Chapter 25

Astrid played with Marley in the stable while waiting for her wife. The pup was rambunctious, not afraid but determined. He would serve Vevina well. Astrid shook her head, still confused by what had transpired yesterday in the sewing room. She had seen a side of Vevina that she had never revealed to her, and while her defiance stunned her, she'd also admired it and even secretly enjoyed it. Beneath the mousy exterior Vevina presented to everyone lurked the makings of a courageous woman.

It had even surprised Astrid when she suggested they become friends. She all but admitted she wanted more from their marriage than just an arrangement. However, she worried whether she could give Vevina what she wanted. A friend was always there for you, always reached out to help, to protect, and she had failed to do that with Rohan, her own brother. 

How could she befriend her wife and then fail her too? The disturbing thought nagged at her as badly as the memories of Rohan's capture. 

"I brought food for us to enjoy after our lesson is finished," Vevina said, placing the basket high enough away from a sniffing, tail wagging pup and the other pups that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, chasing the scrumptious scent. 

Astrid forced a smile aside. She would not have her seeing how pleased she was with Vevina's thoughtful action and her lovely appearance. Vevina wore a simple brown skirt and tan blouse, her cloak discarded along with the basket. Her long shiny black hair fell straight over her shoulders like a silky mantle frame her features. Vevina was a beauty, though not in the classic sense, since she was distinct, set apart from others, which made her beauty all the more potent. 

She eagerly plopped on the hay-strewn ground to greet Marley, and the pup went wild. It was obvious that they had formed an attachment, and Astrid was hit with a twinge of envy. She silently admonished her foolishness and reached down to yank Vevina to her feet.

The pup protested with a cry, and Vevina scooped him up to comfort him with a hug and a kiss. "I will play with you when we are done, and I have a special treat for you and the other pups." She returned Marly to the ground, patted his rump, and gave him a little shove toward the pups in play.

"You will spoil him," Astrid snapped. To her surprise, Vevina simply laughed and nodded. 

"Yes, I will spoil him, but then I love him and have the right to spoil him as I wish."

Damn, if her words didn't twist like a knife in Astrid's gut. She would rain love all over the animals with touches, kisses, and special treatment, and the pup would blossom and grow even more protective of her. But then wouldn't she do the same for a partner she loved?

Another twist to the gut for Astrid. 

"What is my lesson today?"

Astrid realized her lesson for the day, and it was a hard one to swallow, though a simple one to follow. Love your wife and she will love you back.

She shook the thought from her head. 

"Not sure?" Vevina asked with a smile that struck like a well-aimed arrow. 

"Extracting yourself from a binding hold."

"You mean a hold like you had me in yesterday?" she asked, her violet eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can actually break free from such a bind?"

"With courage and determination you can."

"You mean I can't be afraid to take the chance."

Astrid nodded. "Hesitation can cost dearly."

"I would claim I would not hesitate..."Vevina shook her head. "But I cannot for circumstances may be the deciding factor."

Astrid stared at her as if she'd startled a realization in her and made her wonder if that was what happened to Rohan. Had her love for her brother caused her to react differently? 

"You must know that yourself from all the battles you have fought," Vevina said. "No battle, no decision, is ever truly the same."

"You would make a wise warrior."

"Really?" Vevina said. Perhaps, she had been fighting a different kind of battle and making a different kind of decisions all her life.

"Let's continue to shape you into a warrior." Astrid reached out her hand.

She brushed her hand away. "No, you must grab me as you did before, so I feel that rush of fright and work through it, knowing it will try to interfere and I must not let it."

There she went, surprising Astrid again, and she reached out with a ferocious growl that had the pups running for cover. Astrid snatched and spun her wife around in her arms until her back was firmly planted against her.

"I can feel you tremble," Astrid whispered in her ear. 

"You frightened me as I requested."

"That fright is what will immobilize you, and your captor's most likely filthy breath against your face will add to your fear."

"Your breath is pleasant," Vevina said softly. "It won't work."

"Think of it otherwise," Astrid challenged, doing the same since her breath was sweet and her moist lips inviting. 

Astrid almost laughed as Vevina scrunched her nose as if hit by a putrid odor. 

"What do I do to get away?" she asked anxiously. 

"First try to remain out of arm's reach of any attacker. Second, if he or she grabs you, try to yank yourself free. Give a hard tug, for it will surprise them and give you time to escape, or at least put distance between you and them. If you find yourself in a position you are in now, your first attempt must be to break free and immobilize the foe."

Vevina nodded, letting Astrid know she understood. 

"You bring your heel down on his foot as hard as possible not merely his toes, but up high. At the same time, jab your elbow into his gut, which should set you free or loose enough to swerve around and slam him in the nose with the heel of your hand. You must do this quickly without thought, just motion and then run. Do not wait around to see the results of your assault. Victory can only be yours if you escape."

"I can do this," Vevina assured.

"Show me then."

Vevina turned her head, her lips grazing Astrid's cheek. "But I will have to hurt you."

Vevina already had, and much more than if she had sent her elbow to Astrid's stomach. She had sparked her passion, and damn if Astrid could contain it. "I'm a warrior trained since I was a toddler. I will prevent each strike. I just wish to see the force with which you deliver them."

"Promise you will not let me hurt you?"

Astrid didn't want to offend her by telling her she'd have her on her back as fast as she had yesterday. That would have defeated the purpose of the lesson. She appeased her, and her sincere concern for her simply fueled Astrid's passion. "I promise."

Vevina smiled and kissed Astrid's cheek before turning her face away from her wife. "Good, then I can be determined."

Astrid barely had time to yank her food away from her sharp attack, her cheek tingling and sending heat out to the rest of her body. Astrid moved just in time to avoid her elbow and jolted her head back, quickly raising her hand to suffer the blow of her swing. Vevina stepped away from Astrid with a huge smile. 

"How did I do?"

Astrid grabbed her around the waist and dragged her up against her body, her lips near touching hers. 

"You didn't run."

Too late Astrid realized she didn't tremble, and by then the heel of her foot came down on hers and she released Vevina from the sheer shock of her unexpected attack. She was gone in a flash. Where? Astrid hadn't seen. 

She applauded Vevina's success while hobbling over to a bale of straw to sit. "Very good. You passed the lesson."

Vevina bowed playfully after emerging from the shadows of a nearby stall. "Thank you, Astrid."

She startled Astrid when she hurried over and plopped down in front of her to examine her foot. 

"Oh I'm sorry, but I wanted to see if I could actually do it and..." she hesitated. "...make you proud of me."

Vevina tugged the soft leather boot Astrid wore and winced at the red mark. "I hurt you. My actions were foolish."

"They were those of a worthy warrior. I am proud of you."

Vevina looked up, and they locked eyes. Then a ghost of smile formed on Astrid's crimson lips, and it took Vevina's breath away. Astrid actually could smile.