Chapter 24

Astrid smiled softly and lowered her glance. "Truly?"

"Yes, I like the look of you," Vevina said. "There is much your features tell me."

Astrid's fingers drifted off her. "What do my features tell you?"

Vevina bravely scooted closer to her and reached out to tenderly trace the fine lines at the corner of her eyes. "These faint lines tell me of the wisdom you put into your thoughts and decisions." Her finger traveled ever so lightly to Astrid's chin. "Your chin juts just enough to let me know you can be stubborn."

Astrid's eyes danced with merriment though she said nothing. Vevina's finger casually traced her lips. "The faint fine lines circling your mouth tell me that you have not spoken often in anger, but rather hold tight to your words and give a thought before you speak." She returned to her eyes, her finger caressing each one. "The color of your eyes brightens and darkens with your moods" She lowered her voice to whisper. "And with your passion." She quickly ran her finger to Astrid's scar and with a feather-light touch traced the length of it. "This scar speaks of your strength and courage." She wanted to cringe, imagining the pain Astrid must have suffered, but she would not ask, not remind her of such a horrifying experience. Vevina's finger hurried to run down along Astrid's nose. "And this?" She tapped the tip. "Tells me nothing."

Vevina laughed as she moved away from Astrid, though her heartbeat wildly in her chest and rippling head replaced shivering chill. Lord, but she wanted to kiss Astrid, taste her once again, though she hadn't when she first started touching her. Vevina's simply intended to answer her question. She had not thought her innocent demonstration would spark such passion in her.

Had it in Astrid?

The thought spread her smile and she took a good look at her wife. Astrid sat stock still, not moving an inch, simply staring at her, though her chest looked to heave a bit more heavily unless her eyes played tricks. Or it was wishful thinking?

"Have I answered you satisfactorily?" Vevina asked, breaking the awkward silence.

Astrid nodded, and Vevina thought she didn't intend to speak, but she did. "You examine me with more thought than I imagined."

"How else will I learn about my wife?"

"You wish to know more of me?" Astrid asked.

"Why wouldn't I? You are my wife. We will share much together through the years. I would prefer to be friends rather than foes."

"You expect the same from me?"

Vevina was relieved that Astrid asked inquisitively, not accusingly, as if she had no right to expect that of her.

"I hoped..."Vevina paused, wondering if it was right of her to express her hopes or whether she should simply accept the way things were. After all her marriage had been arranged. It was not genuine. She was expected to be a good wife and do her duty, but that didn't mean she and Astrid couldn't be friends. "I hoped you would want the same."

Astrid appeared to weigh her words, almost wonder over them, as if she hadn't given their marriage the same thought and the idea required savoring.

Vevina focused on the pup. They had befriended each other so easily, but then, there was no expectation between them, simply friendship.

"We are married," Astrid said as if that clarified it.

"That does not make us friends. You had not wised to wed me." Vevina looked into her eyes.

"But now you are my wife."

"So you have no choice but to be my friend?" Vevina asked.

"We have no choice but to be woman and wife."

"But we have a choice to be friends." If nothing else, that choice could be beginning for them both, a beginning of a good friendship, and if nothing else, at least they would have that between them.

"This is important to you?"

What chance did they have if Astrid couldn't even bring herself to be her friend? She could understand her reluctance and even her temper, returning home to find herself wed to a woman, not of her choosing. And while she had no choice but to accept what had been done, she had a choice of how to live with it, with her.

"Is it not important to you?" Vevina asked.

"As I said, we are wed and will remain so. What does friendship matter now?"

Vevina thought to debate the issue with her, but what good would it do if she had no interest in being friends? It was enough to Astrid that she was her wife, that status alone apparently covered it all.

Why did she bother to look for more from her?

Astrid would provide for her and protect her because it was her duty too. The friendship she would need to find elsewhere.

Vevina lifted and cradled the sleeping puppy to her breast. "He will be my friend, then."

Astrid scowled to a stand. "I should return the dog to his mother so he can feed."

"I will take him myself."

"No," Astrid snapped. "Do your stitching, I will see to the pup."

"I would prefer to take him myself still," Vevina said, moving out of reach of her helping hand as she struggled to stand with the pup.

Astrid stepped forward, grabbed her around the waist, and pulled her up. She stumbled against her and she held her firm, even disturbing the sleeping pup.

"The weather has turned cold..."

"A little cold will not kill me," Vevina said, and moved away from Astrid.

Why she debated the point with her, she couldn't say. She should simply let Astrid take the pup to his mother to feed, and yet she argued, wanting to tend to the task herself. Or was it that she wanted to do as she pleased, not as she was told anymore? Or was it that she was disappointed in Astrid's response and did so out of spite?

"Need I order you to remain here?" Astrid asked sternly, golden eyes glared at those violet ones.

The pup woke and yawned, his tail wagging as soon as he looked at Vevina.

"The pup is my responsibility," Vevina insisted more firmly than intended.

"Not if I say otherwise."

"You go back on your word then?" Vevina challenged her chin up, along with her temper.

Astrid appeared so affronted by her accusation that Vevina was surprised she hadn't stumbled from the blow.

"I do not renege on my word."

"Good, then I will see to my puppy myself."

"He is your pup but I will..."

"Leave his care to me," Vevina finished and headed for the door.


Vevina obeyed, though she swerved around to face Astrid with a stern posture and sharp words. "Tell me, wife, do you wish me to be protected?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course, I do."

"Then don't you trust me to learn to care for myself? After all, you truly do not know me and we are not friends."

Vevina walked out the door, stopped, and returned to stand in the doorway, Astrid looking stunned.

"By the way, the pup's name is Marley. He is my best friend, and I will love him so."

She left, tears brimming in her eyes, hugging Marley to her chest as he licked wildly at her chin.

"I will love you, always and always, Marley, have no doubt, and I will protect you, for you are my only friend."