Chapter 4

Vevina stepped back away from the chaos. Scott Sinclare immediately embraced his daughter, Astrid, though not for long since his wife Elaine pushed through to reach her only daughter and hug her as only a loving mother could.

The brothers shared less emotional embraces, and Vevina noticed that they all smiled except for Astrid. Her expression remained stoic as if she was unmoved or unsure of those around her. But then, it had been almost a year since her disappearance, and surely things had changed for her. 

Her appearance certainly had. She remembered her lean, but no longer. She was no more fit with her breasts perked beneath a linen shirt. She wore deer-hide leggings and fur-trimmed boots. Her reddish-blonde hair fell past her shoulder blades and looked in need of a good washing, as did her dirt-strained face, though the grime could not hide the stunning features of her maiden beauty. 

Her eyes caught Astrid's for a second and she shivered and quickly turned her head. She wasn't sure what she had seen in the dark depths, and she didn't want to know. 

"Has Rohan returned?" Astrid asked. 

Scott placed a consoling hand on his daughter's shoulder. "We've had no success in finding him."

Astrid shook her head slowly. "We were separated once captured. I escaped shortly after - but Rohan...he - "

Her father squeezed her shoulder again. "We'll discuss it later. It must have been a difficult journey home for you, and you are in need of rest and nourishment."

"Of which we have plenty," Lancer teased, stretching his arms out at the laden tables.

Vevina had a feeling Scott spoke of far different nourishment. She could see the ache of concern for his daughter in the older man's narrowed eyes.

"What do you celebrate?" Astrid asked innocently. 

"My wedding," Arthur boasted. 

"Not so," someone shouted, and Vevina's flesh prickled when her stepfather stepped forward to approach Scott Sinclare.

The feeling of dread caught Vevina strong and hard this time, twisting her stomach until she wanted to cry for her stepfather to stop. Whatever Robert was about to say did not bode well for her at all.

"We have a problem here," Robert said, his arms crossed firmly over his chest as he spoke directly to Scott. "Our agreement and the signed and the seal-affixed documents state that my daughter was to wed the next Chieftain of the Clan Sinclare, who at the time was believed to be Arthur. With Astrid's return, it means she will be the next Chieftain of your clan."

"And what about it, Robert?" Scott said with a confused look on his face. Robert bore the expression of a determined mad man. He was unsatisfied and was not have it anymore.

"Are you planning to give your leadership to Arthur?" Robert asked. "I'm afraid you have a change of heart now that your more capable, more intelligent child has returned."

Arthur's face turned dark at the hurtful comment. Scott looked stunned. He gave a quick glance around the great hall as people were staring at their exchanges. 

"This is a family matter and decision," he said. "We can talk about it some other time."

"But I have the right to know because my daughter is meant to wed the leader of the Sinclares, don't I?" Robert insisted. "And I need to know it now before I let the wedding continue."

Scott's face wavered with hesitation. He looked at his wife and his children, who were as surprised as him. Then a moment later, he signed and turned to Robert again.

"Yes, I have already vowed with my blood that I would give the eldest child regardless of their gender to be the head of my clansmen. It was done without thoughts of unforeseen complications back then. Rohan was meant to be the Chieftain, but he was gone."

"So Astrid is the next Chieftain," Robert added. "I believe this wedding is a symbol of our union and must follow the written laws and agreement. I won't have my daughter wed to the second best."

"How dare you, Robert Blair?" Lancer said in anger. "Are you out of your goddamn mind?"

"I don't care if Astrid is a woman," Robert scoffed. "I only care that Vevina is married to a Chieftain. That is all that matters. Our agreement is binding and I will see you held to it, Scott Sinclare."

The hall remained quiet, except for the whispers that began to sound like buzzing bees. All waited to see how their leader would settle the dispute. 

Robert's face remained stern with almost insane conviction. He truly had no care what other people think or say. Power and wealth were all he focused on.

After a long silent moment, Scott turned to the others.

"Let the feast begin while this matter is discussed in private," he announced, and then walked away, a signal for his family and Robert to follow.

Vevina hurried along with them, after all, this was her future they would discuss. 

"You wait here," Robert's bark had her jumping back, and she bumped against the soft chest of someone.

Her eyes widened when she glanced over her shoulder to see that she leaned against Astrid. She stumbled over her own feet to get away from her. Or was she trying to get away from the possibility of her becoming her - betrothed? How could any of this possible? Astrid was quick to grab her arm and help secure her footing. 

"She comes with us," Astrid said, giving no further explanation and dragging Vevina along with her. No one dared say anything. She wasn't surprised that her stepfather didn't object. The look in Astrid's golden eyes challenged anyone to defy her. In fact, it appeared that she'd welcome the defiance, and pity the fool who obliged her. 

And that was when Vevina understood what kind of power this woman held despite having been there for only a while ago. She had not just her mother's beauty but also strength and something more.