Chapter 12

She stood there staring after the closed door. For a brief moment she had gotten a glimpse, she believed she had never seen of the woman Astrid Sinclare was before, and she liked what she had seen. Astrid seemed kind and appreciative. Could she dare hope to possibly have such a partner? Perhaps the patience Eliane advised her of would actually work given time, and she had more than enough time. 

She was Astrid's wife by default, of course, but that didn't mean she had to be a wife by choice, yet still, Vevina felt that she had to get to know more about the woman she would spend the rest of her life with until death parted them. Because that was what the agreement was. 

She sighed and shook her head. She wasn't officially her wife, since their marriage had yet to be acknowledged by the usual social norm, but it was still a marriage. She wondered if others knew, they had yet to be consummated. Could they tell? Did they wonder what two women would do in the bedroom? And if tongues began wagging would her stepfather cared? All he cared about was the agreement and nothing else mattered. 

A shiver ran through her. While at first, she had preferred that her wife keep her distance, now she wished she would seal their vows properly by behaving like a spouse, so she need not worry about the consequence of dealing with her stepfather. 

She wished she had the courage to discuss the matter with Astrid, but knew she didn't. She could never bring herself to approach the intimidating future Chieftain. Astrid would probably laugh at her, remind her that she'd never wanted her as a wife. That she belonged to her twin brother instead.

Tears welled in her eyes, but she didn't cry, she rarely cried. She had learned a long time ago that tears never helped, and usually made matter worse. The last time she'd cried was when her mother died, and afterward, she never cried again, not even when her stepfather beat her or lashed out at her with hurtful words. and she would not cry now. 

Her only option was to make the most of her circumstances. Somehow she would need to learn to get along with her wife. They had been wed for no more than a day, and if she asked herself what she'd learned about Astrid in that brief time, she would say perhaps that Astrid kept her distance from people, not only her wife but her family as well. 

Was she a person who preferred solitude too?

That certainly would be an asset, since she enjoyed the same herself. A gentle knock at the door had her opening it without fear it would be her stepfather. He would never knock so gently. She was surprised to see Arthur for the first time since the wedding night. Arthur entered the room with a concerned smile. 

"Is everything all right?"

Vevina responded with her own question after shutting the door. "Why do you ask?"

"It is only your second night with the Sinclares and a wife to my sister, and she is in the hall drinking alone at a late hour and you are here alone in the bedchamber."

Vevina shook her head slowly as if any answer wouldn't be the correct one. "Astrid does as she wishes."

"True enough, but her eyes tell me a different story. Something disturbs her, something she refuses to speak of to anyone even to me." Arthur took Vevina's hand. "My sister is a good person."

Vevina slipped her hand free of Arthur's grasp. "Good, bad, or different, she remains my wife, and I hope you don't come into our bedchamber least people might suspect something."

"What do you mean?"

"Arthur," Vevina said. "I was so glad when I knew that I was going to marry a nice honest man like you, but things have changed now, and I don't want to complicate anything even more. My stepfather wouldn't be happy if he knew about it."

"You're saying it like you don't have a choice," Arthur said. "You know that you can decide what you want for yourself. You can be my sister's wife for the sake of the agreement but to me, you're mine first."

Vevina was shocked to hear that. She didn't expect those words to come out of Arthur's mouth at this time. It was truly the wrong time and the wrong place. She felt her heart flutter with mixed emotions. She knew what Arthur said was true, that she did have a choice she could make for herself. 

And whatever she would choose, she was not wrong in everyone's eyes. Arthur might not be her husband by laws but he could be hers in a different way, even romantically. Why would her mind so fixated on Astrid instead of him? Astrid didn't even want her in the first place anyway, and most importantly, she couldn't provide the family she wanted. It was merely a show for others to see and for her stepfather to be satisfied. 

As she was thinking all those thoughts. Arthur leaned over and pecked her on the cheek. 

"I'm going now, but I hope to see you again soon," he said. "Please take care."

And with that said, he left the bedchamber. 


By week's end, Vevina didn't know what to do. Astrid completely ignored her, continuing to sleep in front of the hearth on the floor, wake before she did. Then she would disappear, on foot or on a horse, for half the day, only to return and continue to keep her distance from her wife.

She'd heard Arthur and Lancer mumble about how much their sister had changed. Meanwhile, Elaine scolded both sons, insisting that Astrid needed time and Scott urged them to give Astrid the respect and space. 

Everyone seemed willing enough to oblige the clan chieftain, after all, he was still their leader and had earned the trust and respect of the clan time and time again. So between Elain and Scott Sinclare, Vevina felt compelled to do as requested and be a good wife. 

She still hadn't been able to wake before Astrid in the mornings, but she did make certain to see that her favorite foods were readily available, and she worked diligently on stitching new shirts for her. And always, she kept herself well-groomed, and freshly scented in hopes that Astrid would find attractive and wouldn't ignore her so desperately. 

So far nothing had changed, but she intended to keep trying, especially since she knew her stepfather was keeping a watchful eye on her. It weighed heavily on her mind that he would find out how poorly she had tried to keep Astrid's interest. 

Now, Vevina entered the hall to raised voices and chilling commands. A nearby clan under the Sinclare protection was being attacked by a horde of barbarians. Warriors were already gathering for battle. Astrid wanted to lead them, and her father thought otherwise. 

"Arthur will lead the warriors," Scott said, nearly shouting to be heard over the tumult. "Lancer will join him. You are to remain at the keep."

"I am the eldest. It is my duty," Astrid argued. 

"You have only returned," Scott said. "

"What does that matter? Do you fear me incapable of leading the men?" Astrid accused harshly. "Or do you think perhaps that my loyalty now lies elsewhere?"

Scott pounded the table. "How dare you speak to me like that!"

"Then prove me false, father, let me lead the men," Astrid challenged. 

"Let Astrid lead, father," Arthur said, stepping forward. "She is a much braver and smarter warrior than I."

Astrid appeared surprised by her brother's confidence, or was that doubt Vevina saw register on her wife's face? Could she think her brother issued a challenge of her own?"