Chapter 23

"Know that an enemy will use whatever means they can against you," Astrid said. 

"You refer to my care over the pup?"

"Correct. Once I saw how you cared, it was easy to use him to get to you," Astrid said, her golden eyes intent on Vevina's, which wasn't good since the strange color always stirred her senses.

"How do I free myself from the hold you had on me?"

Astrid's had a good hold of her. Vevina had been so firm against her that she could feel her every breath, sense her fear, smell her womanly sweat, which instantly intoxicated Astrid. It was all too familiar to her now, and all too appealing. That was why Astrid's released her abruptly, she couldn't chance to keep Vevina that close, so near that she almost taste or want to taste her. 

"Does your silence tell me that the question challenges you?" Vevina teased with a smile, and Astrid liked it. It showed Vevina had courage.

Astrid grinned. "It is you who are challenged. How do you think you could extract yourself if a man is larger, stronger than you. How do you escape his binding hold then?"

Vevina paced the stall for a moment then stopped. 

"Can we resume the positions of my capture?"

"Certainly," Astrid said, and within seconds she was once again flat up against Astrid, her arm not as tight to her neck or her waist, which Astrid told herself was for her own good, not Vevina's comfort. 

Vevina began to take deep breaths as if she struggled to breathe, her body heaving against Astrid, her bottom flush to her private area and digging in with each heavy breath. She tried yanking at Astrid's arm, squirming, kicking, and with each thrust, Astrid felt herself grow hot until finally...

In a second, Astrid had Vevina on her back on the hay-strewn ground, her on top of Vevina. Her eyes bulged in shock and her chest heaved as Astrid remained spread over her, her wrists clamped tight in one hand.

"Now I'll show you the result of your inept attempt to escape from such a cruel man."

Her hand shot down to pull her skirt up while her fingers crawled along the soft flesh between her legs, but with much difficulty, Astrid stopped herself from going any further.

"See what would be done to you," Astrid said through labored breaths.

Her breasts heaved against Vevina, her cheeks flushed red, her breath turned rapid, and her golden eyes flashed.

"Not the way to escape," Astrid said through gritted teeth, fighting her own passion, her need to take Vevina there and then. She was her wife, she had every right, but no right to frighten her.

Vevina nodded, her breathing labored, her fear palpable.

Astrid groaned without realizing it and rested her forehead to hers. 

"I will kill anyone who dares lay a hand on you," she said. "You belong only to me."


Vevina sat in the sewing room staring at the flames dancing wildly in the hearth, her arms wrapped around her, fighting a persistent chill. She didn't recall her walk from the stable to the keep, her mind too busy with thoughts of what had just happened between Astrid and her.

She had been shocked at how fast she found herself on the ground and Astrid on top of her. And if that hadn't stunned her enough, there was the way Astrid had intimately touched her, but worse than that, the way she'd felt about it.

Another shiver claimed her, though she knew it was not from being cold, but from her surprising response to her wife's touch and the knowledge that she knew Astrid would not hurt her or force her. She had known as much before she even met her, for the villagers had often spoken of her courage with respect. Astrid had proven that with her determination to find her brother Rohan, and in the many ways she'd protected Vevina. 

She even followed her into the forest so many believed was haunted by dark magic. Vevina thought it brave of her to come to her rescue, while the village gossiped over her odd behavior since her return and that she could emerge from the strange forest unaffected. 

Then there was the kiss that she could not forget. Vevina ran gentle fingers over her moist lips recalling the taste of her wife. It had made her tingle inside and out and she hadn't wanted Astrid to stop. She enjoyed it more than she ever imagined possible. Her hand drifted away, returning to hug herself against the continued cold.

Vevina not only enjoyed Astrid's kiss but now found pleasure in her touch. The thought alarmed and thrilled her and left her completely confused. 

And her claim, You belong only to me and I will kill anyone who dares lay a hand on you, fed a need in her. Finally, she belonged to someone who cared enough to protect her. She had not felt similar comfort since her mother died. She'd struggled alone to survive the brutality of her father, and that would no longer be necessary. She had a strong brave wife to protect her and a family who seemed to care for her, even if it was out of duty. 

This marriage was proving beneficial in so many different ways. She never thought she would be grateful to her stepfather for arranging it, but if viewing the situation with prudence, she realized her marriage was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

There was just the matter of getting Astrid to see the wisdom of their union and, of course, of sealing their marriage vows. 

The door creaked opened and Vevina turned to see the pudgy black pup nosing his way around inside the peek. Spotting her, her charged as fast as his little legs would carry him.

Vevina plopped cross-legged on the floor and the pup jumped, though actually tripped over her folded garment to stretch his paws up on her chest and lick at her chin, his tail wagging wildly.

"How did you ever..."

"The little fellow seems miserable without you, so I thought I'd bring him for a visit."

Vevina was surprised to see Astrid at the open door, her arms crossed over her chest, leaning against the door frame. 

"After all, he does belong to you now."

Vevina's face lit with delight. "Truly? You do not mind?"

"I like the thought of someone else besides me protecting you, and someone I can trust unconditionally."

"You will help me train him," she said, rather than asked, and watched the pup make a beeline for the basket of garments in need of stitching, jumping in, only to knock the basket and himself over.

Astrid walked into the room and scooped the pup from amid the strewn garments. "I think he'll need many lessons as will you."

Vevina smiled at the way the pup seemed to take Astrid. He didn't appear as frightened as before, and Astrid even seemed different toward the animal, more friendly and loving.

"Well, I know," she said bravely. "I did not fair well with the first lesson. 

 Astrid dumped the pup gently in Vevina's lap and lowered herself beside her on the floor, her knee raised and her arm braced over it. Vevina breath near caught, for the firelight captured the angles and lines of her gorgeous face perfectly.

"What matters is that you tried," Astrid insisted. 

"I also learned a valuable lesson," she said softly, favoring the deep richness of her eyes. There was no only strength in the dark depths, but integrity, and dare she acknowledges a spark of passion?

"What lesson is that?"

"Think before I leap," she said with a smile.

"A wise tactic for any warrior."

"Arthur thinks me a warrior, too," she said, petting the pup, who had curled up contentedly in the hollow of her lap

"Arthur is perspective, especially when it comes to observing people."

"He observes everyone," Astrid said with a shrug and rolled her eyes.

"I think the women favor him more than Lancer because one chases after them all while the other chases none," Vevina said. "He is very handsome."

"You think my brother handsome?" Astrid's asked tartly. 

The sting of her accusation surprised Vevina. "I voice what everyone believes and is obvious."

Astrid grinned, though she believed grudgingly. "You are right. I suppose I am jealous."

It startled Vevina, and she was quick to ask. "Whatever for?"

"You think my twin handsome. What of me?"

"I don't think you're handsome like your brother," Vevina said, causing Astrid's smirk to softly drop and lowered her glance, but then Vevina went on, "You're gorgeous, Astrid."