Chapter 2

A year ago during a battle with a northern tribe, Astrid Sinclare and the oldest Sinclare brother Rohan were taken captive. Arthur and Lancer, the two remaining siblings, could not find them. It was known that Astrid and Rohan had been wounded, and many believed them dead, though Arthur and Lancer refused to accept that. They intended to find their sister and brother and bring them home. 

Taking advantage of the situation, Robert Blair approached the Sinclare chieftain about a union between Vevina and Arthur, next in line to lead the Sinclare clan. This time her stepfather wasn't turned down, though Arthur made stipulation. He would meet with Vevina and then decide. Robert warned Vevina not to ruin this opportunity for him or indeed she would be sorry.

Vevina had trembled when meeting Arthur, not knowing what to expect from him, and not having any experience in dealing with men. He towered over her five feet five inches, and while lean in body, his strength was obvious in his sinewy arm muscles and bulging veins. And to say he was handsome was not doing the man justice. His brother Lancer claimed always to be the most handsome brother and the favorite of the women. But everyone knew - though non would say, especially in front of Lancer - that Arthur was the handsomest of all the siblings. 

Dark brown eyes dominated his striking features, and his long hair matched their color, though the bright sunlight sparked red strands. He was firm in voice and confident in stance, Vevina detected fairness in his eyes and her trembling faded as he spoke with her.

He had asked if she was agreeable with the arrangement, and after she nodded, fearing her voice would fail her, he explained what he expected from his wife.

"Honor our vows, respect my words, give me sons and daughters as fair and lovely as you are, and I will do the same for you and always see you safe from harm."

That had sealed it for Vevina. She would no longer need to fear her stepfather. She would be free of him and wed to a man who would always keep her safe. It was more than she had hoped for, and with a smile, she accepted his terms. 

Over the months that followed, she learned more about her future husband and realized that he was a man of his word, dependable and practical, as well as gentle with her. He was not loud, nor did he boast or drink himself drunk. He took his duty to the clan seriously, though he smiled and laughed often enough. He would make a good husband, she hoped, and now she was relieved that her wedding day was finally here.

A knock sounded at the door before it opened, and Eliane Sinclare, Arthur's mother, entered the chamber with a couple of handmaidens.

"The sun is up," she said, "the feast is being prepared, the great hall is being decked in splendor, and now it is time for the bride to prepare."

Vevina sat up, ready to jump out of bed, Eliane having intimidated her since they first met. Not that the woman was harsh or mean. She was simply beautiful, confident, and generous, and Vevina envied her strong nature. 

"No, no, stay where you are, child," Eliane insisted, tucking the cover around her. "Part of preparing is relaxing for the big day ahead of you."

Vevina smiled at the startling beautiful woman. Her red hair showed traces of gray yet curled softly around her narrow face, which bore barely wrinkles for a woman of fifty. She was slim in shape and stood almost as tall she was. She was truly a remarkable beauty, and Vevina wished she had just a fraction of her aura. 

"An hour or so in bed and then it's a nice leisurely bath, hair preparation, and finally time to dress and be ready to take your vows...and then," she said with an exhausted sigh, "it's time to celebrate and a wonderful celebration will be."

"I'm indeed very lucky," Vevina couldn't help saying.

Elaine laughed. "It is my son who is lucky to be getting such a beautiful and gentle bride."

No one had ever told her she was beautiful or gentle all her life. Plain and frightened was how she had been told and how she believed she was. 

Vevina noticed how the woman's dark green wool tunic sparked her green eyes even more, and how she had rolled up the sleeves to the pale green linen shift beneath, ready to tackle whatever chore was necessary. How she wished she could be that elegant and willful to face anything that came her way.

The hours rolled by, and Vevina found herself pampered as she never before. She had been relieved when Eliane insisted that she spend the night before her wedding day at the Sinclare keep, and her stepfather had not protested, especially when a room was provided for him as well. 

Vevina knew Robert would not raise his hand to her in front of anyone. He always delivered her punishment when they were alone, though now, from this day on, she would not have to worry about his heavy hand anymore.

Her handsome and strong husband would protect her. 

It was with a sense of peace and a strong resolve that she prepared to take her vows, even apprehension poked at her now and again. What could go wrong now? she asked herself. She was to wed the next chieftain of the Clan Sinclare. The marriage documents had been signed and the Sinclare seal affixed. Today she would become a Sinclare. 

Several hours later, with a tear in her eye, Elaine said to her, "You are a rare gem. A gem of beauty we have found among all the gems."

Vevina, for the first time in her life, felt beautiful. Her rich purple velvet dress flowed from beneath her full breasts to her feet in a magnificent swirl, inserts of silk violet catching the eye. The same silk violet threaded along the dipping bodice and into the long sleeves. 

Her long black dark hair parted in the middle and fell straight down the middle of her back, while a green wreath laded with violet wildflowers rested on her head. Her cheeks were tinged a deep pink from the excitement of it all, and her narrow lips glistened like a flagrant, dew-kissed rose.