Chapter 13

"Go," Scott commanded. "And make certain that you all return home safe."

Vevina saw the way her wife clenched her hands in tight fists at her sides, and when she turned and spotted her, she strode toward her. Her strength trembling the rushes on the floor. She wanted to cringe, bracing herself for a strike, and shut her eyes tightly against the vision of her descending down upon her. But somehow she found the strength to stand as she was, straight and tall, though not without a tremble. 

She halted abruptly barely inches from her face. "Don't dare leave the keep today."

Vevina hadn't walked the moor in days and was aching for the peace it brought her, and that ache gave her the courage to say, "I intended to walk the moor..."

"No!" Astrid shouted and grasped her arms, her fingers digging into her flesh. "I forbid you to leave the keep until I return."

"She'll do as told."

Arthur's voice caused her to tremble to turn to a rippling shiver. 

"See that she does," Astrid said, shoving her wife toward her younger brother. "I hold you responsible for her protection."

Vevina would have laughed if she didn't find it so pitiful, her wife leaving her protection in the hands of another man. Regardless of how the said man was her almost-husband not long ago. 

"I've always wanted to protect her," Arthur said and reached out to her. Vevina instinctively backed away, her hand searching behind her for her wife, but Astrid was already gone. A chill wind blew in from the door he left open behind her. 

Arthur whispered softly in her ear. "You'll be treated well by me, just do as you're told."


There was no need for her to caution her since he demonstrated by grabbing her wrist, and while to all who saw, it may have looked like a comforting gesture, Arthur's grip was firm around her flesh, making her following him. 

"I have chores to tend to," she tried to speak, keeping her voice from trembling.

"Then tend to them," Arthur said, releasing her again at last. Vevina wanted to get as far away from him as possible and fled the hall. 

She had often fled to the moor against her stepfather's wishes, and he'd never learned of her disobedience. It had taken practice in slipping past him. Her secret excursions helped keep her sand and allowed her a modicum of independence, something she had longed for yet knew all too well was far out of reach. 

She had promised herself that once she was wed, she would continue to keep her secret excursions. It kept a spark of courage alive in her and allowed her to hope.

Vevinva needed to get to the stables. She'd hidden a few garments there, a shawl, a cloak, so she could retrieve them without anyone knowing and be on her way for the day. Unfortunately, the warriors nearly surrounded the stable area at the moment, so she would need to be extremely careful and remain hidden until the time was right. 

Vevina snuck out, though she needn't had since everyone's attention was focused on the warriors, making sure they were prepared for battle. She hid in the shadows of the trees, the gray overcast sky making the shadows darker and concealment easier. She watched her wife mount her stallion. Astrid was a true warrior in every way. Her claymore was strapped to her back, a dirk tucked in a sheath at her waist, a battle-axe hanging from her saddle. 

Her long reddish hair was thickly braided at the sides to keep it out of her face, a face stern and uncompromising, ready to battle to the death if necessary, and the thought chilled her.

Her warrior wife obviously feared nothing, while she seemed to fear everything. How would she ever be the wife Astrid expected?

The warriors were far down the road when she came out of hiding and hurried into the stable to retrieve her cloak to guard against the chill autumn air. A shadow descended over her just as she was about to turn and leave, and she hoped the sky hadn't grown darker or the rain started. 

She turned and froze with a gasp. 

Astrid stood a short distance away, feet apart, hands braced on hips as she glared at her with a fire in her golden eyes. 

"What do you think you're doing?"

Vevina was too stunned to answer, though she voiced her thought aloud. "You rode off with your men."

She approached her with a laugh. "You underestimate my skill, wife."

She shook her head as she slowly asked, "How?"

Astrid stopped in front of her, leaned her face down to rub her cheeks against hers, and inhaled deeply. 

"Your scent is undeniable."

She would have melted against her if Astrid's lips hadn't grazed hers before she whispered. "Disobey me again and you'll be sorry."

Vevina stumbled back, her arm instinctively shooting up to shield herself. 

Astrid grabbed it just above her elbow, though with surprising gentleness, tenderly ran her hand down to her reddened wrist and cupped it kindly in her hand. "What happened?"

She stumbled over an explanation. Did she confide the truth to her wife? Would she believe her? Did she dare take the chance or would she defend her brother's action? With no answer to satisfy her doubts and fears, she lied. "A kitchen mishap."

Astrid seemed satisfied, though hesitated in releasing her. "I remind you again to stay in the keep."


Her biting laugh had her wishing she had held her tongue. "You question me?"

"No, my lady..."


She jumped at her sharpness. "Astrid, I'm sorry, no, I do not question you, but I enjoy walking the moor and had hoped..."

"Not today," she interrupted and surprised her when she explained. "The barbarian tribe that strikes our friends to the south could have other bands roaming the land. I will not take the chance of your being captured. You will remain in the keep until my return, you hear me?'

"I understand." And she did. It was Astrid's duty to look out for the clan. 

"And you will do as I ask?" she said, not demanded, and her consideration surprised her again. 

"Yes, Astrid, I will do as you ask."

"Good," Astrid said. "Then I will not worry over you."