Chapter 25: Mirage {Sandhart)

Chapter 25: Mirage {Sandhart)

Jiang Lei opened his eyes and gasped. He found himself in the midst of a vast desert, with golden sands stretching endlessly in every direction. The scorching sun beat down mercilessly, its heat seeping through his clothes and warming his skin.

He tried to remember how he got here, but his mind was blank.

Confusion clouded Jiang Lei's mind as he gazed at the expanse of the golden desert. He blinked, struggling to recall his memories.

He had no idea who he was, where he came from, or why he was in this desolate place.

Furrowing his brow, he muttered to himself, "Where am I? Who am I? Why am I here?"

His questions echoed in the vast emptiness around him, with the desert offering no answers. The sun's intensity cast long shadows across the sand dunes.

As Jiang Lei's sense of disorientation deepened, he clutched his head, as if trying to grasp fleeting memories that remained just out of reach. Images and fragments floated through his mind like scattered puzzle pieces.

He felt a surge of panic and confusion. He looked around, hoping to find a sign of life or a way out. But all he saw was sand, sand, and more sand.

He got up and staggered, feeling dizzy and thirsty. He had no idea which direction to go, or how long he could survive in this harsh environment.

He shouted, "Hello! Is anyone there? Can anyone help me?"

But his voice was swallowed by the silence of the desert. He felt a wave of despair and loneliness.

He wondered if he was dreaming, or if he had died and gone to hell. He wished he could wake up, or remember something, anything, that would give him a clue about his identity and situation, but he found nothing.

"If I keep dwelling on this, I'll never find answers. I have to leave this place and seek someone who can help me," he said, getting up and starting to walk aimlessly through the endless desert.

With each step, Jiang Lei ventured further into the desert, the landscape seemingly unchanging as time stood still.

Jiang Lei didn't know how long he had been walking, or how far he had gone. He felt like he was going in circles, getting nowhere.

He was about to give up, to lie down and wait for death, when he saw something on the horizon. A speck of movement, a hint of color, a glimmer of hope.

He squinted, trying to see what it was. He thought it might be a mirage, a trick of his eyes and mind. But as it got closer, he realized it was real.

As the figure drew closer, Jiang Lei's eyes widened in surprise. It became clear that the approaching person was a man dressed in desert attire, leading the camel. The man's eyes widened with recognition, and a mix of surprise and joy crossed his face.

The man approaching Jiang Lei wore flowing sand-colored robes with intricate embroidery, resembling the desert's winds. Weathered lines adorned his face, a testament to time and hardship.

A scarlet belt studded with pearls encircled his waist. His turban shielded him from the sun, while leather sandals protected his feet. His hands, though weathered, spoke of hard work.

The camel stopped before Jiang Lei, and the man dismounted effortlessly. He approached Jiang Lei and knelt before him in a gesture of profound respect.

The man's voice trembled with emotion, a mix of sadness and confusion. He said, in a voice full of emotion, "My Lord, is it really you? I can't believe my eyes. How did you come here? Where have you been? We've been looking for you for so long."

Jiang Lei was stunned. He didn't know how to react. He stared at the unfamiliar man who had suddenly appeared and knelt before him. Questions swirled in his mind, and he asked the man, "Who is this person? Does he know me?"

"I... I don't understand," Jiang Lei stammered, his voice betraying his confusion. He looked around, as if the desert held the answers. "Who am I? Who are you? Do you know me?"

The man's expression shifted, revealing concern and sympathy. "You... you are our Lord," he said softly, his voice filled with reverence and sadness. "You have always protected and guided us. We believed you left because of our mistakes, and we've been searching for you everywhere. I never imagined to see you here."

Jiang Lei struggled to reconcile the image of himself as a deity with his own sense of identity.

"I... I don't remember any of this," Jiang Lei admitted, his voice tinged with frustration and desperation. "I don't remember being a god."

The man's eyes filled with concern as he searched Jiang Lei's face for a connection. "My Lord, you must be confused. Please, let us take you back to the village. Our people have awaited your return for so long."

Jiang Lei tried to recall about his past, now matter how much he tried, he couldn't remember anything.

He looked at the man who is claiming to know him, but he doesn't know if he should believe at this man or not.

He just know that he is alone here in this vast expanse of desert and he doesn't know if he will find anyone except him who claim to know him.

So, with resolve, Jiang Lei spoke, "Take me to your village.

A glint of joy illuminated the man's face, and he smiled warmly. "My Lord, please get on the camel. It would be an immense privilege to accompany you to our village."

Jiang Lei nodded and climbed onto the camel and the man followed.

As they journeyed across the rolling dunes, Jiang Lei remained suspicious of himself, his origins, and the man. He decided to politely inquire, "Can you tell me more about myself? Why am I here? And who exactly are you?"

Huang Wei, still guiding the camel, began to explain, "My name is Huang Wei, a member of the Sandhart Tribe. We've called this desert home for generations. As for you, My Lord, your name is Li Wei. You are not from our tribe story, our elders found you grievously injured and unconscious. They nursed you back to health within our village."

Huang Wei glanced back at Jiang Lei, who was listening with curiosity. "Upon awakening, you expressed gratitude for our aid and chose to remain among us, offering your help in return."

Jiang Lei listened intently, though he still couldn't recall any memories.

Huang Wei continued, "You've saved us from many disasters during your time with us. As for the circumstances leading to your memory loss, you were pursuing a bandit who had harmed me. Although you managed to capture most of the bandits, one escaped, and you disappeared in pursuit. We searched for you for two weeks, and now, at last, I've found you."

He finished with a mix of relief and concern in his voice.

Jiang Lei nodded, understanding the situation even if he couldn't remember. He appreciated Huang Wei's explanation.

Jiang Lei and Huang Wei fell into a comfortable silence as they continued their journey through the desert. They both had much to contemplate.

As they approached the village, Jiang Lei's gaze focused on the silhouette that had grown more distinct against the bright sands. The village was constructed from woven materials, clay, and rocks, appearing as a harmonious collection of homes where everyone worked together to survive.

Villagers noticed their approach and hurried toward Jiang Lei, leaving their tasks behind. Their faces displayed surprise and happiness.

Huang Wei smiled at Jiang Lei and addressed the approaching villagers, "See who I've brought back, our Lord. He was lost in the desert while pursuing a bandit and lost his memory. Please don't overwhelm him with questions."

The villagers respectfully acknowledged Huang Wei's words, including a tall man named Wei Xiang, whose eyes shone with intelligence. He may have worn ordinary clothes, but his demeanor commanded respect.

Wei Xiang turned to a sturdy man named Zhang Hao, whose rough hands and sturdy frame showed his dedication to labor. "Zhang Hao, our God must be tired after being outside for so long. Take him to his room and care for him."

Huang Wei looked at Jiang Lei with a reassuring smile. "My Lord, Zhang Hao is hardworking and skilled in construction. You can rest with him while I inform my parents of your arrival."

Jiang Lei nodded and followed Zhang Hao. As he left with Zhang Hao, the villagers' eyes gleamed with a mix of curiosity and excitement.

The scorching sun mercilessly scorched his , the heat seeping through his clothes and warming his skin.

Jiang Lei looked around him in confusion, his gaze sweeping across the expanse of the golden desert. He blinked, his mind grappling with a haze that seemed to shroud his memories. A furrow formed on his brow, and he muttered to himself, "Where am I? Who am I? Why am I here?"

His own questions echoed in the vast emptiness around him, the desert seemingly offering no answers. The sun's intensity beat down on him, casting long shadows across the sand dunes.

JJiang Lei's sense of disorientation deepens as he struggles to understands his identity and purpose.

He clutched at his head, as if trying to grasp onto fleeting memories that remained just beyond his reach. Images and fragments floated through his mind, like scattered puzzle.

Jiang Lei's frustration grew, he said in an angry tone. "Why can't I remember? What is this place?" He cast his eyes downward, as if hoping the sand beneath his feet would give him some clue.

Jiang Lei kept trying to think about himself but he couldn't remember about him , it is like that he was always like this , he never had any memory.

"If I kept thinking like this , I will never get my answers , I'll have to leave this place and find someone to get my answers". He got up and started walking aimlessly in this endless desert .

Jiang Lei's footsteps carried him further into the desert, the landscape seemingly unchanging as he walked . He doesn't know for how long he has walked, time seemed like it has stopped around him.

Suddenly, a silhouette emerged on the horizon. A camel, led by a figure in the distance, was making its way toward him. Jiang Lei's heart quickened as he watched the figure approaching towards him.

He hesitated for a moment, then lifted his hand and called out to the figure.

As the distance between them closed, Jiang Lei's eyes widened in surprise. The figure became clearer—a man dressed in desert attire, leading the camel by its reins. The man's eyes widened in recognition, and a mix of surprise and joy crossed his features.

The man approaching Jiang Lei was dressed in flowing sand-colored robes with intricate embroidery, like the desert wind. The lines on the man's face, weathered by time and hardship .

The camel came to a stop before Jiang Lei, and the man quickly dismounted, with a quick movement . He approached Jiang Lei, his expression one of awe and admiration, and then knelt before him in a gesture of profound respect.

"Lord," the man's voice trembled with emotion, his words a mixture of sadness and confusion. "Why did you leave us? Why did you come here without telling anyone?"

Jiang Lei stared at the strange man who suddenly came to him and knelt before him "Who is this person , does he know him". These type of questions circled his mind and he asked the man .

"I... I don't understand," Jiang Lei stammered, his own voice betraying his confusion. He looked around, as if expecting the desert itself to provide him with answers. "Who... who am I? And who are you? Do you know me?"

The man's eyes filled with concern, his gaze searching Jiang Lei's face as if trying to find something that would connect them. "You... you are our Lord," he said softly, his voice a mixture of reverence and sadness. "You have always protected us, guided us. We believed that you had left us because we did any mistake , we were searching for you everywhere , I never imagined to see you here..."

Jiang Lei's mind raced, struggling to reconcile the image of himself as a deity with his own sense of identity. .

"I... I don't know what you're talking about," Jiang Lei said, his voice tinged with frustration and desperation. "I don't remember being a god, and I don't remember any of this."

The man's expression shifted, a mixture of concern and sympathy. "My Lord, you must be confused. Please, let us take you back to the village. Our people have awaited your return for so long."

Jiang Lei tried to thnk about him, but his memory was like a blank paper, no matter how much he tried, he couldn't remember anything.

He looked at the man who claimed to know him, he doesn't know if it is true or not, but he doesn't know whom should he hind in this vast expanse of desert who would know him other than him.

He examined his situation, he doesn't know anyone, so it's better to at least go with this person, maybe he isn't lying.

With resolve in his eyes, Jiang Lei spoke, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "Take me to your village. I need to understand what's going on."

A sudden glint of joy illuminated the man's weathered features, his eyes lighting up with genuine happiness. With a gentle smile, he looked up at Jiang Lei,.

The man's voice, warm and respectful, resonated in the desert air as he spoke, "My Lord, please allow me the honor of inviting you onto the camel. It would be an immense privilege to accompany you to our village."

The words carried a sense of deep respect and deference, a reflection of the man's unwavering belief in Jiang Lei's divine identity.

Jiang Lei nodded and climbed up on the camel , the man did the same and Jiang Lei leaved for a uncertain journey.

As they began their journey across the rolling dunes, the camel moved, its movements steady and rhythmic.

Jiang Lei was very suspicious about himself , his origin and this man , so he asked the other person politely," "Could you please tell me more about myself? Why am I here? And who exactly are you?"

Huang Wei kept driving the camel and said without looking back ,"My name is Huang Wei, a member of the Sandhart Tribe. Our people have called this desert home for generations, though the exact span is lost to time , I am living here since my birth.

Huang Wei looked back for a while to check if Jiang Lei is listening , when he saw that Jiang Lei is listening curiosity he continued, " As for you My lord , your name is Li wei , The tale passed down is that our elders discovered you grievously injured and unconscious. They tended to your wounds, nursing you back to health within our village."

""Upon awakening, you expressed gratitude for our aid and chose to remain amongst us, offering your help in return," Huang Wei explained.

"And since then , you are living with us , you have saved us from many disasters, . "As for the circumstances of your presence here, He again looked back at Jiang lei for a moment with a hint of glint in his eyes , I was caught by bandits , my parents begged you to save me , you fought with bandits and saved me ."

"One bandit managed to escape your grasp, and in your pursuit, you disappeared. For two weeks, we searched for you, and now, at last, I've found you," Huang Wei added, his voice with a mixture of relief and concern.

Huang Wei looked back to Jiang Lei with pity in his eyes " It seems that something befell you during those weeks, leading to the loss of your memory. you don't need to worry god , we will surely find a reason to bring back your memory."

Jiang Lei nodded to show that he understood , although he couldn't remember anything still now but the story doesn't sound like a lie.

Jiang Lei and Huang Wei didn't continue to talk , Jiang Lei focused on accepting the details of his supposed existence, while Huang Wei maintained his concentration on guiding the camel through the desert expanse.

They kept going on like this until Jiang Lei's gaze caught sight of a village materializing on the horizon, its silhouette growing more distinct as they approached.

In the distance, he saw shapes appearing, like a mirage. These shapes became clearer as he got closer, turning into distinct houses against the bright sand.

As they neared the village, Jiang Lei could see the details better. The houses were made from woven materials and natural things, like clay and rocks. The village seemed like a collection of homes where everyone worked together to stay safe and live well.

Jiang Lei could see the villagers going through their daily tasks. They wore clothes with earthy colors that seemed right for the desert. Their faces were tan from the sun,

As Jiang Lei and Huang Wei approached the Village , the villagers also saw Jiang Lei , they ran towards him leaving all their works , their face was full of surprise and happiness.

Huang Wei looked at the approaching Villagers with a smile and said , " See who I brought back our lord , he was lost in the desert while pursuing that bandit and lost his memory so don't bother him much okay". He said like Jiang Lei is lamb and he is his mother.

"Yes, yes we won't bother him." The villagers respectfully acknowledged Huang Wei's words.

He said to Zhang Hao , with a sturdy frame , his hands were rough from the labor " Zhang Hao, Lord must be tired after being outside for so long , go take him to his room and take good care of him.

Huang Wei looked at Jiang Lei with a reassuring smile. "My Lord, Zhang Hao is hardworking and skilled in construction. You can rest with him while I inform my parents of your arrival."

Jiang Lei nodded and followed Zhang Hao. As he left with Zhang Hao, the villagers' eyes gleamed with a mix of curiosity and excitement, they smile at each other strangely.