What I found odd however was that in the game after Cyrus bombed the first lake and captured the legendary there the other two lake guardians just sat in their lakes passively until he captured them too. Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit weren't helpless or ignorant creatures by any means and even held a full psychic link between them so they knew immediately when the first had been captured and yet still did nothing. This made me suspicious that there was something beyond them telling them to let it happen.-
In this case I assume it was Arceus for some reason as I highly doubted Dialga or Palkia would WANT to be bound again. If it was Arceus however this situation got really fucking complicated all the sudden and not in a good way. I still wasn't sure if it was Arceus who brought me to this world originally or not but if it was that begs the question, why? Sure I had stepped in a few times in "canon" events to try and prevent tragedy but if that was why I was brought here then why would it help Cyrus like this, assuming it was of course?-
One thing I knew for certain however was that it absolutely wasn't Giratina who had done this as I had personally seen the thing and it was far too self enclosed to bother messing with the "real" world like this. It wasn't the cruel petty creature the games painted it as or the pokemon that lived in the distortion world wouldn't be alive. Whatever the case this situation stunk and I needed to tread carefully here. That said I knew if I walked I'd never make it to the lake before Galactic made their move and that meant I needed to fly.-
The problem with that however was there happened to be a very specific mountain between my current location and that lake, Mt. Coronet. The very same place that was the closest to Dialga, Palkia, Giratina and Arceus in the entire world. I don't mean physical closeness either as that's not how dimensions work but rather symbolically. If lore was to be believed Arceus created the three prime legendries from that location as well as the world itself. For whatever reason this symbolic bond to the location has actual power over the pokemon themselves to a degree and thus can be used as an anchor to drag them out of their own dimensions.-
Bearing the blessing of one of these pokemon I naturally was HIGHLY wary of getting anywhere near the mountain in the off change my patron decided to pull me into their realm for a visit. Despite it mostly leaving me to my own devices Giratina was always an entity I had to be mindful of since it had my ass low jacked due to the blessing on my hand. This of course didn't take into account the other three who could ALSO use my proximity to the mountain to "arrange" a meeting, no consent from me needed.-
'Nothing to be done, I need to risk it if I want to try and throw a wrench in Cyrus's plans.' I thought with a sigh as I released Rune from his ball once I was outside the city. "We are flying to the lake at the northern tip of the region, we have some criminals to strike down." I say firmly and Rune roars in excitement as I get on his back and with a mighty flap of his wings we lift off the ground.-
The mountain range that splits the region in half rapidly passes by beneath us as Rune shoots through the sky at his maximum speed. Despite being high up in the sky above even the clouds Mt. Coronet loomed in the distance and as we got near it I could even make out the crumbling yet snow free ruins of the ancient temple that stood at the very peak of the mountain. I felt a heavy pressure on me as we passed by it as though multiple gazes had landed on me simultaneously but that was all as we passed the mountain without any trouble.-
I couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief once we were past the mountain and that pressure vanished just as fast as it appeared. I wasn't able to relax however as several figures shot into the sky in front of us as we started to approach the northern area that held the lake. My eye narrowed as I recognized the reflective silver and black outfits and stylized G on the front of them. There was seven grunts with the standard issue cyan bowl cut hairs and silver and black outfits but a single individual stood out from amongst them.-
A woman with attractive features and red hair whose outfit while the same color scheme as the grunts was different as it was a dress. She was riding on the back of what was clearly a royal variant Crobat "As usual Cyrus is right. He said you would show up to try and get in our way and here you are." She said seriously. I wordlessly released Tank from his ball and took off my eyepatch before opening my right eye. "You think you can take us all on with merely just this? How arrogant!" she said angrily before she and the grunts all made their moves.-
I raised my hands and my gloves began to glow as threads shot out of the fingertips and I flicked my fingers to make the razor sharp wires whip through the air not towards the pokemon but the people on their backs. The Galactic squad led by Mars were forced to cancel their attacks and dodge as the threads whistled menacingly through the air around me as I flicked each of my fingers as though playing a melody on a piano only I could see.-
My side didn't only stop there either but Tank, Rune and Hades all began to fill the sky with their own moves. Tank shot out threads of his own to further restrict the movements of the enemies by Rune shot out bolts of electricity that arced through the air ruthlessly seeking their targets like serpents. Hades on the otherhand fully manifested his several meter wide smoky form and all it's eyes and mouths while hissing it's bloody intent as it filled the sky with ominous wind and dark type energy.