Chapter 26: Bond of Trust

Chapter 26: Bond of Trust

Jiang Lei followed Zhang Hao as they walked along the dusty pathways of the village. The bustling village seemed like a world of its own, alive with activity, and Jiang Lei watched everything with a mixture of caution and curiosity.

"Zhang Hao," Jiang Lei inquired, "You all live in such a place. Don't you find it difficult?"

Zhang Hao smiled as he looked at Jiang Lei. "Indeed, my lord. Life here is far from easy. We have been living here for generations, and our bonds are what keep us together."

"Yes, I can see, you all really share a very good bonding with each other." Jiang Lei nodded.

"Absolutely," Zhang Hao continued. "We've always had a strong bond, but the incident from that year made it even stronger."

"What incident?"Jiang Lei's curiously piqued.

Zhang Hao sighed softly, his gaze distant as he recollected the past. "It's been more than a decade since that incident. I was just a child at the time, so my memories are limited. We faced a severe water shortage."

"During that time, it became difficult to sustain ourselves. Crop failures meant we couldn't even eat twice a day. However, we villagers stayed united. Those who had reserves of water and food shared with the entire village. We all ate only once a day, even those who shared their provisions."

"Through collective effort and the grace of our goddess, we stumbled upon a hidden well that saved us from the brink. And so, the saying emerged among us—'One lives, all live; one dies, all die.'"

Jiang Lei's tone was mixed with admiration as he said, "I can feel your love and connection to your village. This is really a heartwarming story."

"Definitely. This village, these people, they're like family. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else."

As they walked, Zhang Hao shared stories of the village—the harsh reality of surviving in the desert, the way they worked together, and the deep bonds they'd formed. His words held a genuineness that Jiang Lei couldn't ignore, and it was clear that this place meant a lot to Zhang Hao.

"Here's where you'll be staying," Zhang Hao said, leading Jiang Lei to a simple but comfortable dwelling made from the desert's resources. "We're really glad to have you back with us, Lord Li Wei."

Jiang Lei nodded, still trying to process everything. He stepped into the dwelling, examining the woven walls and the minimal but functional arrangement. Zhang Hao followed him in, his gaze understanding.

"I know this must be overwhelming for you," Zhang Hao began gently. "Losing your memory and ending up here must be quite a shock. But please know that you're safe here, among us. We're like family, and we'll do whatever it takes to help you."

Jiang Lei met Zhang Hao's eyes, his earlier suspicion softening. There was sincerity in Zhang Hao's voice and , a sincerity that was slowly dispelling Jiang Lei's suspicions.

Jiang Lei met Zhang Hao's gaze, his earlier suspicion beginning to wane. "I appreciate your kindness, Zhang Hao. It's just... I'm struggling to piece everything together, to make sense of it all."

Zhang Hao gave a reassuring smile. "I understand. It's a lot to take in. But here's the thing, we're not just a community surviving the desert. We're a family."

"I understand. I will try my best to fit in here."

"Lord Wei, you should be tired from being outside. Please rest today; we will discuss all the matters tomorrow," Zhang Hao said with concern.

"Hmm, okay. I will listen to you. I am also very tired from the traveling. Thank you for your concern," Jiang Lei replied, rubbing his temples.

"Sure, then I should take my leave, I will wait outside, please let me know if you need anything". Zhang Hao bowed deeply and left.

"No need to trouble yourself. Get some rest as well," Jiang Lei called after Zhang Hao, who paused for a moment before moving on.

"You don't need to worry about me, Lord Wei. You just rest well. I am enough to guard you for the night," Zhang Hao said without looking back.

Sighing, Jiang Lei thought, "I don't know why they respect me and love me so much." He sighed and made his way to the simple wooden bed.

He lay on the bed, trying to remember more about himself. For him, being surrounded by unfamiliar people in an unfamiliar place was disconcerting. Although he couldn't sense any hostility from these villagers, he couldn't fully trust someone he had met just a day ago.

He slept, still thinking about his past.

Jiang Lei's eyes grew heavy, and he fell into a deep sleep. In his dream, he found himself in a mysterious place. The air had a strange feeling, and everything was very quiet in this dream world.

As he explored this strange place, distant sounds like fighting and shouting reached his ears. Jiang Lei followed the sounds and witnessed a fascinating scene—a massive monster battling against a figure.

Jiang Lei couldn't see the figure clearly, but he felt that he had seen this figure somewhere before, though he couldn't remember where. The figure gave him both a familiar and unfamiliar feeling.

Watching the battle, Jiang Lei felt curious and nervous. The figure was skilled and moved gracefully, showing prowess in combat. However, it was evident that the monster was winning, and the figure would be defeated if things continued this way.

The battle intensified, and the figure was thrown, blood spattering. But the figure got up and faced the monster, its voice resolute. "Even if I die, I'll make sure you die with me!"

These words hung in the air like a powerful oath, leaving a lasting impression on Jiang Lei. Though he didn't know who the figure was, its determination struck a chord with him. There was a strange but strong connection he felt with this figure.

As the dream slowly faded, the dream world began to disappear like an erased picture. Yet, the figure's words remained etched in Jiang Lei's mind.

When he woke up, the memory of the dream stuck with him like an echo reverberating through a quite chamber . The feelings, pictures, and emotions mixed with his reality, making him think deeply.

When he woke up, the memory of the dream lingered like an echo in a quiet chamber. The feelings, images, and emotions blended with his reality, prompting him to think deeply.

"What was that? Why did I have such a strange dream?" Jiang Lei was sweating profusely from the intensity of the dream.

"And who was that figure? Why does their presence feel both known and unknown to me?" Jiang Lei sat upright in bed, a myriad of questions swirling in his mind. He surveyed his surroundings; it was still the dead of night.

"I should consult Huang Wei; perhaps this dream holds the key to unlocking my past," Jiang Lei thought as he lay back down and drifted off to sleep again.


"Next Morning "

"Lord Wei, are you awake?" Huang Wei's voice resonated from outside.

Jiang Lei got up from his sleep and heared the voice of Huang Wei from outside.

"Yes, Huang Wei, I am. Please, come in," Jiang Lei replied, rising from his bed to greet Huang Wei.

He saw two three people coming to his room , first two was middle age man and woman and behind them is Huang Wei .

The leading middle age man was in his fifties ,he has a rugged and weathered appearance from years of life in the desert.

He has a tall a strong body , and his dark eyes are shining with wisdom. His skin is brown from living in this environment, his hairs are short and he is wearing simple clothes adorned in a robust sleeveless tunic, leather belt clasping tools, and reinforced trousers with a stone necklace around his neck

With him is a woman in her late forties , she had silver hairs which she tied in a bun, her eyes were brown with a hint of gentleness, she was also wearing simple clothes, a loose tunic, woven belt, and comfortable trousers.

The duo, accompanied by Huang Wei, bowed deeply upon entering. "We greet our lord," they intoned in unison, showing profound respect.

Jiang Lei, however, swiftly halted their formalities. "There's no need for such formalities. Although I've lost my memories, you are still my elders. Please, call me by name."

They exchanged glances before the man, Huang Xian, replied with a serious expression. "We dare not, my lord. I am Huang Xian, father of Huang Wei. This is Li Xin, his mother. We have long been the protectors of this tribe."

"This is all my mistake. I shouldn't have told you to fight those bandits; maybe you wouldn't be in this situation if not for me," Li Xin said with guilt in her voice.

"You need not blame yourselves," Jiang Lei reassured them. "I am unharmed."

Li Xin's eyes brimmed with tears. "But if anything had happened to you, I could never have forgiven myself."

"Just calm down. I am perfectly okay. Please, sit," Jiang Lei invited them, understanding their feelings.

"Lord Wei, have you regained any memories?" Huang Xian and all sat down on the bed, and he inquired, his tone filled with hope.

"No, I really don't remember anything about my past. However, I did have an unusual dream last night," Jiang Lei said, his worry apparent.

Huang Wei's curiosity surfaced. "A dream? What was it about?"

"I couldn't understand much about the dream. I saw a figure fighting a monster. The monster was winning, but then the figure said, 'Even if I die, I'll take you down with me.' And then I woke up," Jiang Lei explained.

He looked up at them with a serious expression. "Did I ever fight a monster?"

"No! Huang Xian shook his head in disapproval. "You never fought any monsters. You only fought some bandits. I can't remember anything beyond that."

Suddenly, Huang Xian's eyes shone with realization, and he looked at Jiang Lei with understanding. "Lord Wei, is it possible that this is a memory from the time when you were injured, and we found you? Perhaps you fought a monster then."

"Maybe. It's certainly a possibility," Jiang Lei agreed. Then he looked at Huang Xian. "Did I ever discuss my past with anyone?"

"No, Lord Wei. You never shared anything about your past with us. We tried to inquire, but you always refused to tell us anything," Huang Xian explained helplessly.

"Alas, what am I going to do in this situation?" Jiang Lei rubbed his temples in frustration.

"Lord Wei, don't be so tense. I know someone who might have the answers you seek," Li Xin said in a concerned tone.

"Xiner, you cannot be suggesting... about that woman". Huang Xian stared at her sternly.

"Husband, we haven't any other option."Li Xin insisted, "We must seek Elder Wu Yan's guidance."'

Li Xin is very helpless about all this, if possible she really doesn't want anything to do with that woman, but it was she who did al this , now she can't sit with her hand in hand .

"Elder Wu Yan?!" Huang Xian's expression darkened with resentment. "If it were up to me, that charlatan woman would have been driven out of our village long ago."

Li Xin's gaze hardened. "Husband, we have no other choice. Elder Wu Yan has helped countless villagers. She is considered divine, with the blessings of our goddess."

Huang Wei, who had been quietly observing the exchange, interjected, "Mother is right, Father. We may not fully understand Elder Wu Yan's abilities, but many in the village believe in her."

"What are you all talking about?" Jiang Lei grew curious about this woman they were discussing. If there was someone who could help him remember his past, meeting her sounded like a good idea.

"Lord Wei, she is Elder Wu Yan. Villagers believe that she is divine and that she possesses the grace of our goddess. But I don't believe in all this; I think she is just a fraud misleading the innocent villagers," Huang Xian stated angrily.

"Lord Wei, please don't listen to him," Li Xin said urgently, glaring at Huang Wei. "Elder Wu is truly divine. She has helped many villagers. If you go to her, she can help you as well."

"Wu Yan, if I had my way, I would have dealt with her long ago," Huang Wei muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" Li Xin shot him an angry look.

"Nothing. Do whatever you want, but don't come to me crying when something bad happens," Huang Xian said as he walked out of the room, clearly irritated.

"Lord Wei, please consider meeting Elder Wu Yan. She can surely help you," Li Xin urged, not giving up on the idea.

"Alright, if you insist so much, I can give it a try. There's no harm in trying once," Jiang Lei agreed. He also wanted to meet this Wu Yan.

"That's fantastic! Elder Wu is most likely in her cottage at the moment. Lord Wei, if you don't mind, please accompany Huang'er; he will guide you to her."

"Would you like to meet her now, Lord Wei?" Li Xin asked.

"Sure, I have nothing else to do for now, so why not meet her?" Jiang Lei agreed. Meeting someone who could potentially help him remember his past was a step in the right direction.

"Huang'er, take Lord Wei with you to meet Elder Wu."

"Of course, Mum. Lord Wei, please come with me."

Huang Wei showed the way, and Jiang Lei followed him, eager to find some answers.