Chapter 39: Mysterious Pearl

Jiang Lei came back to his room where he was staying, his mind was still filled with Wu Xiu and her sinister plans. 

He has also some questions that are yet to be answered, and maybe Wu Xiu had the key to those answers. 

His strange recovery is one of the biggest mystery for him now. 

He hadn't had a chance to think about how his body had healed miraculously until now. 

But now that everything is settled, he wants to know the reality of all this, although he is not feeling anything amiss within his body. 

But, he can't be assured, there might be some changes in the future, so it's better to understand this mystery now. 

Sitting on his bed with his legs crossed, he closed his eyes and delved into his consciousness. 

His mind became very calm and in this calm state, Jiang Lei turned his went through the inside of his body. 

This is one of the major powers of a Qi Condensation cultivatior, they can use their consciousness to enter the inside of their body. 

As Jiang Lei delved deeper into his consciousness while examining his body, something unusual caught his attention. A faint, red light emitted from his dantian, the core of his inner energy. 

Confused and curious, he couldn't help but mutter to himself, "What's this red light?" 

With more focus, he concentrated on the source of the light. As he explored further, his eyes widened in shock when he discovered a blood-red pearl residing within his dantian. 

His expression was a mix of desbelief and amazement, "Th..This pearl? How did this get here?" 

Jiang Lei's gaze remained fixed on the blood-red pearl within his dantian. He will never forget that this tiny pearl had almost killed him. 

Suddenly, to his astonishment, the pearl began to move on its own. It floated out of his dantian and started to wander within his body, like a curious creature exploring its surroundings. It moved up and down, almost as if it possessed a mind of its own. 

Jiang Lei was very shocked after watching the scene before him, he never heard of any object has life, Curious, he attempted to reach out to the pearl with his consciousness. 

He extended his mental presence toward it, trying to make contact. But just as he was about to touch the pearl within his body, it swiftly darted away, eluding his grasp. 

Jiang Lei became very surprised after all this and he tried again, only to encounter the same result. It was as if the pearl was playing the game of hide-and-seek within him, always slipping away just when he thought he had it within his reach. 

He attempted multiple times, but his each effort met with the same result, that the pearl ran away from his grasp. 

Jiang Lei finally admitted his defeat, this pearl looks like it is playing cat and mouse play with him so he decided to stop playing the game and instead see the movements of this pearl. 

But to his surprise, the pearl also stopped as Jiang Lei did, and it started moving up and down as if trying to mock Jiang Lei, to be unable to catch itself. 

This made Jiang Lei a bit annoyed, so he again started a round of cat and mouse play hoping to catch it this time.

However, no matter how many times he tried to grab it, he couldn't catch it. 

Getting tired of this game, Jiang Lei decided to stop chasing the pearl anymore but he kept his eyes fixed on it closely. He wants to understand this mysterious little thing. 

But seeing that Jiang Lei had decided not to play anymore, the pearl slowly stopped its playful movements. It stayed still for a moment before, unexpectedly, it went back into his dantian, hiding itself into his sea of energy. 

"Wait."Jiang Lei wanted to stop it but it didn't listen to him. 

Jiang Lei watched as the blood-red pearl retreated into his sea of Qi, he let out a sigh and withdrew from his deep consciousness, feeling very puzzeled by the presence of this strange pearl inside his body. 

"Strange little thing," he muttered to himself, unable to make sense of the pearl's actions. 

The presence of the mysterious pearl troubled Jiang Lei. It resided in his sea of Qi, the very place where his Qi, the source of his strength, is stored. If anything happens, it will be very dangerous for him, because it can stop him to even cultivate and grow stronger. 

He contemplated the situation, muttering to himself, "I need to figure out how to get this thing out of my sea of Qi, but the real puzzle is how it got in there in the first place." 

Jiang Lei thought about the strange situation with the pearl in his body. He wondered if it had something to do with the unusual trial he is going through. 

"Perhaps," he mused to himself, "if I can successfully exit this trial, I'll also be able to remove this pearl from my sea of Qi. But first, I should check that barrier Wu Xiu mentioned. She said a Core Formation Stage Cultivator could break it, and my current strength should be on par with a Core Formation Cultivatior." 

"But first, I need to strengthen my cultivation base."He mused to himself. 

Jiang Lei understands very well the importance of foundation in the cultivation.

Because of his continuous breakthrough in his Cultivation, it will surely weaken his foundation he had built. 

Although it won't have an immediate effect on him now, but if he didn't fix this problem today, he will surely have to face the consequences in the future. 

So his priority is now to strengthen his cultivation realm. 

Jiang Lei started changing Divine Pheonix Code, quieting his mind, and connecting with the world's energy. He gathered the energy into his core, his dantian, where he could refine and strengthen his qi. 

He started feeling some small changes in his body, his strength improved and the impurities in his Qi also gradually purified.

His body gradually grew more resilient, and his qi became more powerful. 

After hours of dedicated cultivation, Jiang Lei slowly opened his eyes. A satisfied smile graced his face as he exhaled deeply. He could feel the difference within him. 

"Finally, my foundation has solidified," he murmured to himself, his hard work has paid off, after continuous practice of one night, his cultivation is completely solidified and even it has shown signs of breakthrough to the fourth level of Qi condensation. 

But he suppressed his cultivation, he wants to first reach the peak of his cultivation level of Qi Condensation. 

"This Divine Pheonix Technique is really so amazing and powerful."Jiang couldn't help but Marvel at the miraculous effect of this technique. 

It can take one month even for a genius to strengthen his foundation, but he made it in just one night, the gao is not simple. 

"I hope that I can't wait to get this Pheonix Bloodline."Jiang Lei stood up and stretched his body. 

After several hours of rigid training, he didn't feel tired, on the contrary, he is feeling very fresh. 

"Ok, now it's time to see this barrier."He muttered, he doesn't have much hope about this, but he still wants to give it a try. 


Author's Note- Thank you so much friends, I didn't expect to get three Golden Tickets in one day, now we are just two away from our goal, I hope we will get it by this week. Thank you so much for your support. 

Now, the reason I didn't upload yesterday because I had my exam yesterday, so I had to study full night the day before yesterday so I was very tired yesterday, but don't worry I'll fill it up, one more chapter coming soon today.