where the move was innately very powerful the reality of the situation was quite different. Flamethrowers real power was dependent on who used it as well as their skill with it. In my case it was barely more than if you held a lighter in front of an aerosol can. Sure it was a flamethrower but it lacked any real heft to it. Fire punch on the other hand was less about how strong the fire was and more how skilled you were with hitting things.-
The funny thing is that due to moves not being able to have more than one typing all the punch series moves were heavily debated on whether or not they were fighting or whatever type was in the name. No one could really agree on an answer as both arguments held equal merit. Personally I was on the side that said it was whatever type energy was used when performing the move. For those wondering why I had to learn flamethrower first the answer was simple because of needing a certain amount of fire type energy before being able to pull off fire punch.-
It was only after reaching the aerosol can flamethrower level consistently that Vulcan let me move to fire punch that was both easier and harder to learn. It was easier as trying to project my energy away from my body felt wholly unnatural so cloaking myself in it was less demanding. It was also harder because I needed to maintain a consistent amount of fire on my fists all while throwing a punch. As an added bonus this worked fantastically with my hand to hand skill. Mixing the move into my martial arts was a challenge to be sure but I enjoyed it as I could see the progress I made.-
Thankfully Vulcan didn't hold me to the standard expected of a pokemon with our training or I'd have serious issues at the end of this. My aura might not be much different qualitatively from a weak pokemons but my body was another thing entirely. My body was flat out not designed for move use and so I had far far more trouble with even the simplest moves. The only exceptions to this rule was with the water and rock types that I had an ability involved with and so found much easier to perform the moves of.-
Once I was done testing out that aspect of my new gloves I moved on to the pressure point aspect that was used for healing. Specifically it involved injecting my aura into a damaged area via the pressure points to heal it from the inside out rather than the outside in. It was also able to straight up kill by popping certain pressure points if I so chose. Nasty way to go too from the information I had as it forced the body to panic as it slowly failed.-
The biggest benefit of it though was that it was impossible to trace as it appeared at first glance like little more than a particularly painful bruise. The truth however was that once that point was burst the body hemorrhaged energy from it until it ran out of energy like a car running out of gas or the battery dying.