Chapter 24: Divine Pheonix Bloodline

Chapter 24: Divine Pheonix Bloodline

Jiang Lei ignored the voice , he took a deep breath and sat down in his position.

The Divine Phoenix Code consisted of fifteen layers, each more challenging than the last. Jiang Lei's current knowledge was limited to the first layer: Eternal Flame Initiation. This layer grants him with five significant abilities:

1. Meditative Enhancement: To improve his comprehension during exercises and cultivation.

2. Aura Cleansing: To purify his body, soul, and spiritual energy.

3. Aura Amplification: To temporarily enhance his talents and skills.

4. Spiritual Beacon: To ward off evil influences and bolster his willpower.

5. Barrier of Serenity: To create a protective shield against powerful attacks.

These abilities could only be unlocked and strengthened through practice and deepening understanding.

The deeper your understanding of the technique the stronger the ability.

For now Jiang Lei is just at the enterance of the first layer so he can't use any of the ability.

He needs to deepen his understanding.

Jiang Lei was captivated by the potential of this technique.

"Each of these abilities could be a separate talent for a cultivator," he marveled. "And this is just the first layer. I can't even imagine what awaits in the later layers of this Divine Technique." Excitement coursed through him as he contemplated the possibilities.

Previously, Jiang Lei had been concerned about his lack of a proper cultivation technique. He had relied on the Fire Burst Technique to temper his body and enhance his cultivation, but it was only effective in the Mortal Realm. To advance to the Qi Condensation Realm, he needed a proper cultivation technique.

Cultivation techniques are very important in the Celestial World. The strongest cultivation techniques are heirlooms of the most powerful forces in the world. They never allow anyone to access their cultivation techniques except their direct heirs. Cultivation techniques are divided into seven ranks:

Mortal level

Soul level

Master level

Grandmaster level

King level

Emperor level

Ancestor level

Each realm represents a world of quality and strength. A soul level technique cultivator can easily defeat three or four cultivators at the same level. This demonstrates the immense value of cultivation techniques. As far as he knows, the highest-ranked technique the Azure Sect possesses is at the Master level..

Regarding his own technique, he doesn't know its rank. It might be an Ancestor Level technique or even stronger. In short, it's something he can't comprehend at the moment. So, he eagerly began practicing his technique with great anticipation.

As he immersed himself in the technique, the initial fog surrounding it began to dissipate. He visualized himself in a realm where only he and the essence of fire and life existed. Jiang Lei felt the eternal flame at the core of his being, flickering with an unending light.

He entered a realm where the essence of fire and life flowed through him, guiding his every thought and movement. He started with "Meditative Enhancement." In his mind, he pictured himself seated in a tranquil meadow, surrounded by the eternal flame. He pictured the flame's energy merging with his thoughts, his breath becoming synchronized with the rhythm of the flame's dance. With each inhale, he drew in the essence of the flame, and with each exhale, he released the force of destruction.

The flame's energy resonated around his body, creating a tranquil environment and aiding his concentration. Although it was not highly effective at first, he had started to grasp the ability of the first layer. Jiang Lei could feel his mind becoming clear, as if the fog that had clouded his thoughts was dissipating. He continued to refine the connection between his mind and the eternal flame.

Then, a sudden, thunderous "BOOOM!" echoed through his body, as if something had broken. Jiang Lei remained wholly absorbed in his meditation and didn't even feel the breakthrough in his cultivation. He had finally broken through to the twelfth layer of the Mortal realm.

Minutes turned into hours as he immersed himself in the meditative state. A surge of energy coursed through him, leaving a trail of warmth in its wake. He could feel a heightened awareness, as if he was observing his thoughts with a clarity he had never known before.

With a mix of astonishment and excitement, Jiang Lei opened his eyes. He had made progress in "Meditative Enhancement." The connection between him and the Eternal Flame had deepened significantly. He was now experiencing the essence of the technique, with the flame's energy enhancing his focus and mental clarity.

"It's time to leave," Jiang Lei decided, brushing off dirt from his robe. He was satisfied with his current power and progress. Now his thoughts turned toward returning to the Azure Sect and shining in the inner sect competition.

As he began to walk away, a whisper echoed in his mind once more. "Jiang Lei," the voice began softly, "if you truly wish to unlock the full potential of the Divine Phoenix technique, you need the bloodline of the Divine Phoenix."

Jiang Lei got angry when he listened to the voice again; he didn't want to say anything and waste his time anymore. But when he listened and realized it was about the Divine Phoenix technique, he stopped.

"The bloodline of the Divine Phoenix?" he murmured, his voice a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"Yes," the voice continued, "The Code of Divine Phoenix is a path of power, but to fully harness its abilities, you should have the essence of the Divine Phoenix itself. Seek its bloodline, and only then will you be able to unleash the full power of this technique."

"And where will I find the bloodline of the Divine Phoenix?" Jiang Lei asked in a suspicious tone. He would never believe the owner of this voice.

"Jiang Lei, to obtain the Divine Phoenix bloodline, all you need to do is touch the ancient monument before you," the voice explained. "It will transport you to the trial ground where you must pass one trial. Once you succeed, the bloodline shall be yours."

Jiang Lei, who was listening carefully, refused immediately when he heard about the trial. He could do anything but never face another trial again.

With a sigh, Jiang Lei turned away from the monument, his decision clear. He wouldn't fall for the same trap again.

As he continued walking away, the voice returned once more, now urgency in its tone. "Jiang Lei, wait," it implored. "You don't need to fear this Trial. You can complete it with your current strength. You possess the capability to conquer it. Believe me, and the power of the Divine Phoenix bloodline will be yours."

"Believe you?" Jiang Lei's voice held a note of sarcasm. He continued walking, his tone unyielding. "I was on the brink of death because of your words before."

The voice fell silent for a moment, as if considering how to respond. "I understand your doubts," it finally spoke, a tinge of regret lacing its words. "Jiang Lei, I know what I have done is wrong, but now, I offer you a chance to attain what you seek without the same risks."

Jiang Lei shook his head, his resolve unwavering. "You speak of assurances, but I've learned the hard way to trust my instincts. I won't gamble with my life again, no matter the prize."

"Jiang Lei," the voice called out once more, a mix of reassurance and urgency woven into its words."You've already cultivated the Code of Divine Phoenix. If you approach the monument, you can come and go to the trial ground whenever you wish. You won't have to worry about risking your life this way."

Jiang Lei finally stopped and turned his head to look towards the monument. His gaze was fixed on it.

"What if you're lying?" Jiang Lei's voice held a cautious edge as he spoke, his eyes narrowing. "What if this is just another trap to draw me into danger, and I can't come back? How can I trust that this time will be different?"

The voice spoke with a sense of plea, "Jiang Lei, I swear upon the Phoenix God, the deity of our Phoenix Clan, that my words are true. No one dares to utter falsehoods in his name; those who do face pain worse than death."

"Why do you want me to go through this trial so badly?" Jiang Lei's voice cut through the stillness of the surroundings. His eyes remained fixed on the monument before him, his mind filled with questions that demanded answers. "What benefits will you gain from this? Why do you insist on pushing me into this trial?"

The voice responded, its tone steady yet elusive. "Jiang Lei, there are matters that I am unable to reveal at this moment. But trust that there is a purpose behind this trial. It is not solely for my benefit but for yours as well. You are capable of unlocking new heights of power, and this trial is the path to that power."

"Why can't you tell me everything now?" Jiang Lei's voice held a note of frustration. "What secrets are you hiding? And how can I be sure that my safety won't be jeopardized again?"

The voice's response was patient yet cryptic. "Some truths are best discovered at the right time, Jiang Lei. I understand your concerns, and I assure you that the dangers you faced before will not repeat themselves."

Jiang Lei thought for a while. The temptation of the Phoenix God Bloodline was not easy to resist. The Phoenix God bloodline was not merely a mark of lineage; it was a key to unimaginable power. Its purity and potency were unmatched, carrying with it the essence of the Divine Phoenix's strength and resilience. To possess such a bloodline was to gain abilities that surpassed the capabilities of ordinary cultivators.

Jiang Lei had read about a dynasty that claimed to be direct heirs of the Divine Phoenix in the records of his sect. However, even within that family, the purity of the bloodline had been diluted over generations. The potency of the Phoenix God's essence had weakened, leaving only fragments of its original power.

He considered the possibility of obtaining the Phoenix God bloodline himself, but a new layer of uncertainty emerged. Would he gain a pure bloodline, untainted by generations of descent? Or would it be an impure version, still potent but not as formidable as the original?

Jiang Lei asked the voice, "Is it going to be the pure Phoenix Bloodline or a diluted one?"

"Jiang Lei," the voice explained in a calm tone, "you don't need to worry about that. The bloodline you will obtain is the purest bloodline of the Divine Phoenix."

Jiang Lei thought for a while. He still didn't fully trust the voice, understanding that such a precious thing couldn't be obtained easily. However, with his current strength, his newfound talents, and his fiery determination, he believed he could face any trial.

Jiang Lei took a deep breath and said, "Fine. I will cross this trial. But remember, I despise deception the most. If I find out that you've lied to me, I won't hesitate to—"

"Jiang Lei," the voice interrupted, "you don't need to worry about that. I didn't lie to you. Thank you for trusting me."

Jiang Lei took his first step towards the monument. The initial force that he had faced at the third step was now as if it didn't even exist. He took two more steps and reached the monument instantly.

Jiang Lei touched the monument, and he felt his surroundings went dark. When the darkness lifted, he found himself in a desert.

"Jiang Lei, prepare yourself for your first trial."