Chapter 23: Trial (Finale)

Chapter 23: Trial (Finale)

"No, I don't want this! I want to continue the trial and defeat that monster! You didn't intervene when it almost killed me, why are you stopping me now?" Jiang Lei felt that he had been facing unfair treatment from the very beginning.

"Jiang Lei, every creature here is my responsibility. You can't hurt any of them. So, get ready for the next trial, and remember, it will be harder than before."

"Hey, you protect their lives, but what about my life? Am I just a pawn to you?" Jiang Lei was furious, wishing that the voice that tortured him would disappear forever.

The voice did not continue to answer Jiang Lei, perhaps it felt that arguing with him was futile.

"Your next test is to successfully practice this technique within three days. Remember, if you fail, your body will explode and die in three days."

As the voice fell, a large amount of information poured into Jiang Lei's mind like a tide. He tried his best to digest this knowledge, and finally found the name of the technique: Phoenix God's Heavenly Art."

The sudden change made Jiang Lei feel at a loss. The monster he longed to challenge disappeared, replaced by the arduous task of mastering a new skill. In this world, the price of failure always seemed to be his life.

"Is my life so insignificant? I once believed that life is priceless, but now, it seems that no one cares about the life and death of others." Jiang Lei lamented. He wanted to cry, but the tears did not come. In any case, he had no choice but to study this martial art that was related to life and death with all his strength.

Jiang Lei closed his eyes and searched through his memory, and was surprised to find many memory fragments that did not belong to him. He could not believe that this way of knowledge transfer actually existed.

"If this kind of technology existed on Earth, I could have avoided countless years of hard study in my previous life." Jiang Lei couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

But he knew that now was not the time to dwell on the past. What lay ahead was the crucial task of practicing the technique.

Jiang Lei carefully sorted out the information in his mind, but found that he could only learn a small part of the technique. The rest of the content seemed to be sealed and was unclear.

He decided not to delve into the mystery, but to focus on the technique in front of him. He silently recited the name of the technique: "Phoenix God's Heavenly Art."

"The name sounds incredible. I've heard of the Phoenix in my world. Is it similar to that?" Jiang Lei thought, "Anyway, you'll know when you try it." He continued to learn the technique.

"Phoenix... This name sounds so familiar. I seem to have heard of it on Earth. I wonder what the connection is between this technique and the legendary Phoenix?" Jiang Lei continued to study the content of the technique while thinking.

However, this technique is obscure and difficult to understand, as if it were shrouded in a mysterious mist. The technique was written in an ancient language that Jiang Lei had never seen before, but miraculously he was able to understand every word of it.

But no matter how hard he tried, he could never truly comprehend the essence of the technique. Jiang Lei felt deeply frustrated.

Jiang Lei takes a deep breath. "My comprehension ability was very good in my previous life. Then how come I have become so stupid that I can't even understand a single word?"

"System, help me understand this technique," Jiang Lei felt very useless. Without the help of the system, he could do nothing.

[System: "OK, Master, Insight mode is now on."]

In an instant, Jiang Lei's consciousness was pulled into a different dimension beyond time and space. Looking around, it was a barren land without a trace of life, not even a blade of grass could be seen. Jiang Lei looked around this strange environment in confusion, trying to comprehend his new surroundings.

Just as he was thinking, the originally bright world suddenly fell into darkness.

A huge divine phoenix stood in the air, its huge body covering the sky and blocking out the sun. Jiang Lei couldn't even see its end. Its appearance made the whole world pale in comparison.

The wings of the divine phoenix were like leaping flames, emitting dazzling light. The crown of flames on its head was as dazzling as the scorching sun, illuminating the dark world.

Its tall feathers are like a waterfall of flame, and every time it flapped its wings, it rolled up thousands of waves of fire.

The divine phoenix exudes a sacred and noble aura, as if it can purify all the filth in the world. The flames on its wings are so hot that they seem to be able to melt the whole world.

What shocked Jiang Lei the most was the pair of wise eyes of the Divine Phoenix. Its gaze seemed to see through everything about Jiang Lei, reaching the deepest part of his soul.

The phoenix slowly landed and looked into Jiang Lei's eyes. Its eyes were as deep as the sea of stars, as if they contained the mysteries of the entire universe.

While he was still in a trance, the Divine Phoenix suddenly spoke, it's voice was like a sound of nature, full of holiness and majesty. "You want to master the Phoenix God Heaven Technique, but before that, you must first understand its true meaning."

As it spoke, the phoenix raised its right claw and drew an elegant arc in the air. Suddenly, a fire lotus blossomed under its claw. The petals were made of pure flames, but exuded a faint fragrance.

The fire lotus slowly blossomed and the petals stretched out one by one. The petals made of flames flickered with golden red light, which was breathtakingly beautiful.

Jiang Lei stared at this cycle, unable to take his away. A pictures emerged in Jiang Lei's mind: countless flames emerged from between heaven and earth, interweaving into a huge network, and in the center of the network, a bright pearl shone brightly, which was the source of the fire of life.

"The true meaning of Phoenix God's Heavenly Art is to internalize this sacred fire in the heart, externalize it in the form, and make it a part of oneself." The words of the phoenix exploded in Jiang Lei's heart like thunder.

"When one has cultivated to the extreme, every cell in the body will be permeated by this divine fire, just like a phoenix rising from the ashes. At that time, the fire is no longer a simple destructive force, but is integrated with life, becoming a source of creation and purification."

Jiang Lei stared at the beautiful fire lotus for a long while. After some time, Jiang Lei raised his head to look at the Phoenix and some words came out of his mouth: "I understand now. Although fire is dangerous, if it is controlled, it can become a force that nourishes all things."

Phoenix nodded: "You have a good understanding. Now, I will teach you the first move of Phoenix God Heaven Technique. Please read it carefully."

The phoenix spread its wings and soared into the sky. It tumbled and danced in the air, each movement was graceful and calm, yet contained infinite power. Its body turned into a beam of fire, drawing complex patterns in the sky.

Jiang Lei observed attentively, and gradually, he seemed to see the mystery contained in the Phoenix's movements. Those patterns were exactly the moves of the Phoenix God's Heaven Technique.

As time passed, the fire lotus became brighter and brighter. Its light even surpassed the surrounding darkness, like a small sun, illuminating the entire space.

Just as Jiang Lei was deeply attracted by this beautiful scene, the fire lotus suddenly began to fade. Its light gradually weakened, and the petals began to curl. In the blink of an eye, the brilliant fire lotus turned into a pile of ashes and drifted in the air.

Jiang Lei couldn't help but feel a pity in his heart, but Phoenix's voice interrupted his thoughts: "Don't worry, watch it."

The ashes began to gather and formed a small rotating vortex in the air. A dazzling light suddenly burst out from the center of the vortex, and the ashes burned again in this light and turned into flames.

The flame slowly took shape and re-formed the shape of a lotus. This time the lotus was more gorgeous than before, with colorful lights flashing on the petals, as colorful as the feathers of a phoenix.

The new lotus exuded a transcendent breath, as if it had experienced nirvana rebirth, becoming more powerful and beautiful.

"I understand!" Jiang Lei shouted excitedly, "Although the phoenix will turn into ashes in the flames, its life will never end. Because it knows how to be reborn in destruction and find hope in despair."

Phoenix smiled approvingly: "Well, you have understood the mystery. Next, it depends on your own practice. Remember, although fire is powerful, it is also a double-edged sword. You must learn to control it, not be controlled by it."

"My power can destroy everything and can create everything, it's upon the wielder that how does he want to use it." I hope you won't let me down.

After the phoenix said this, its figure gradually merged with the gradually dissipating flames, disappearing into the void as if it had never existed.

However, the new clarity and understanding in Jiang Lei's heart were real. He knew that everything that had just happened was true, and this cognition made him very excited.

He also longed to be able to create and destroy everything through his thoughts. The mere thought of having this power made him very excited, more exciting than anything else.

Jiang Lei calmed down looked at the void where the Phoenix was and deeply bowed, "

Thank you for your guidance, senior, disciple will remember the teachings."

Saying that, Jiang Lei withdrew from that special state of consciousness, and looked around. He found that he was not in that strange realm, but back to the original place, only three steps away from the stone tablet engraved with ancient runes.

"Congratulations, Jiang Lei, you finally passed the third and final trial."

The voice sounded in his mind again, but this time, Jiang Lei felt that the voice was no longer the usual indifferent, but with a tone of surprise and appreciation.