Chapter 3

She took a deep breath and followed her future mother-in-law out the door. Elaine had changed into a dark red velvet dress that hugged her shapely body, and when they came upon the current Chieftain, she could see how the two fit each other so perfectly and how much love there was between them. She could only hope she would find the same in her own marriage. 

The great hall was aglow with candles and a roaring fire. Greenery was decked with berries and trimmed the mantel, tables, and dais. 

Tables were laden with pitchers of ale and wine, and platters of sweetbreads and fruits, succulent meats, stews, and pies would soon join them. And clansmen dominated the room, so many there were not enough seats for everyone. 

Her glance finally settled on Arthur, and he smiled and walked toward her. He was so very handsome and wore his plaid of dark green and black with honor. His hair shined as if recently washed, and the sleeves of his dark green linen shirt were rolled up to his elbows, exposing the lean muscles of his forearms.

He reached his hand out to her, and she took it with some hesitation. She had to get used to holding hands and being kissed now and refused to even think about the intimacy she would share with him.

"I'm a lucky man," Arthur said, squeezing her hand and smiling. 

"I said the same myself to her this morning," Elaine said with a pat to their joined hands.

"Vevina is the lucky one," Robert Blair said joining them. 

Vevina stepped closer to Arthur, away from her stepfather, and was grateful when Arthur slipped his arm around her waist. Robert might have cleaned himself up, even washing his shoulder-length gray hair and garbing himself in the Sinclare plaid, but he would always be a nasty and mean man.

"And it's a grateful and obedient wife she will be to you, Arthur," he said. "I can guarantee that. I raised her right myself."

"I have no doubt you did, Robert," Arthur said. "But shortly she will be my wife and she will concern you no more."

"Yes, well...but..."

"Time to start the ceremony," Scott Sinclare interrupted, and they followed him to the front of the dais.

Vevina could feel her stepfather's angry eyes digging into her back. She knew he thought this marriage would lighten his lot in life. And while a goodly amount had been settled on him, she was aware he expected more. He expected to reap the rewards of his daughter's match and somehow gain influence and power. 

Lancer joined them, giving Vevina an exuberant kiss. "You come to me, little sister if he..." he jabbed Arthur in the chest, "...give you any trouble."

Vevina nodded with a smile. She didn't know Lancer well. He was always off somewhere and it usually involved women. She had to admit, there was something about his dark eyes that immediately drew a woman's attention and interest. Even she found herself drawn in, which was why she avoided eye contact with him as much as she could. 

"Find your own bride," Arthur said laughingly. "Wait a minute, you don't want a wife, or is it that no one will have you?"

It took getting used to the way the brothers teased each other, but she was learning, and smiled now, along with the others, at the good-natured teasing.

"Too many want me," Lancer said with a wolfie grin and stepped aside for the pair. 

Everyone took their positions and the solemn cleric stepped forward and began the ceremony. It went faster than Veniva expected, or perhaps she was anxious about becoming Arthur's wife. She only knew that her stomach turned over repeatedly, and she doubted she would be eating a morsel of the delicious feast tonight. 

She held her breath and waited for the final words announcing that they were officially wed, and when they were spoken, she was about to let out a gentle sigh when a large crash resonated throughout the hall, causing everyone to turn with a start. Everyone turned their heads in the same direction. Everything came to a sudden halt. 

The door had swung open, a sharp wind ripping it out of the hand of a tall stranger who entered with a mass of swirling autumn debris. The stranger's identity was impossible to determine since he wore a long black cloak a hood concealed his face. 

The stranger paused while relentless wind extinguished several candles and two of the warriors rushed over and fought the door shut. 

No one moved. No one spoke. It was almost as if everyone feared the hooded stranger since his identity was concealed from all onlookers. 

Scott Sinclare, the current Chieftain of the clan, stepped forward, flanked by his two brave sons. "You have business here, stranger? Are you invited?"

The hood-covered head nodded, and he walked slowly toward the Chieftan. More warrior guards surrounded him like ants. 

Vevina was lost for words as she had no idea what was going on. She stood alone on the dais with the cleric who had stopped his ritual. The maids of honors began to whisper to one another with great curious anxiety. Elaine came to Vevina's side and reached for her hand as if to comfort her, but her face marred with a deep frown, waiting to see what might unfold.

Arthur and Lancer were quick to place their hands on the hilts of the swords that hung at their sides. But Scott never made a move for his own sword. He stood tall and proud and without fear. 

Vevina held her breath. Something was wrong, very wrong. She could feel it as she had the day her mother died. She had known running home from the moor that day that her life was about to change forever. 

The stranger threw his hood back just before stepping forward. It was not a man at all. The crowd gasped in awe at the scene. 

"I finally made it home, Father."