Chapter 38 : Reunion

Chapter 37 : Reunion

Jiang Lei returned to where Huang Wei was, he was lying there unconscious. Jiang Lei checked his breath, he was relieved to find that Huang Wei was still alive.

Wu Xiu's energy was the only reason he is still alive in his condition.

Jiang Lei bent down and inject his body in Huang Wei's body, his injuries starts getting healed at an ashtonishing speed.

Soon, most of Huang Wei's injuries were healed, and he gradually gained consciousness.

"Lord Wei...are you okay?" Huang Wei asked, a mix of confusion and concern in his eyes.

Huang Wei was pleasantly surprised to see Jiang Lei, he thought that he will never see him again, he was just blaming himself for all this, after all he brought Jiang Lei to this place and he is also the only reason why Jiang Lei agreed to sacrifice.

  "Yes, I am fine, and my name is Jiang Lei, not Li Wei."Jiang Lei corrected him, his tone stern.

"Jiang..Lei!.."he murmured in confusion before his eyes lit up,"Lord Wei, did you get back your memories.

"I have already said that I am Jiang Lei, not any Li Wei."Jiang Lei said coldly.

"Uh..I am..sorry..Lor....Jian...Uh..Lord Jiang, I just don't know what to call you, so just...

"You can call me Jiang Lei, and now get up, you are completely fine now."

"Hm..Huang Wei checked his body in surprise, his injuries were healed, "is it possible that Lord Jiang is also like Elder Wu then....." He mused to himself but his eyes widened in realisation.

"Lo..Lord..Jiang..Elder Wu,..Why are you still here, Why don't you run away."His voice was quivering with fright.

"Wu Xiu is dead."Jiang Lei said calmly.

"What..Elder Wu is dead."Huang Wei couldn't believe his own ears, "What happened, did you kill here."

"No, She exploded herself, I was nearly dead because of that."Jiang Lei was also a little frightened recalling the past scene.

Huang Wei calmed his emotions and he looked at Jiang Lei with fright, even though he doesn't know Wu Xiu's strength but he is well aware that if she wanted she could kill them all with just one thought.

But still Wu Xiu was reduced to explode herself, this is enough to show the Jiang Lei's strength.

"Lo..Lord Jiang, please forgive us..we really..

"It's ok, I know what do you want to say, I am not a bloodthirsty person, I won't hurt anyone who doesn't want to do me.",Jiang Lei's reassured him.

"Th..Thanks Lord Jiang."His voice had a sense of relief.

"Ok, let's go now."Jiang Lei took Huang Wei's hand, wings appeared behind his back, and they flew in the sky.


Meanwhile, due to the explosion in the distance, fear gripped the entire village. Although, the deafening noise was very distant but all the villagers still heared that explosion very clearly, it was impossible for the villagers to ignore.

One by one, they emerged from their homes, all had frightened the expression in their face. 

"Did you hear that noise? It was so loud!"

"I heard it too. What could it be?"

"I hope it's nothing dangerous!"

As the villagers gathered in small clusters, whispers of concern began to spread like wildfire. 

"Look, Lord Liang and Protector Huang are coming. Maybe they know what happened."Zhang Hao said while pointing at them.

Everyone turned to Huang Wei and Chen Liang, and both of them came to villagers and Chen Liang said in an assuring tone,""Calm down, everyone, you don't need to get scared of anything."

"Lord Liang! Protector Huang! What was that sound? We're all so worried!"Many Villagers started expressing their fear.

Chen Liang and Huang Xian were also very worried but both of them were worrying about different matters.

Chen Liang was worried thinking that it is an punishment by the goddess to them.

Huang Xian was worried about his son and Jiang Lei, because he is the only one who knows how scary Wu Xiu is, he just shivers from the imagination that if Wu Xiu got to know about this, what will she do with them.

"I hope that both of you are safe."Huang Xian whispered with concern.

When everyone was frightened about the explosion, a terrified cry of child grabbed their attention..

"Look! Something's coming!"

All turned their eyes where the child was pointing, many of them were so frightened that they fainted on the spot.

What they saw was a fiery light zooming towards them faster than anyone could see.

"Ah, what's that?"

Gasps and whispers filled the air as the fiery object drew nearer, casting a crimson glow over the villagers. Everyone's hearts pounded with anxiety.

With a blinding flash, the fiery light touched the ground before them.

One who came was none other than Jiang Lei engulfing in flames with Huang Wei, everyone was so shocked seeing him like this that their mouth opend in an O shape.

Everyone was silent there looking at Jiang Lei with awe who is looking like a god of fire, the silence was finally shattered by Huang Xian.

"Lord Wei, why did you come back, didn't I say you to never come here again."Huang Xian said with fear, his mind was still occupied by Wu Xiu's fear and he still can't even think that Jiang Lei can have the power to fight her.

Before Jiang lei could speak anything, Chen Liang spoke, "Huang Xian, what are you talking about?How can you say Lord Wei to leave this village?"

Chen Liang couldn't even understand his own mood now, he was very scared and even more angry, if Jiang Lei got to know about them, and he leaves the village, he can't imagine the future of their village.

He just doesn't understand that how someone like Huang Xian say something like this?"

Lord Liang, you don't need to act anymore, I have already said everything to Lord Wei, I couldn't help it."Huang Xian said in helpless tone.

"You.. you..".Chen Liang was so angry that he didn't have words to express it.

"Enough, first I am not Li Wei, I am Jiang Lei and second you don't need to act like I am going to eat you."Jiang Lei said in a cold tone.

Everyone was looking at Jiang Lei with fright in their eyes, they have seen Jiang Lei's powers just now, if he wants to kill them then...

They didn't dare to think about the possibility.

"Oh, you don't need to worry, I won't harm anyone of you."Jiang Lei said helplessly, he really doesn't understand why are they behaving like this, he doesn't look like a scary animal, right?

Everyone breathed out with relief when they listened Jiang Lei's explaination.

Huang Xian musterd up the courage to ask,"Lord Jiang, Elder Wu...."Huang Xian had some premonitions but he didn't dare to think wild.

"She is dead, the explosion you all heard was she exploding herself."Jiang Lei told them about the complete story, and also about how Wu Xiu was deceiving them.

Untill he finished saying, everyone was shocked listening what they heared, they can believe that the Elder Wu they respected will turn out to be such a person.

"I never thought that Elder Wu would do so, I thought that she is a divine woman "

"Not just you, we also thought so."

"If its not for Lord Wei, she might keep us in the dark all the time."

"I fear that she would kill us too some day."

At the same time, their respect towards Jiang Lei also increased, if it isn't for him, maybe they could never see the true face of Wu Xiu.

"We are sorry Jiang Lei for our deed, we didn't want to do so."All villagers said in unison.

"Don't worry, I forgave you all."Jiang Lei said helplessly, he couldn't kill them for this, anyways.

"Lord Jiang, you biggest culprit is me, I knew about Wu Xiu's plan, but I still agreed to do so, you can punish me as you want."Chen Liang came forward to admit his mistake.

"Lord knew about this all."Huang Xian was very shocked, not only him, all the villagers were also equally shocked.

"I was helpless, I had to choose between you all and Lord Jiang and I chose you all."Huang Xian said with grief in his tone.

"Lord Jiang, please punish me."

"No need, you were also deceived by Wu Xiu, it is not your fault completely, just forget about this like it never happened, I don't want to talk on this topic anymore."Jiang Lei said indifferently.

"I might stay here for some more time I hope you won't mind."Jiang Lei asked suspiciously.

"It's our blessings to serve you Lord Jiang, we can't be happy any more than this." Zhang Hao came forward, and said flatteringly.

"Don't act like this with me anymore, I am not your any Lord, just call me Jiang Lei." Jiang Lei scolded sternly.

"Oh,I..I". Zhang Hao's fack turned from red to dark, listening Jiang Lei's scolding.

Seeing Zhang Hao, like this, everyone wanted to laugh but no one dared.

"Ok, I am going to rest, it's too late now, you all should also go."Jiang Lei said to Huang Xian.

"Alright, Jiang Lei, Huang'er, take Jiang Lei to his room." Huang Xian what fears the most is being scolded by anyone in public, if Jiang scolds him today, how will he show his old face then, so he wisely called him Jiang Lei.

"Ye.. yes."Huang Wei said stammering, he was still in daze, standing there, he was so scared when Jiang Lei took him to air that he wanted to scream loudly but he didn't dare to do so in front of Jiang Lei.

And not to mention the flames in Jiang Lei's body, when he felt the heat emitting from it, he felt that his time to leave this world has finally arrived, but luckily the flames didn't attack on him.

"Huang Wei, what are you doing there in daze, take Lord Wei to his room."Huang Xian scolded bringing Huang Wei to reality.

"It's ok, I can go by myself."Jiang Lei stopped Huang Xian.

"But Lord Wei ...."Before he could speak Jiang Lei already flew in the sky.

Everyone smile helplessly, they felt relief now, during this time when they were cheating Jiang Lei, they couldn't get the peace of mind.

Now that they have told everything to Jiang Lei and admitted their mistakes, they feel like a big stone had been lifted from their hearts.

Everyone was happy but they didn't know that clouds of trouble are looming over them just the colour is going to be different.

Author's Note- Hey friends new week is coming and I am thinking about setting some goals fro every week so let's start with this one

If I get in this week

100 power stones - 1.5k words chapter daily+2 Bonus Chapters

150 power stones - 1.5k words chapter dail

y+ 5 Bonus Chapters

200 power stones - 2, 1.5k chapters daily

5 Golden Tickets - 20 chapters with 1.5k words

Let's see friends if we can achieve any of these goals this week